Certifiable Old Fart
Rider Down - Kim Maio on 12/10; Please Help Her Out! JSNS, Thank You!
Many from the EOM crowd know Kim. I thought I'd put this here in case you've not heard. Prayers and positive vibes needed..
I originally planned to not post about this. I'm getting a number of people contacting me to ask about Kim Maio. My phone is almost dead... so just going to post it here once. Kim is going to be ok, eventually. She isn't right now. She had a left hand turner... a kid that hasnt had his license long pull out from a side road, swerved to miss someone else & pulled directly in front of her instead. Kim was on her new Can Am Spyder. She has multiple broken bones... some of which require surgery to fix. Lets see... her right femur above her knee is broken & requires surgery to insert a plate & screws. Her left hand has a couple of broken knuckles which require surgery to fix, her right shoulder is fractured & is going to be put in a sling. Her left leg sustained damage, also. I believe the acl is torn... which will require surgery. She is being operated on tomorrow morning. She is admitted @ Sentara Norfolk General & her room # is 347. I am sure she'd like company at some point. Thank you everyone for being concerned. I'll be sure that she knows. & go visit if u have the time.
Thanks for posting Wayne. Kim is a fun person and fits right in with the EOM crowd. Best wishes for a complete recovery.
Thanks for the reminder, Rob... I had meant to do this when I first saw it but then forgot!Keeping this post fresh so more people will see it and help a fellow rider.
I really want to take this moment to just thank everyone for all of your concern. I'd also like to thank all of those that have donated to my cause. I am very humbled by all of your kindness. Just a quick update. I'm doing as well as expected. I've heard talk that tomorrow i will be leaving the hospital for rehab. Now that i know how to get on FJRIDERS I intend to be here more often. Again' date=' thank you, Kim[/quote']
Plenty of time to recover and get back on that Spyder before EOM.beemerdons,erasure
luvtoride has replied to a personal conversation entitled "Heidi do you have more Forum info on Kim".
luvtoride said:
She was with me when EOM was in Maggie Valley & she was with me in Lewisburg, where you met her. She thought that she'd be coming on her own bike this year. I guess not.
It wasn't the Spyder's fault, right? And that is the first thing most folks go through after an accident... maybe I shouldn't be riding. Been there, done that. And right now is the right choice to not ride. Once she's healed up, she may think differently. And if not, that's okay too.At this point,she's really not sure that she wants another Spyder. I mean she had that thing 2 days & now it's totalled! Personally, I see that as a sign that she should not. That's just me & how I think, though. But 2 days????
After my accident, I changed my mind about 20 different times... a day! :lol: Everything from "I have to ride again somehow" to "WTF are you even thinking of riding again?!?!?" and a whole bunch of stuff in between. I think pretty much everyone goes through that so she will be in good company.I actually wasn't referring to it being the Spyder's fault. I totally agree with you, Tyler. It's fine one way or the other. As I said, not everyone thinks like me. If it were a week... a month when this happened, I'd think differently.