Canyon Cages for 2013, development input.......

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The Bartender Whisperer
Nov 7, 2006
Reaction score
Torrance, CA
OK guys this morning i dropped my 13 off at MC Enterprises so they could develop some Canyon Cages.....

I plan on posting pictures of the "cages" as they are developed. What i am looking for is input from you guys so we get these right the first time....

We will NOT be discussing price or group buys or any other thing that is commercially related to these.....

any inane crap or off topic shit will be removed sharpish like......

waiting for them to get started....


and guys play nice......


It would be nice if they offered a highway peg and mount that is powder coated the same color. Because they use 7/8 inch tubing the mounts that clamp around them are kind of hard to find and they don't quite match in color.

So guys this is where we are at right now......
The mounting points seem to be done and now they have to bend some tubing....
I am going up for a look in the morning and will report back after that..






Nice! Is that the latest fashion trend for the Super-Duper POS Gen III FJRs? I think it is definitely an improvement! In fact some of that tape on your face would make an improvement. JSNS!


It would be nice if they offered a highway peg and mount that is powder coated the same color. Because they use 7/8 inch tubing the mounts that clamp around them are kind of hard to find and they don't quite match in color.
Having seen Fairlaners highway pegs on the previous cage he had, I would say the whole peg mounts should be integrated with the cage... a bit more stealthy. Perhaps they won't look like an add on, as I thought it appeared on the 08. That being said, the 08 pegs were in a very good place compared to the Highway Bills I have on the 04.

Here are the latest developments......

I went up to check on the progress this morning and made some suggestions. this is where we are now.

Ryan when you start making the cage make sure someone sits on the bike, just need to make sure there is room for our knees.....

Also did you put the adjustable panels on with those flat mounts in the opening?

We definitely have people of a few different heights sit on the bike to make sure there are no clearance issues with the knees/shins. Also, it's fine if you'd like to come up this morning. We're just plugging away!

Anyway, here is an update on our progress. We actually need your guys help on two different design options!Option 1 has smoother curves and isn't quite as close to the body in some sections as I'd like but with curved edges, we're limited by our tooling. Anyway, here are some photos of option one:



Option 2 has some right angles in there instead of the smooth curves. I personally think this design looks pretty cool in person. It's difficult to tell with all the green tape but the sharp edges really go along with the shape of the exterior fairings well because there are a bunch of sharp edges. One thing I'm having them change is the second right angle that's tucked in there a tad facing inward. I'm having them change that to a 90 curve instead of the sharp angle it is now. As soon as they make this change I'll update again with some additional photos. Which of these two options do you guys prefer, though? Any ideas regarding improvements? Keep in mind, this is only the lower portion of the bar, we're currently working on the upper bar but it's not far enough along to get photos yet. Will update when I have more!



I have another update for you guys! As you can see we changed that outer corner to a radius from that sharp point we had previously and we've since added the upper bar. The guard looks a tad elongated right now but once we add the vertical support, it'll take more of a shape. What do you guys think?


Another update with the top horizontal bar and vertical connector bar in place! Starting to look a bit sturdier, eh?


Thats it for now folks.


Looks good, thanks for all those pics.. Interested...

It seems Gary's highway pegs won't work with this... can't have it all.

No Gary's wont work but you can mount highway pegs to the cages. these are going to be made from 1 inch tubing (Gen2 is 7/8ths).

They will also be good for mounting a GoPro or 2.....

