Busa Survey found in Greyhound Bus Station

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Jan 1, 2019
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Found this article yesterday at bus stop next to Lumen Field in Seattle where I scootered down on FJR and parked on sidewalk to take in hordes of Swifty fans. Worth It! Not the survey, the people! Sorry it's an attachment cuz I couldn't find original publication. Thanks for reading.

There are a gazillion laws in New Seattle that are not enforced, yet they keep writing new laws. My opinion is no new laws until they enforce, prosecute and deter the breaking of the basic laws. Ones that have been in place for over a century like theft. BTW years ago when the Feds came to town to investigate racial profiling for traffic stops the police responded by not pulling anybody over. It is fairly impossible to get pulled over in New Seattle proper. It isn’t a matter if it is legal it is will they do anything about it?
Cool. So we CAN lane split in Seattle!
If no bicycles are in eyesight and traffic is as it usually is in New Seattle I use the vacant bike lanes. My motorcycle identifies as a bike and request the pronouns it/they when referring to IT!