Living with the Harley®-dite Tribe

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2005
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Moab, UT
Many people have often asked me about the gathering that is Sturgis and just what it is all about. Well, here is the 2007 installment of “The Adventures of MNFJR05, Living with the Harley®-dite Tribe.”


The Black Hills Motor Classic better known as “Sturgis” was commenced by 9 members of the Jackpine Gypsies Motorcycle Club. They camped in the yard of the Classic founder, J.C. "Pappy" Hoel. Dirt track racing was the main fare. Few people attended the early rallies and those that did camped in the City Park. As you can see things have changed.


Many other adventurers into the Harley®-dite Tribe have come back with unimaginable tales of evil Harley®-dite bikers looting and pillaging the local populace. Talking with the tribe elders on my trip I found out that it was certain villages of the Harley®-dite Tribe engaging in unenviable behavior. Those villages have largely been banned from these annual gatherings of all of the Harley®-dite tribes. They called those village members by strange names, Hell’s Angels, Bandidos, Son’s of Silence, Outlaws and others. They now peer down on the large throng from their vantage points in the hills but largely unwelcome at the large tribe gathering. There is, however, another gang that has moved into town. As you can see in the picture below they call themselves, “The Police.” More on that tribe later.


As an outsider I have heard and seen things called “Man Horns” that get installed on the FJR’s in my world. I thought they were very loud and effective. Members of the Harley®-dite Tribe often take things to extremes. The elder below explained to me that what we think are Man Horns are really “Hormonal Teenager Horns.” These, he explained, are “Man Horns” installed in the proper location.


I noticed an interesting daily ritual performed at the gathering of Harley®-dites. Harley®-dites ride machines mostly from a revered place in Milwaukee called, The Motor Company or more popularly Harley-Davidson®. These machines belch, shudder and bluster. They vibrate badly enough to loosen dental fillings if the Harley®-dites could afford dental work. At the beginning of each day the Harley®-dites come to this large tent to look over all of the parts that vibrated off the previous day and to make their machines whole once again.


Bikers. Harley®-dite bikers. You know, Jack Daniels for breakfast, Jaegermiester for lunch and Budweiser for dinner bad-asses. Well, at Sturgis the Harley®-dites have brought their not so bad ass espresso in tow. Yep, bad ass Harley®-dite bikers. No longer slurring their speech and puking but jittery and jacked up on caffeine! What a sight!


The easiest way to describe the Sturgis is to imagine being at a local hangout when it is invaded by a national Star Wars or Star Trek convention. Guys and gals who live in their parents basement dress up like Darth Vader and Captain Kirk for a couple of days and engage in a little role playing. Well folks, it appears the same people at the Star Trek convention are the same people at Sturgis.


The Harley®-dites wear strange clothing. A popular item is something I called “Assless Chaps” or “SkooterG Pants”. Here are 2 Harley®-dites showing off their “SkooterG Pants.” Aren’t they special???


And you can buy SkooterG Pants with braids, fringe or plain, as long as you want them in black.


Harley-Davidson® has been known for their technical prowess and leadership over the years. The Motor Company® didn’t fail to impress at Sturgis this year either. Here is the new Harley-Davidson® line of GPS units.


At Sturgis there are real bad ass Harley®-dites who own Harley-Davidsons® and prove it by getting real Harley-Davidson® tattoos. Here is one to prove it.


Then there are the legions of poseurs that invade the town. Too timid to commit to the lifestyle they just try it on. This lovely nylon arm sleeve tattoo was seen on many a 50+ year old Harley®-dite poseur. She made it a point to tell me that it was air-brushed by hand. BFD. Your still a poseur.


Sturgis, where Harley®-dite men are men and sheep are nervous.


Well that's all for now...I will report back in the next few days with more amazing stories from “The Adventures of MNFJR05, Living with the Harley®-dite Tribe.”

Excellent report MNFJR05...

Looking forward to more. :yahoo:

Gotta get me one of them tattoo sleeve thingys...

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You got a much better picture of the Enterprise bike than I did... Can't wait for the next installment!

Many people have often asked me about the gathering that is Sturgis and just what it is all about. Well, here is the 2007 installment of “The Adventures of MNFJR05, Living with the Harley®-dite Tribe.”
Why would anybody ask YOU, a FJR Squadron Leader, about Sturgis? I believe that you are a closet Harley-dite wannabe. Why else would someone go to such extreme to bash a popular motorcycle and those that ride cruisers.
