Zumo and BaseCamp Compatibility

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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2010
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Fredericton, NB
On the Motorcycle Tourer's Forum, I encountered a posting where the author mentioned that there were a number of Garmin Zumo devices that were no longer compatible with BaseCamp routing software. They referred to some postings on a Goldwing forum that were a couple of years old. I checked them out and then went to the Garmin website and found the following:

Accessing routes transferred from the computer on a zumo deviceYour zumo device is NOT compatible with routing in BaseCamp. These devices may appear to take a route without issue however, when navigating the route, an error message may appear. An alternate program to use is MapSource. First download the map to your computer (see related content), then use MapSource to create and transfer routes to your zumo. The routes must be imported before they can be accessed.

To access a transferred route, follow the instructions below:

  1. Touch Tools
  2. Touch My Data or User Data
  3. Touch Import Route(s) from File
  4. Select the routes you would like to import
  5. Touch Import
The device will now import the selected routes. The routes that were imported can be found in the "Routes" option under "Where To?".

*Note: When routes are imported to your Garmin device, the route may change due to navigation settings within your device.

I wrote to Garmin and they confirmed this:

"The following devices are NOT compatible with routing in BaseCamp:

  • zumo 400 series
  • zumo 500 and 550
  • zumo 660 and 665"

The suggestion (as above) is to use Mapsource - a program that has had no new development or support for a half dozen years or so. I have a Zumo 665 LM which, until a couple of years ago, was Garmin's flagship model for motorcycle GPS. I have used BaseCamp with my Zumo a fair amount and it has worked most of the time but with a few glitches that I attributed to something I had done wrong - maybe not so! For sure, I will NOT update my Basecamp software in case the next version is even less compatible.

I am thoroughly disgusted with Garmin's planned obsolescence! It is bad enough that they let the map files bloat to the point where they no longer fit into internal memory but to allow the primary routing software (the only one supported) to become non functional is inexcusable. For the mapware bloat, I know that one has the option of loading only some of the maps or using an external card but most people won't or can't. (They should at least enable the user to selectively load the POI part of the mapset - I don't need GPS coordinates for every ATM location in North America!) I am quite certain that the growing set of map files is a deliberate means of getting older devices with "Lifetime" Maps off the street - you get LM only as long as they remain compatible with your GPS unit.

I am not done with my email correspondence with Garmin but I am pretty sure I know how much good it will do!
Agreed that Garmin is a ****** company and seriously overcharge for their devices. Unfortunately there really is no suitable competitor product.

That said, I am a little confused with your comment about using an SD card, even the old Zumo 550 can hand up to an 8GB SD card. The price of a regular SD (you don't need the super high speed cards for the Zumo) are dirt cheap now - so why not use this workaround?

I run alternate maps, MP3 music, and many GPX route files off the SD and all works fine.

I have to admit I use Mapsource, and always have, never really liked BaseCamp...

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The price of a regular SD (you don't need the super high speed cards for the Zumo) are dirt cheap now - so why not use this workaround?
I have to admit I use Mapsource, and always have, never really liked BaseCamp...
My principal beef is with the BaseCamp thing. Yes, Garmin is a ****** company and has deliberately designed their products with a very short effective life cycle. Planned obsolescence but they get away with it because there is no effective competition - neither TomTom nor Magellan have developed products really suitable for motorcycles. Maybe my Samsung S7 will be my new routing device but decent external routing software is still a problem.

The Mapset Bloat makes things more difficult for many users but if the GPS has an external card slot there is a possible workaround. Making the POI editable prior to upload would be a preferable solution. (I don't have a problem using the external card but it is, in my opinion, an unnecessary complication and will render the unit useless for many users.)

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I have a TomTom and it gets me where I am going, is waterproof, supports Bluetooth (mediocre) . The route function works reasonably well.

Why do you say that they are not suitable? Mine has worked well for a few years now.

And, how about using Tyre. It works rather well, is free, and works with garmin.

Very interesting to read this. I've been trying to use Basecamp for the past year or two and really just haven't warmed up to it. I use a Zumo 660 and have had some issues when rallying including dropped waypoints. Perhaps this explains it as I've been assuming I botched something or blamed the Zumo. Maybe Basecamp was really the culprit?

I wish MS still supported Streets & Trips....

I have a TomTom and it gets me where I am going, is waterproof, supports Bluetooth (mediocre) . The route function works reasonably well.
Why do you say that they are not suitable? Mine has worked well for a few years now.

And, how about using Tyre. It works rather well, is free, and works with garmin.
I played with the TomTom but never really liked it. Maybe just not familiar with it? For whatever reason, it has not enjoyed the popularity of Garmin despite the lower cost. As far as Tyre is concerned, it may "work" but is much more limited. (Is Tyre limited to number of waypoints in a route? I haven't even looked at it in a number of years.) Another issue is that Tyre (and other programs) do NOT work with the Garmin Mapset so route incompatibility is more likely.

Very interesting to read this. I've been trying to use Basecamp for the past year or two and really just haven't warmed up to it. I use a Zumo 660 and have had some issues when rallying including dropped waypoints. Perhaps this explains it as I've been assuming I botched something or blamed the Zumo. Maybe Basecamp was really the culprit?
I wish MS still supported Streets & Trips....
I also used to like S&T and was disappointed when MS dropped it. I still have a copy but there are enough map differences in some locations to get you into trouble. I still use S&T from time-to-time for general route planning over longer distances but swap over to BaseCamp (or Mapsource) before uploading to the GPS.

I have a TomTom and it gets me where I am going, is waterproof, supports Bluetooth (mediocre) . The route function works reasonably well.
Why do you say that they are not suitable? Mine has worked well for a few years now.

And, how about using Tyre. It works rather well, is free, and works with garmin.
I played with the TomTom but never really liked it. Maybe just not familiar with it? For whatever reason, it has not enjoyed the popularity of Garmin despite the lower cost. As far as Tyre is concerned, it may "work" but is much more limited. (Is Tyre limited to number of waypoints in a route? I haven't even looked at it in a number of years.) Another issue is that Tyre (and other programs) do NOT work with the Garmin Mapset so route incompatibility is more likely.

Very interesting to read this. I've been trying to use Basecamp for the past year or two and really just haven't warmed up to it. I use a Zumo 660 and have had some issues when rallying including dropped waypoints. Perhaps this explains it as I've been assuming I botched something or blamed the Zumo. Maybe Basecamp was really the culprit?
I wish MS still supported Streets & Trips....
I also used to like S&T and was disappointed when MS dropped it. I still have a copy but there are enough map differences in some locations to get you into trouble. I still use S&T from time-to-time for general route planning over longer distances but swap over to BaseCamp (or Mapsource) before uploading to the GPS.
Tyre works using google maps so it is pretty current ... If you are using current garmin maps, it may be pretty darn close .. I have not tested enough to make a statement about it ... It used to be limited to 25 waypoints (long time ago) but now you can set it ... I tend to adjust the number of waypoints depending on the distance of the legs of my trip ... Im usually doing 500 mile legs or so and I use maybe 25 to 50 waypoints ... You can set the main turns and the Tyre software can auto fill in the rest of the waypoints ... Nice feature ..

I find that it works rather well as long as you take a little time to learn it ...

The Tomtom GPS I have is OKAY ... Im saying that it generally gets me where I am going although it has done a few dumb things over the years (I think a garmin would have as well though as these things are not perfect) ... So, it has been reliable, waterproof, and accurate enough ... So I consider that a win ... It is NOT perfect ... As I said, OKAY ...

My riding buddy just got a new Garmin for $800 or so ... It is bigger, looks nicer, built well and seems to serve him well although it has its own set of oddities ...

The last ride we were on, I had a small laptop and was using TYRE ... I uploaded the routes to my TOMTOM and then unplugged it and connected his garmin and uploaded the very same routes to it ... We rode together for days and both units were spot on ... He has since started using TYRE as well ...

So, this is a combo that has worked for me .... I would like the bigger and more robust Garmin and I will likely upgrade to one someday ... They are nicer (No doubt) ... But, Ill wait till this tomtom fails me first ... That $800 garmin colon cleanse just hurts to think about ...

Very interesting to read this. I've been trying to use Basecamp for the past year or two and really just haven't warmed up to it. I use a Zumo 660 and have had some issues when rallying including dropped waypoints. Perhaps this explains it as I've been assuming I botched something or blamed the Zumo. Maybe Basecamp was really the culprit?
I wish MS still supported Streets & Trips....

Tyre works using google maps so it is pretty current ... If you are using current garmin maps, it may be pretty darn close .. I have not tested enough to make a statement about it ... It used to be limited to 25 waypoints (long time ago) but now you can set it ... I tend to adjust the number of waypoints depending on the distance of the legs of my trip ... Im usually doing 500 mile legs or so and I use maybe 25 to 50 waypoints ... You can set the main turns and the Tyre software can auto fill in the rest of the waypoints ... Nice feature ..
I find that it works rather well as long as you take a little time to learn it ...

The Tomtom GPS I have is OKAY ... Im saying that it generally gets me where I am going although it has done a few dumb things over the years (I think a garmin would have as well though as these things are not perfect) ... So, it has been reliable, waterproof, and accurate enough ... So I consider that a win ... It is NOT perfect ... As I said, OKAY ...

My riding buddy just got a new Garmin for $800 or so ... It is bigger, looks nicer, built well and seems to serve him well although it has its own set of oddities ...

The last ride we were on, I had a small laptop and was using TYRE ... I uploaded the routes to my TOMTOM and then unplugged it and connected his garmin and uploaded the very same routes to it ... We rode together for days and both units were spot on ... He has since started using TYRE as well ...

So, this is a combo that has worked for me .... I would like the bigger and more robust Garmin and I will likely upgrade to one someday ... They are nicer (No doubt) ... But, Ill wait till this tomtom fails me first ... That $800 garmin colon cleanse just hurts to think about ...
Good information on Tyre. My recollection was that it had the same limitation as Google Maps in terms of number of waypoints allowed - 25 at the time I considered it. Not enough for a longer trip or even for a shorter complex route. Good to know that has changed so I might revisit this. The only other issue with Tyre is that you need an active internet connection for access to the Google maps. I might give Tyre a try if BaseCamp gives me further trouble. It is apparent that when Garmin found problems, it was easier to say the device is incompatible rather than fix the software on the Zumo or BaseCamp.

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Disappointed to read this since I just got a 665 for Christmas. I knew it was out of production yet assumed it would still be fully supported for a few years down the road. Using an app on my phone for my GPS was turning in to too much of a headache only to find out I have bought in to different headaches.

Disappointed to read this since I just got a 665 for Christmas. I knew it was out of production yet assumed it would still be fully supported for a few years down the road. Using an app on my phone for my GPS was turning in to too much of a headache only to find out I have bought in to different headaches.
The Z665 still works

Mostly works OK with BaseCamp although Garmin says its incompatible

Works OK with Mapsource (Mapsucks)

Going to give Tyre a try again although there may be issues where Google and Garmin maps differ

This is something Garmin should fix!!

Maybe some of this explains how I can get into an endless loop somewhere on a West Virginia mountain in heavy fog while leading a group of not so happy riders.

Maybe some of this explains how I can get into an endless loop somewhere on a West Virginia mountain in heavy fog while leading a group of not so happy riders.

(I have also gotten into a Garmin merry-go-round. A good one just off the Dragon on a side-excursion headed for the Cherohala.

I am currently in a discussion about Zumo incompatibility on another forum. (Garmin Customer "Care" has been worse than useless.) If I get any good technical stuff there, I'll post it here.

I have had enough "Garmin Moments" over the years to always carry a paper map....GPS is great when it works but frustrating beyond belief when it doesn't. I was on a trip this summer with a friend and while my 660 was showing the expected route, his 660 was often showing the wrong route, giving often ridiculous directions. They were both loaded from my basecamp and we compared every setting, map, firmware, etc and they were identical. Doesn't give a lot of confidence.

That said, my 660 seems to work fine with Basecamp.

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It is worth noting that Google now allows you to download maps data to your laptop for use away from Internet service.

I have not tried this with Tyre yet. I'll post up if I can get it to work.

It is worth noting that Google now allows you to download maps data to your laptop for use away from Internet service. I have not tried this with Tyre yet. I'll post up if I can get it to work.
I read about that with some interest. I would like to see if it works with Tyre and how large an area can be downloaded. If its a 25 mile radius it would be useless. 250 to 500 miles or more would be needed.

Google maps downloading to a laptop is a no go. Only possible on a phone. Stupid really.

But that is how it is.

Tyre us still a good app. But count in needing an Internet connection.
