2011 IBR - The Inside View

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Benevolent Dictator
Jun 8, 2005
Reaction score
Tri-Cities, WA
Rider bonus packets were handed out at the end of the Riders Banquet about 2 hours ago.

TO BE A FINISHER OF THE 2011 IRON BUTT RALLY, you must visit all 48 Lower States (getting a computer-generated receipt of any kind, and make the checkpoints on time. That's it.

However, to place well, there are two additional opportunities for points: do a documented SCMA Four-Corners Ride during the 11-day Iron Butt Rally, in addition to the mandatory Lower 48 states.

One can also visit certain state capitols and photograph them. Only certain capitols are "eligible" on any given leg.

A rather different Iron Butt Rally this year.... back to it's roots: pure, unadulterated mega-mileage. B)

Also on tap are the usual Sleep Bonuses, but this year, you actually obtain more points by sleeping *longer*.... one point per minute of sleep: minimum of 240 points (2 hr sleep) up to a maximum of 480 points (4 hour sleep).

A welcomed change is the elimination of the mandatory fuel log! In this IBR, your ability to finish doesn't hinge on fuel logs and receipts, rather, you must proved you visited each of the Lower 48 states via a computer-generated receipt from each state. You can use any route you want, as long as you make it to the Checkpoints in NY and FL within the checkpoint window.

The FJR1300s:

At last count there were 17 FJR1300s entered in the event this year.... approximately 20% of the entire Starting Grid this year. I am happy to report each and every one of these FJRs are fitted with proper motorcycle tires... the preferred FJR tire appears to be the Pilot Road 3. ;)

Most the the FJRs are something to behold in person.... the FJRs belonging to tel, DaJuice and Perry are particularly awesome... many a fellow competitor were checking out these three FJRs to see How It's Done with regard to proper LD setups on this bike.

I thought initially there might be an issue with Howard's seat-pan mounted aux cell, but he implemented a restraining system (nylon strapping) that more than made the grade. Howard's FJR was also oogle over by many for its clean install of LD goodies.

Here is Wendy (BionicPelvis) Crockett (Voni Graves photo):


The FJR's weren't without a couple problem children: ******* Mehaffy and Colin BOTH initially failed Tech Inspection for different reasons: Mehaffy for an illegal commercial sticker on his fender, and Colin for a goofy-ass venting arrangement on his aux cell. Both were corrected and signed off today.

As far as I can tell, all the FJRs are as ready as they can be...

Other Bikes:

As usual, there are metric buttload of Beemers and Wingabagoes. The favorite Beemer appears to be the Atomic Cockroach, the GS Adventure. Jesus, that bike is an eyesore.... but, if it doesn't come un-made, it's an extremely capable machine.

One such fugly bike belongs to Bill Wade, who thought he could sneak by a oversize aux cell on Ignacio, who tech-inspected Bill's beemer. Erp! 0.2 gallons over the limit... busted! Due to the small gas filler opening, Bill had to slip in 14 feet of steel chain links into his cell to displace the overage and come into compliance with the 11.50 gallon rule.

Here is a Steve Hobart photo of me watching Bill Wade insert the steel links:


We have a right fair number of 2-up Couples... six, in fact. One of them is from Australia on a Gold Wing. I initially failed their aux fuel cell for lack of proper grounding. They got it corrected and are chomping at the bit to get cracking.


Speaking of foreign entries, we have a number of them besides the Australian couple.

My personal hero is a completely barking mad Englishman by the name of John Young. He is going to try to take a rather questionable-sounding 1969 Triumph Trident triple. Um... shyeah, this dude is pretty much nuts. I love him to death, but this ******* machine can't even maintain idle. Still, John has done some cool custom **** to the machine - enlarge stock fuel tank, a freshly overhauled (?) engine, and relocation of the electrics, which, sadly, appear to be Lucas. :unsure:

I wish him the best, but I have little doubt this may be more than what this old girl is capable of... it's in outstanding condition for its age, but, c'mon.... it wasn't the epitome of reliability when brand new, much less 42 years later... :huh:

Still and all, given the format of this event, he doesn't have to worry about timed bonus windows every day; he just has to ride, and fix the bike when it breaks, then ride some more. Simple. The fact that he carries an *entire* engine gasket kit for his motor says his willing to tackle anything. This is the stuff of Iron Butt Legends....

Another favorite British son is Philip Weston who was going to ride his Yamaha FZS1000 Fazer, a bike with just about *zero* meaningful rider coverage. There is not dick for a fairing on his bike, he has the abbreviated bikini windscreen that's ridiculous. I am thinking weather.com's solid wall of green he and all other riders have to ride through to get to the Checkpoint will have John wishing he had some more fairing/windscreen!

However, he has solid riding gear, and custom enlarge Fazer fuel tank, and this guy definitely Moves with a Purpose. He appears to be about as mad as his countryman John Young. These Brits are just all ****** up in the head, apparently.

Tomorrow - The Start

I will walk the Starting Line tomorrow morning with my Tech Inspectors and have them take final odometer readings, and punch Rider ID cards to show they left the compound appropriately.

At 10:00:00AM PDT, I begin releasing the bikes out of the compound at a rather brisk pace. I intend to get all 89 bikes out of the Marriott in under 4 1/2 minutes. We'll see if SeaTac Airport traffic will support this expeditious egress. :huh:

The Start is always filled with high drama, typically in the form of a bike that fails to start. This is every IBR entrant's secret nightmare.... to prepare for over a year and devote countless hours and massive $ towards prepping for this mega-adventure, only to have your spirit crushed as you realize the machine won't start. Often enough, it's a nervous rookie (or vet) who left some electronic gizmo energized unintentionally, draining the battery to the point the bike won't fire. High drama, indeed.

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Wow! Interesting format. Damn, damn, damn! I SO wish I was there in the thick of things. Hard being on the sidelines as JAFO.

No fuel log? WTF?!?! This is the Iron Butt Rally! The World's Toughest Motorcycle Competitioin. Not the kinder/gentler rally. Guess I rode in the last REAL IBR. :lol:

Good on the IBR staff for getting creative. Can't wait to see how this all plays out. Hope somebody got some good photos of those FJRs and their farklization. I could use some good tips before the next time around.

Woo-hoo! Let the games begin! Thanks for the update Dale!

Looking forward to it......

Question: whats to stop that guy from removing that chain while he is on the road and putting it back later? :unsure: :unsure:


Taking the time to pull that chain out would probably cost him more than the 0.2 gals would gain - and he'd probably wouldn't need to put it back in because even Dale probably won;t bother to check it at the end. BUT, I digress, What?? no bonus points in Canada??

Well, I really hope everyone stays safe. I know there's no way in hell they're going to stay dry, so Safe it is.

Dale, I look forward to your reports. Always great stuff !

If I were riding in this one, I'd be worrying my ass off about what surprises are in store in New York and Florida. Just the worry factor alone would fry my brain.

Will be waiting for news from the start.

Keep it coming Dale.....

Yeah, I'm going to stay wired in tightly this time, and report all the inside dirt I can here in this thread. ;)
I've got the popcorn poppin' :yahoo: I like the format... i was reviewing the 09 IBR bonus' and imagining

trying to sort out a route from 46 pages (1 leg only) and thought of being on the clock... Don't think I

could do it. I like this years format much better. Best wishes to all the riders for a safe and wonderful

Ride. :clapping:

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Well, I gota think all of them should be sleeping - assuming they arn't too wired. I just spent 10 minutes on Google maps and came up with 25 states in 4460 miles and 77 hrs. for leg 1. That's all the northern tier states and New England - and I'm a just rookie arm chair rally rider. I've no idea what a 4 corners requires but I gota think top 10 contenders know of the top of their heads what that takes if they haven't already done one. Oh yea, do ya do MO or leave it for the 3rd leg?? Looks liek they better do it on leg 1.

So will we really get to see a composite spot for the riders???

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Question: whats to stop that guy from removing that chain while he is on the road and putting it back later? :unsure: :unsure:
The threat of being DQ'ed if found without the chain including a staff member "jumping out from a behind a bush in South Dakota and inspecting at any time" will tend to make a person not try and sneak in an extra 8 miles of range. ;)

Bill told me that as he rode out to get some supplies today that when he came to a stop light....it sounded like Pirates of the Caribbean behind as the chain slid around.

Don't forget folks, besides their little '48 states' routing, most participants, and all who want to be competitive, will also need to go bonus hunting. That is where the true challenge will be. What points to go after? And what states to try and get? What can one bite off, and still chew? My guess is that on the first leg, there will be quite a few high-point bonii in The Great White North to try and lead them away from 'state collecting'.

Edit: A little bird told me that I was COMPLETELY WRONG. No bonii. I don't get it.

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Well, I gota think all of them should be sleeping - assuming they arn't too wired. I just spent 10 minutes on Google maps and came up with 25 states in 4460 miles and 77 hrs. for leg 1. That's all the northern tier states and New England - and I'm a just rookie arm chair rally rider. I've no idea what a 4 corners requires but I gota think top 10 contenders know of the top of their heads what that takes if they haven't already done one. Oh yea, do ya do MO or leave it for the 3rd leg?? Looks liek they better do it on leg 1.

So will we really get to see a composite spot for the riders???
MO should be a must on leg 1. Dropping along I-29 for ND., SD, MN, IA, NE, KS and MO.

Some Capitals on the route too. I would think bonus' in leg 2 will be in the repeat states,

steering riders away from obvious paths of "Easy" state collecting.

You know Iggy planned this IBR? I have the proof here in post #76: https://www.fjrforum.com/forum//index.php?showtopic=128736&st=60

The 4 corners... 2 of them should be done on leg 1. Florida will add 500 miles though.

Edit: A little bird told me that I was COMPLETELY WRONG. No bonii. I don't get it.
Correct, there is no bonii in the traditional sense as we have come to know them.

Rather, any additional points can come from: 1) successful completion of the 4-Corners Ride within the 11-day period (which means riders must head to Blaine, WA *immediately* out the gate this morning, before turning east to start scarfing up individual states.); 2) photographing a select few state capitals along the route; 3) Call-In Bonuses, 4) sleep Bonuses.

Key to it all is riders NOT ******* up their call-in/sleep bonuses. But in every IBR, folks always dick these away. The top runners will not.

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I ttweaked the thread title a little bit, as this will be my main reporting thread over the next 11 days, not just for Leg 1.

A very interesting, and different format to be sure. Looking forward to following it over the next 11 days.

"My personal hero is a completely barking mad Englishman by the name of John Young. He is going to try to take a rather questionable-sounding 1975 Triumph Trident triple. Um... shyeah, this dude is pretty much nuts. I love him to death, but this ******* machine can't even maintain idle. Still, John has done some cool custom **** to the machine - enlarge stock fuel tank, a freshly overhauled (?) engine, and relocation of the electrics, which, sadly, appear to be Lucas. :unsure:

I wish him the best, but I have little doubt this may be more than what this old girl is capable of... it's in outstanding condition for its age, but, c'mon.... it wasn't the epitome of reliability when brand new, much less 36 years later... :huh:

Dale that's a 69 Trident read here; 69 Trident

You can tell because a 75 had a electric starter and the shifter is on the right side.

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