The FJR's Stock Suspension SUCKS!

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Purveyor of Crooked Facts
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Skootsdale, AZ
I know, preaching to the choir to some of you, and craziness to others. But I am sick of my 09 FJR's stock suspension after only 16,000 miles on it.

Background. I have had a custom suspension on both my 04 FJRS for 355,000 miles except for the first 30k miles on my first one. Different FJRs, different custom applications along the way, not always serviced enough, but I know they handle well.

When I first got my 09 FJR with only 1550 miles on it I was happy with the sportiness of the suspension but not the ride quality - it was too harsh. And still dragged pegs easier than my 04 FJRs with their custom suspensions. Well, I played with the adjusters and got it dialed in pretty good. Ride quality improved and still fairly sporty.

Well, I don't know if it is me adjusting to this FJR and its suspension, which I doubt, or to me the more likely conclusion that the suspension is 'wearing out' and getting softer but it is driving me freaking crazy! For a while now I have been dragging pegs while not riding aggressive. Lately I drag them all too often while simply taking a left turn in an intersection.

So yesterday I took the MSF Advanced Riding Techniques class. Not a bad class. Thought it could have been better but I learned a few things but best of all it was FUN!!! The only things is, I was scraping pegs like a freaking ice skater out there. Wore my peg feelers down a good third. And this is in a big parking lot at speeds less than 30mph.

Worst of all, on the right side I even scraped the sidestand and centerstand! Yikes! That is too close for my comfort! During some the exercises, especially one with a big swerve one way and then the other at relatively slow speeds I could feel the suspension 'pogo'ing way too much.

I got it before, but right now I am *REALLY* understanding most of the reviews of the FJR's suspension being too soft and ground clearance too limited for this type of bike.

I realize for many of you it is fine. Perhaps you just don't know any better. Perhaps with your riding style you find it completely adequate. But compared to my 04 FJRs, IT SUCKS!!! And while I might ride a bit aggressively occasionally, by far the majority of this 09 FJR's miles have been local urban riding.

Thanks goodness in two days it gets a brand new Ohlins shock and Racetech upgraded forks. I just can't wait.

I was always a bit skeptical of some's claims that the stock suspension will wear out so easily. And I don't know if mine is 'worn out', just 'not new' anymore, or is just fine, but IT AIN'T CUTTING IT.

Thanks for letting me vent. Tuesday will NOT come soon enough.

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Thanks goodness, in two days it gets a brand new Ohlins shock and Racetech upgraded forks. I just can't wait.
Oh the Gen 1 gods will not be pleased to hear this "Attention" you will be giving that Gen 2 POS...

...... Prepare for some form of revenge to be enacted upon yourself.

YOU know It happened to me - BEWARE

Greg, it's a POS Gen 2! You, of all people, should know it will need serious intervention.

Sounds like you are on the right track.

Good luck.


I don't think modern springs wear out that quickly so my vote is that you are just taking advantage of the GEN2's superior handling and pushing the soft springs a bit beyond the limit....but the only way to know for sure is too compare it to a lower mileage bike. If you are still riding with the shock in the soft position to take advantage of the plush ride then you should try the hard position and see how that handles a corner. Enjoy your new suspension and give us a unbiased comparison between your 04 and 09 after the upgrades.

I have a 2008, only 4,000 miles and I ride fairly agressive about an 1/8 of an inch from all the way over on the tire and I haven't scrapped anything yet.....I weigh 265.

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When you said,"I realize for many of you it is fine. Perhaps you just don't know any better. Perhaps with your riding style you find it completely adequate." You hit me right between the eyes. Coming from the suspension capabilities of an outdated bike to the FJR was such a welcome change. Then, I had nothing else to compare it with. I assumed that with the longer Gen2 wheelbase Dad's FJR should touch its pegs earlier than the Gen1 bikes.

You have me thinking very hard on this one. I have been considering it for a while. I have to be careful what I tell Dad to spend his $$$ on, I don't want to push him into a bad investment.

I'll give you a comparison that will turn your stomach. My '04 Honda ST1300 (non-adjustable forks) rides very soft and cushy compared to Dad's '07 FJR. VERY SOFT! Dad outweighs me by about 35-40 lbs. I lead all the time and I know exactly how hard I can push him because our pegs touch at exactly the same time. If anything, I have a slight advantage. As you know, the Honda is the much heavier of the two bikes. I find it sad that his FJR rides rougher but has less lean angle.

He seems to be happy and I hate to mess with it since he loves the thing so much. He told me in no uncertain terms on our last trip that the bike was perfect, "Don't mess with it!" Yet, I think I could make it better...

  1. too many burritos lately
  2. someone sneaked in your garage and lowered your pegs
  3. the hoard of ammunition you keep in your side cases is weighing the thing down

On a serious note, the rear shock on my '05 was pretty tired with less than 20k miles on it. Time to start shopping for a nice shock.

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"Sucks" is a pretty extreme word for something on your beloved whatever Gen FJR. I can believe the 2 words (Sucks & FJR) maybe going together over at my Beemer forum but NOT HERE! Say it isn't so?

I'll just expand on MCRIDER007's post.

I would think that scraping pegs is more of a ride height issue than an actual shock absorber issue. The shock mostly comes into to play while riding over rough surfaces. So if you're scraping pegs on smooth roads, you need to increase ride height, or increase spring length, or increase spring stiffness, or a combination of them. Other than that, you could decrease the load, luggage load, pillion load, or trim your own personal weight. If scraping increases over time, it means you're getting to be a better rider, or the springs are slowly losing overall length and or stiffness.

The same thing happens to valve springs in an engine. If they come up short in overall length, then they are worn out. This used to happen in older engines.

I'm not saying shocks don't wear out, they do, they slowly allow the spring to move more freely, allowing a bouncing that doesn't stop soon enough.

All I have to say i have to say is I'm with Scooter here.. Until you upgrade you don't realize just how poorly those things are suspended.

Pretty common knowledge most if not all bikes suffer from this some worse that others. I had less than 14k when I added the penske and progressive stuff.

Night an Day...

I'm inclined to agree with John d above.

Yes, I do understand that the stock shocks can poop out early, but that would result in poor (usually under) damping. But the idea that you are touching down so much earlier, and with such a minimal "load" on the bike such as yourself, just doesn't make that much sense that it would be the shock's fault to me.

Are you certain that you do not have too much rebound damping dialed into either or both ends? If you did, the shock or fork may be packing up over any road irregularities, which would definitely reduce your ground clearance. Something to consider anyway.

I know, preaching to the choir to some of you, and craziness to others. But I am sick of my 09 FJR's stock suspension after only 16,000 miles on it.
Background. I have had a custom suspension on both my 04 FJRS for 355,000 miles except for the first 30k miles on my first one. Different FJRs, different custom applications along the way, not always serviced enough, but I know they handle well.

When I first got my 09 FJR with only 1550 miles on it I was happy with the sportiness of the suspension but not the ride quality - it was too harsh. And still dragged pegs easier than my 04 FJRs with their custom suspensions. Well, I played with the adjusters and got it dialed in pretty good. Ride quality improved and still fairly sporty.

Well, I don't know if it is me adjusting to this FJR and its suspension, which I doubt, or to me the more likely conclusion that the suspension is 'wearing out' and getting softer but it is driving me freaking crazy! For a while now I have been dragging pegs while not riding aggressive. Lately I drag them all too often while simply taking a left turn in an intersection.

So yesterday I took the MSF Advanced Riding Techniques class. Not a bad class. Thought it could have been better but I learned a few things but best of all it was FUN!!! The only things is, I was scraping pegs like a freaking ice skater out there. Wore my peg feelers down a good third. And this is in a big parking lot at speeds less than 30mph.

Worst of all, on the right side I even scraped the sidestand and centerstand! Yikes! That is too close for my comfort! During some the exercises, especially one with a big swerve one way and then the other at relatively slow speeds I could feel the suspension 'pogo'ing way too much.

I got it before, but right now I am *REALLY* understanding most of the reviews of the FJR's suspension being too soft and ground clearance too limited for this type of bike.

I realize for many of you it is fine. Perhaps you just don't know any better. Perhaps with your riding style you find it completely adequate. But compared to my 04 FJRs, IT SUCKS!!! And while I might ride a bit aggressively occasionally, by far the majority of this 09 FJR's miles have been local urban riding.

Thanks goodness in two days it gets a brand new Ohlins shock and Racetech upgraded forks. I just can't wait.

I was always a bit skeptical of some's claims that the stock suspension will wear out so easily. And I don't know if mine is 'worn out', just 'not new' anymore, or is just fine, but IT AIN'T CUTTING IT.

Thanks for letting me vent. Tuesday will NOT come soon enough.
Dammit, you got 16k on it ya whiner. Take some of that $$ from yer bastard step pappy's "pay for girls'' fund ...I presume it is in the drawer next ta his size 50 BVDs and get yer self a replacement suspension.

Geez, those wheaton guys are total whiners...

Ok I'll take the bait... Obviously, you are riding too hard. How are you gonna smell the roses if you are starting fires out of every corner?
If he wants to smell the roses, he'll head over to the garden and set for a spell.

He happens to ride a sport tourer with 125 hp at the rear wheel. What kind of bike do you ride?

It's technic, or lack there of. I was dragging hard parts all the time when I taught MSF. Then was "enlightened" by Mr. Code (as in Keith & Dillion Code), shown the path to smoother riding and body positioning, and now I rarely abuse a peg feeler. Food for thought...

It's kind of difficult to "ride too hard" at speeds of less than 30 mph.
Ok - I'll ask a question that probably doesn't need asking but can a noob rider benefit from an upgraded suspension? I sat through the Ohlin presentation at the fall MC show and liked what I heard.
