Zumo Time?

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Oct 17, 2008
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I’ve finally decided I need a GPS and I’m looking at getting a Zumo model. I am balking at the price as the ones for autos only are much cheaper and many times have more features for the $$$. I guess it must really cost garmin to make the Zumo waterproof and vibration resistant. Well the being said, is anyone using an auto gps on your bike with success? If so, which unit are you using?

I prefer the Street Pilot 2820 over Zumos myself. Waterproof, vibration resistant, and pretty reasonable on eBay these days.

I used the nuvi on my wifes bike and it worked just fine and survived an accident wher the bike got totaled and my wife got run over. A plastic bag makes it waterproof. I have the 450 Zumo on my bike and like it also.

I’ve finally decided I need a GPS and I’m looking at getting a Zumo model. I am balking at the price as the ones for autos only are much cheaper and many times have more features for the $$$. I guess it must really cost garmin to make the Zumo waterproof and vibration resistant. Well the being said, is anyone using an auto gps on your bike with success? If so, which unit are you using?
I bit the bullet and bought a zumo 660. i sold a garmin 765t to help pay for it. the 765t was not waterproof or vibration tested. I like the 660 alot , but i've recently found out that even though the unit is waterproof, the cradle it attaches to is prone to let water get to the contacts and cause the audio to quit when you run into excessively wet conditions. Those of us whom owned non waterproof GPS units use a baggy over it when it rains. I will end out doing the same thing with my zumo 660. the difference is that when the zumo gets wet , its fine. if your non waterproof gps gets wet, its toast. the zumo also offers the ability to custom tune the "recalculate" feature (which is nice when doing customized routing). I'm not sure anyone can really speak to the validity of the vibration thing. If your unit stopped working, it would be hard to pin it down to a "vibration" issue.

If its a purchase you plan on using alot, spend the extra money and get something that was meant for the application. you wont be sorry. Having a GPS completely changed the way i tour. I use to get anxious about getting really lost and continually fumbling with maps, now i anxious about my GPS ever goining out on me (becasue i'll be realy really lost since i'm somewhere i probably wouldnt have made it to without the unit).

good luck


I've finally decided I need a GPS and I'm looking at getting a Zumo model. I am balking at the price as the ones for autos only are much cheaper and many times have more features for the $$$. I guess it must really cost garmin to make the Zumo waterproof and vibration resistant. Well the being said, is anyone using an auto gps on your bike with success? If so, which unit are you using?
You need to search out Bramfrank's article about the Zumo especially the 660.

www.epinions.com/...zumo_660.../content_473572675204 or just google bramfrank zumo

Thanks for the info. I'll probably keep looking for a good deal on a Zumo, but at least I know it is possible to use the auto gps if you do it right.

I found the 550 an expensive venture, but it depends on your needs. First the carrier fell apart, then the 550 quit. I purchased an inexpensive(cheap) 255w with new maps for less than fixing the zumo, used velcro to mount it on it on the zumo mount, and use as needed. It's not vibration or waterproof, but worked fine on my recent trip out west to Or, Ca. this summer. When and if it quits, I will purchase another cheap one.

FWIW, the 660 will still work after a medium-speed drop onto concrete.

Don't ask me how I know :dribble:

I've finally decided I need a GPS and I'm looking at getting a Zumo model. I am balking at the price as the ones for autos only are much cheaper and many times have more features for the $$$. I guess it must really cost garmin to make the Zumo waterproof and vibration resistant. Well the being said, is anyone using an auto gps on your bike with success? If so, which unit are you using?
You need to search out Bramfrank's article about the Zumo especially the 660.

www.epinions.com/...zumo_660.../content_473572675204 or just google bramfrank zumo
bamfrank wrote this article some time ago and theres been mulitple firmware updates that resolves many of the problems this unit had early on. There are still a couple of issues out there but none that would be considered "showstoppers" to the group of owners thats using them. i've never had an issue with my 660 as far as functionality goes, but did recently have an issue where moisture got to the contacts of the unit and caused the audio to quit (during a 1 hour ride at 80 mph in a monsoon). Could the screen be brighter?......yes........could there be some functions that were on previous units available on this unit?......yes..but hopefully more will come with future firmware updates.

I would like to hear from bamfrank to see if his views have changed concerning this unit since the most recent firware updates.


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While the main body of the article was indeed written when the unit was released, it has been hugely updated regularly (most recently with the release of the last version 3.80 in late June), which has a full review therein . . . 3.90 aparently cleared up the shutdowns that have been appearing with increasing frequency in the model and nothing else. There is now reporting of a new (but unreleased) version 4.0 - available in new units, but not for download yet.

The unit does NOT justify the premium price attached to it and if I had to pay for my navigators, I would not be buying a Zumo 660 or 665 - but probably would be adapting the last of the decent Nuvis (the 760/770/780) or a Zumo 550.

I managed to get myself banned from the Zumoforums board for trying to explain that all of the nav features (and many of the premium ones) could be had for less than $300, leaving the buyer with sufficient spare change to hire a first class hooker and have a great time - that opinion remains.

Unfortunately, I will not likely be doing any more riding this season for medical reasons, so I won't be able to check out the 3.90 (and probable 4.00) firmware version as it works in the MC cradle.

However my opinion remains that the Zumo 660/665 was NOT designed by riders for riders, but rather by corporate dweebs who like to use Garmin's customers as it's unpaid testing panel.

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I have had a Zumo 450 for a couple years without issue. I just purchased a Zumo 550 for my wifes' bike. I have heard negative things about the 660 and the money differance was what sent me to the 550. It has been out a while and has proven itself. I do not trust many pieces of electronic equipment to be perfect when they are first released as the 660 has shown why. It also seems the price becomes more realistic after a year or two.

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While the main body of the article was indeed written when the unit was released, it has been hugely updated regularly (most recently with the release of the last version 3.80 in late June), which has a full review therein . . . 3.90 aparently cleared up the shutdowns that have been appearing with increasing frequency in the model and nothing else. There is now reporting of a new (but unreleased) version 4.0 - available in new units, but not for download yet.

The unit does NOT justify the premium price attached to it and if I had to pay for my navigators, I would not be buying a Zumo 660 or 665 - but probably would be adapting the last of the decent Nuvis (the 760/770/780) or a Zumo 550.

I managed to get myself banned from the Zumoforums board for trying to explain that all of the nav features (and many of the premium ones) could be had for less than $300, leaving the buyer with sufficient spare change to hire a first class hooker and have a great time - that opinion remains.

Unfortunately, I will not likely be doing any more riding this season for medical reasons, so I won't be able to check out the 3.90 (and probable 4.00) firmware version as it works in the MC cradle.

However my opinion remains that the Zumo 660/665 was NOT designed by riders for riders, but rather by corporate dweebs who like to use Garmin's customers as it's unpaid testing panel.
Gee? kinda sounds like the Apple G4,

To some extent they all do it.

Very happy with my Zumo 660, I have been through monsoons without having any connection issues of any kind. There is an O-ring on the mount to eliminate water from coming in. I wonder if your mount is somewhat distorted to cause it to leek in? :blink:

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I own the Zumo 550 and have found it extremely durable for both off and on road use however the motorcycle cradle can fail with extendeded use in mud and water. It even survived the repetitive shaking attached to my V twin cruiser.

This forum was a huge benefit for my Zumo use:

ZUMO Forum


I am still using my Street Pilot III. I have problems with it but the empirical evidence strongly suggests that the problems are fewer than with the Zumo units. Still, it's time to upgrade, I suppose, so this thread is interesting. Anyone take a serious look at the Tom Tom Rider units?

From what I have been told the Tom Tom is much more difficult to program compared to the Garmin. A friend had one for about 6 months he bought off the Rep. After the 6 months, he paid full price for a Garmin.

Zumo 550 here, no issues after 2 years of use (on two different bikes).

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I installed the new webupdater last night from Garmin with no issues.

Next I updated my Zumo 660 from 3.8 to 3.9 firmware and still no issues.

Rode the bike today to work 17 miles one way without an issue.

One change I noticed right off was that now when you speed surpasses the speed limit it goes from

black to red. Kinda neet.

Still very happy with my Zumo 660. :) :) :) :) :) and Oh Yeh, I do have other issues. :p

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