Bare wheels balancing

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In my experience with several dozen wheels they are all over the place. Iow, they are NOT precisely balanced from the factory. And the heavy spot not usually at the valve stem.
I have a similar if not a more truncated experience with 8 or 10 rims myself. I'd the place the rim on a static balancer, balance with taped on weights, and then put a sticker in that spot with the grams noted. I found it usually helped then when I'd mount tires.
In my experience with several dozen wheels they are all over the place. Iow, they are NOT precisely balanced from the factory. And the heavy spot not usually at the valve stem.
This ^^fart smeller^^ sums it up. My experience is similar, with the heavy spot typically 90-ish degrees off from stem. When mounting tires I do place the dot at the heavy spot. Does it minimize the weights...dunno, but it keeps me happy! YMMV

Here is the best way, IMHO. Some extra steps, but very good results. Post #11 only.
Mounting tires is not for the faint of heart. After setting the heavy spot for the rim, then the light spot for the tire, to break the bead and rotate the tire to match the two, that seems painful. I'm sure it works...
OK, I'll say it before you-all do, Tim's a baby!
Once upon a time Long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away
I once had an FJR bare wheel that was out of balance by more than I liked, more than 40 grams.
Used a grinder to remove some material inside the wheel at the heavy side to get almost perfect balance.
Turned out to be a bit of a mistake as all tires mounted afterward needed some weights for balance, some more than one might imagine.
Was no longer able to rotate the tire on the rim to balance out the heavy spot on the tire with the heavy spot on the rim.
Be careful what you wish for!

Mounting tires is not for the faint of heart. After setting the heavy spot for the rim, then the light spot for the tire, to break the bead and rotate the tire to match the two, that seems painful. I'm sure it works...
OK, I'll say it before you-all do, Tim's a baby!

I am in total agreement! Breaking bead and 'attempting' to rotate is a non-starter for me. Been there, tried that, failed miserably. I do balance the wheel only and match to the mark on the tire if it has one. On very rare occasions I have broken bead, partially dismounted one side of tire so I could actually rotate it due to excessive weight required. I.E. the wheel took 20g to balance but the wheel/tire combo took 70g or more to balance.
Once upon a time Long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away
I once had an FJR bare wheel that was out of balance by more than I liked, more than 40 grams.
Used a grinder to remove some material inside the wheel at the heavy side to get almost perfect balance.
Turned out to be a bit of a mistake as all tires mounted afterward needed some weights for balance, some more than one might imagine.
Was no longer able to rotate the tire on the rim to balance out the heavy spot on the tire with the heavy spot on the rim.
Be careful what you wish for!


It's folks like you that make be feel better about my lower level (apparently) of OCD!
Mounting tires is not for the faint of heart. After setting the heavy spot for the rim, then the light spot for the tire, to break the bead and rotate the tire to match the two, that seems painful. I'm sure it works...
OK, I'll say it before you-all do, Tim's a baby!
Why do you rotate the tire? Mark heavy-spot on rim beforehand and match tire to the mark. Done. Once I mount a tire, it's balance and good-to-go. I can count on one hand the number of times I've re-broken the beads (as Skoot describes) to rotate tire on rim.

My front is off by 2 ounces. When I painted my wheels I decided to balance them before I mounted any rubber. I then used balance beads to take care of the tire.
Same here. Most modern tires from reputable manufacturers come very close to perfect balance these days. It's usually the rim that's off. I'll throw it on the balancer after mounting the tire but before adding the beads just to make sure but rarely have I seen any variance.
Why do you rotate the tire?
In the link, the post indicated that many tires are not marked and those that are marked are marked incorrectly. So if that is true, the author was saying to
  • find the heavy spot on the rim and mark it
  • balance the rim with weights
  • mount tire and check the balance - this will tell you the light side of the tire. Mark the tire
  • Move the tire light side to match up with the rim heavy.
  • Remove weights and rebalance.
At this point, you should require the least weights to balance. Hopefully this helps.
In the link, the post indicated that many tires are not marked and those that are marked are marked incorrectly. So if that is true, the author was saying to
  • find the heavy spot on the rim and mark it
  • balance the rim with weights
  • mount tire and check the balance - this will tell you the light side of the tire. Mark the tire
  • Move the tire light side to match up with the rim heavy.
  • Remove weights and rebalance.
At this point, you should require the least weights to balance. Hopefully this helps.
Sure, I get that. Someone has way too much time on their hands to go through that much effort. One exception would be if weights were too significant and you might reduce balance weights by rotating. Only had that happen once with a Avon when their QC was questionable. Even after rotating half-turn that tire was junk. Couldn't get it to balance, got it replaced under warranty.

Michelin's don't have a balance mark but in my experience, they are not off much. Rest of tires I run are factory marked. Match them up, balance and good-to-go.

I haven't done this, but what if you got a serviceable rim and cut off one of the bead seats all the way around. Then balance that modified rim. Then whenever you mount a new tire, you could easily just push the new tire onto the remaining bead seat and find the light point of the tire. Then just mount the light point opposite the heavy point on the rim (which has previously been determined and marked, but not balanced). Once mounted, check the balance of the tire/rim assembly and balance accordingly. That should eliminate having to break any beads to rotate the tire to the desired position, and minimize the amount of rim weights needed.
Michelin's balance mark is the UPC code on the bead. So I've been told. Your weights might vary...

The PNW gang thought that too. After mounting many (many) sets of Michelin's, it didn't seem to make a damn bit of difference using the UPC code or not. Balance weight(s) didn't change.


Michelin's balance mark is the UPC code on the bead. So I've been told. Your weights might vary...


Not according to all the research I have done.

I haven't done this, but what if you got a serviceable rim and cut off one of the bead seats all the way around. Then balance that modified rim. Then whenever you mount a new tire, you could easily just push the new tire onto the remaining bead seat and find the light point of the tire. Then just mount the light point opposite the heavy point on the rim (which has previously been determined and marked, but not balanced). Once mounted, check the balance of the tire/rim assembly and balance accordingly. That should eliminate having to break any beads to rotate the tire to the desired position, and minimize the amount of rim weights needed.

Way to much effort for little gain.
Being one who liked and used Michelins a lot over the years, I’m in agreement with the grey beards above: Michelin’s barcode print is not the balance mark. That said, I still use it as a “starting” balance mark, since there is no other.

I do have my bare wheels pre-balanced, and the amount of misbalance marked inside the rim in sharpie, where it won’t be worn away. This is my reminder of that misbalance any time I stick a new donut on the rim. I also have a mark on the hub (outside of the tire) where the light spot is, but not wanting a bunch of graffiti on my wheels, the amount is not noted.

I’ll only rotate a once mounted tire if the mounted misbalance is greatly larger than the bare wheel. Otherwise, I’ll just take what I get. But if the mounted tire results in a misbalance significantly larger than the bare wheel, and in the same direction, I’ll rotate a tire. It’s not really that tough unless you are using extra-wide tires or (gasp) car tires