Removing Tire from Helmet

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Bill Lumberg

Oct 22, 2014
Reaction score
Looking for tips on how to remove tire from helmet. Did a trip from north GA to Savannah and back today. On the way back, I got punched in the side of the head. Of course I knew I'd been hit by something, but wasn't immediately sure what or if I or the bike were okay. Saw the culprit: a disintegrating rear tire on a tractor trailer. I seemed to be able to move alright. Bike still handled okay. Got ahead of the truck, put my landing lights on (an admore light bar in hazard mode is awesome), and paced him ahead on the shoulder until he stopped. Helmet and shield intact. No holes in bike. It's a true wonder it didn't hit a little lower and shear the windshield off. No harm done but rubber welded to the outside of my faincy Nolan.

As if that weren't luck enough for one day, I got home and my dog tags arrived. I ordered a set(very inexpensive) with my. name, blood type, two ICE numbers, and in the last line, my medical and rx insurers. They emailed and said the last line was too long. I emailed back and said make the last line just the medical insurer. They emailed back and said it was still too long. Damn. So I replied to change the last line to Jack Daniels. Tags arrived 2 days later.

Happy Thanksgiving weekend.

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Since it's works to remove melted soles from exhaust pipes,

I'd give oven cleaner a shot at removing tire residue from

your helmet. Test in a inconspicuous place first.

Mothers R3. Spray on wipe off.


I'm glad you're OK.

I saw one of those big tires pop once. I was behind, heard the sound, watched the debris field develop, somehow managed to skate through it, and at the next stop, changed my underwear.

There's enough adrenaline in motorcycle riding without adding these "instant blow out" hazards to the mix.

Happy Thanksgiving to you too.

Since it's works to remove melted soles from exhaust pipes,I'd give oven cleaner a shot at removing tire residue from

your helmet. Test in a inconspicuous place first.
Oven cleaner is pretty nasty stuff - extremely caustic. Depending on what the helmet is made from, I would be concerned about destroying the integrity of the shell.

Might be OK for ABS plastic but I would definitely NOT use it for fibreglass or polycarbonate.

Edit - probably not good for the paint - even if it doesn't weaken the structure.

You're lucky! That could have been a fully grown "road gator" instead of a squirrel-sized fragment. Encounters with truck tire chunks do not often end well for a motorcyclist.

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If it's just a rubber scuff mark from a glancing blow, you might try that Honda Spray Cleaner & Polish and a micro fiber cloth, along with some elbow grease. That will generally remove stuff that's not embedded in the finish.

It's like the cool rubberized finish on some of the new shoei's, just smeared, thicker, and on one side. Thanks for the suggestions and well-wishes guys.

Since it's works to remove melted soles from exhaust pipes,I'd give oven cleaner a shot at removing tire residue from

your helmet. Test in a inconspicuous place first.
Not to be contrary, but I wouldn't use oven cleaner on a helmet. My dad used it on an aluminum pot one time and ruined my mother's favorite roasting pan

Don't remove it. Wear it like a badge of honor. You'll tell the story many times and one day it will become a myth, a legend and an epic saga.

I had a freaking *wheel* fall off a truck ahead of me in heavy traffic on the interstate. Nowhere to go, had to choose a line and pray it didn't bounce into me (it didn't) - I wonder what poor soul behind me ended up with.

Glad you are OK. I have no tips for cleaning your helmet. People who know me know that I am not overly concerned about cleaning my FJR and related equipment.

Regarding tire blowouts, they are usually caused by heat. An overheated tire will give off a smell of burned rubber. It might not always be there, but if you do smell hot rubber when catching up to a truck then be wary.

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Meguire's Scratch X seems to work pretty well too. Just a hair of abrasive material to smooth paint. Heck, maybe even WD40. It works for everything else.

Meguire's Scratch X seems to work pretty well too. Just a hair of abrasive material to smooth paint. Heck, maybe even WD40. It works for everything else.
I considered saying WD40 as well. Years ago I used it to get burnt tennis shoe off my chrome exhaust pipes. That was a long time ago, so no digs about tennis shoes please ;)

The only thing that would worry me is whether the helmet's integrity has been compromised. If it hit your helmet hard enough to embed rubber into the surface sufficiently that you need help to remove it, that was a hard hit.

So I while I think a soak in WD40 and a little elbow grease may well remove it, it won't help with any internal damage.

But, then, I'm a pessimist.

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