Soft Keys?

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Cutting keys isn't rocket technology. I can't understand why any key can't be accurately traced or punched via key code. Wow man, you seem to be in a basic key service black hole. Best luck resolving your problem.

Cutting keys isn't rocket technology. I can't understand why any key can't be accurately traced or punched via key code. Wow man, you seem to be in a basic key service black hole. Best luck resolving your problem.
The cutting of the key isn't the problem. As I said, the key fits in the ignition just fine. It's the fact Canadian FJR's have an immobilizer chip embedded in the head of the key. While a locksmith can make a perfect copy of the key, it still won't work because it doesn't have that chip embedded within it.

You need to ride it across the border and then see if it will start with a non-chip key... I'd get at least ten miles from the border just to be sure...

I'm curious to know if the cut key will work in the saddlebags, saddle, and gas cap. If so, maybe it'd be worthwhile to use one there to avoid the stress on the magical key needed for the ignition.

Shawn, that key chip is a proximity device. It will only work when close enough to be recognized. Your best bet may to permanently mount that key head to the ignition and use the non-chipped keys to start the bike. With the chip in close proximity, like if the key with the chip is inserted, the bike will start.

I believe Shawn said he tried using an unchipped key with the bent chipped key on the same key ring. Maybe it will work if the chipped key's head is closer to its normal position when starting the bike

I believe Shawn said he tried using an unchipped key with the bent chipped key on the same key ring. Maybe it will work if the chipped key's head is closer to its normal position when starting the bike
I tried it with the key head as close as possible to the ignition while the locksmith key was in place. Didn't work.

I assume you tried the new cut key both directions? My Locksmith cut key only works one direction. Go figure. Proximity is proximity, it should work if the key is cut right.

Well, either it is not simply a proximity device or the proximity part of the key is damaged.

If I remember reading the Canadian posts from back when the electronic lock was first used, there is a red key that can be used to encode a replacement key. No?

AAAAAAHHHHHHH oh wise ones. It might be possible that the key needs to make contact to the bike. The chip may need to be grounded out in order to work.

It could be the Rum talkin though,


Well, either it is not simply a proximity device or the proximity part of the key is damaged.
If I remember reading the Canadian posts from back when the electronic lock was first used, there is a red key that can be used to encode a replacement key. No?
Possible, but I thought they were RFID devices and they shouldn't need grounding. I guess it could be tried with the key grounded to see if that works.

They seem like more trouble than they are worth. Good locks deter casual thieves and the pros will get your bike if they want it, fancy key or not.

there is a red key that can be used to encode a replacement key. No?
Correct. When I get the new Yamaha blanks, I'll have a locksmith make the keys and then go through the process of using the red key to "imprint" the new key blanks.

I assume you tried the new cut key both directions? My Locksmith cut key only works one direction.
That seems odd. No, these keys work in both directions.

The chip may need to be grounded out in order to work.
That sounds plausible and would explain why the locksmith keys won't start the bike even with a Yamaha key in close proximity.
