BeemerDonS crashes, is in hospital.

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Jan 25, 2015
Reaction score
Vancouver Island BC
The following was reported on the AZ Beemer forum.

Hi All,

I just got a call from Brian Boles. Seems that DonS crashed today while riding Castle Hot Springs Road (CHS). As of this posting (7:30 PM Sunday 2/15) he is in surgery to repair a broken shoulder and get gravel removed from his torn-up knee.

How did it happen: The story goes that Don overcooked a turn and got caught in a berm.

What's next: Tomorrow, Brian will retrieve Don's bike which is currently on the west end of CHS - the end closest to Wickenburg

How can you help: DonS will need some visitors and some cheer! Please reach out to him with your condolences via phone and visits, and be sure to send some healing aids such as reading material, hospital contraband and strippergrams. (At this time I don't know how long Don will be in the hospital.)

Where to find DonS: West Valley Hospital - 13677 W McDowell Rd, Goodyear, AZ

For more details, visiting hours, and such, call the hospital at 623-882-1500

Best wishes to DonS for a speedy recovery and to his family that they get all the help and support that they need!


Report to moderator
Hal Korff
VP, AZBeemers

Not what I wanted to hear, praying for a speedy recovery.

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Ouch! Wishing you a quick recovery and looking forward to riding with and seeing you in Cedar City the end of May.

Last edited by a moderator: to repair old bones usually means a lot of time sitting in front of a computer instead of sitting on a motorcycle. I think Don's post count is going to jump the next couple of months.

Best wishes Don.....looking forward to hearing from you once you get home.

Talked to him a little bit. Had surgery on his knee to get the dirt and gravel out. It was deep and they're concerned about infection.

Tomorrow, he gets his shoulder worked on. Broken in a few places and hardware will be installed. Jacket and helmet saved his ass from the sounds of it. Glad he was able to talk for a minute. Brian was still there. Thank God for good friends!!

Hope his bike isn't banged up too bad. Didn't even ask him about it. The next few days are gonna suck. Post surgery **** hurts. Glad he's not hurt worse.

Thanks for that Zilla. I looked on AZBeemers but did not see anything at all about this. Perhaps I would have to register as a member to see all forums...

I did send him a text and another to SkooterG, no replies from either yet. At least you took some worry out of the picture. I wish him a speedy and relatively pain free recovery.

Baaaad news, Don. With the Irish joke roll you've been on lately, there are now two reasons to look forward to your next post. Hope you heal up soon.

More grande burro juju (whatever that may be) coming your way from Northern California, may it ever be of comfort.

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Always a damn shock to see anybody on the board has biffed. Worse when you know the guy, and probably more of us know Don than anybody else around here. Get well, Don.

Heal well my friend. Now we can pick on you for all the **** you heap on about us being snowed in. :) :) :) let us know if we can help. Maybe AJ can bring you one of those cold cream hand jobs.:) :) :) :)
