Living with the Harley®-dite Tribe

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2005
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Moab, UT
Welcome to the third episode of “The Adventures of MNFJR05, Living with the Harley®-dite Tribe.” Hope all of you are having fun learning about our Harley®-dite brothers and sisters and their unique and special culture. We are going to learn a lot more about the Harley®-dites today but first I promised all of you the details from the last picture in our previous episode.

On Sunday morning I was awake before the majority of the tribe members had stirred from the drunken stupor the previous night. I wove my way through their large encampments (with very noble sounding names like Bear Butte and not so noble names like Buffalo Chip) and into the downtown area. I came across two lovely ladies and their photographer trying to make use of the “golden hour” of sunlight early in the morning, 7:30am to be exact. A few tribe members were up early and what a sight they were able to behold.


I have a new Fuji camera with a feature called “Face Detection”. Apparently my camera is a lecherous old man because the face detection kept locking on to the girls boobs on the left. She has a substantial scar on her right thigh, but I think I would be able to over look that one small flaw. I was left to walk with a slight hunch for the next 15 to 20 minutes until the swelling went down.


I will give you one chance to guess what these girls are selling…and it isn’t tires or bikinis…


While we are on the subject of selling, I will let you in on a little Harley®-dite and Sturgis secret. What once started as a motorcycle rally is now all about this…


Commerce, commerce and more commerce. As an outsider I would call the clan gathering known as the Black Hills Motor Classic the “Black Hills Let’s Sell Some Shit for a Week”. There are enough t-shirts for sale at the gathering to clothe the third world.


In addition to the t-shirts, a new style of shirt has become popular thanks to one of the saints of the Harley®-dite tribe, Saint Paul Teutul Sr.


This shirt of Saint Paul even has an appropriate saying on the back!


There is an interesting economics lesson that plays out every year at Sturgis. The t-shirts start out at 2 for $25 or $30 but as the crowd thins and the week wears on the prices stay the same but you get more for your buck as you will receive 5, 6 or 7 shirts for the same $25 if you wait until the last weekend of the gathering. And if you already shelled out $20K for your Harley-Davidson® what’s another $99(VISA or Mastercard accepted) for one to sit on your coffee table.


Or another $2,300 to hang one on the wall!


What else is higher on a badass bikers shopping list than this, jewelry. Yep, you can never be too bad or have too many turquoise bracelets.



Another essential item for all badass bikers to own are turtles. Little wooden turtles with match stick heads that bob in the breeze. What are they for, you ask. Well let me tell you!!! They are for big badass bikers to ahh, err, ummm, well, lemme see, ahh, ehhhh screw it. If I have to explain to your dumbass you will never understand.


There are essential items on sale here at the clan gathering. And the Harley®-dites and their hard earned cash soon parts ways. Here are valve stem caps. Yes, those all important valve stem caps to complete that custom look. No one will have a set just like yours. Well unless they pay the required $5 or $6 per cap!!! But wow what a selection! Yes, they have skulls.


Another essential for the Harley®-dites include bells. Apparently this lets the Harley®-dites know they are about to crash.


Fringe, as the Harley®-dites like to cover all sorts of things in this stuff. This store was selling fringe. Lots and lots of fringe.


Almost every Harley®-dite elder and elder wannabe wears a black vest. This vest appears to symbolize power and knowledge amongst the Harley®-dites. Power is noted in the form of patches. The more patches you have the smarter you appear in Harley®-dite circles. And knowledge is for sale at the gathering.


Even other tribes are being welcomed but as you can see they are kept in the lower left corner.


And some of the patches give you a deep insight in to the IQ if the Harley®-dite tribe.


They even have a nice little elf in the corner to attach the knowledge to the vest on the spot!


And lastly something every Harley®-dite males needs, balls. Every size and color imaginable. All that is except real. “Yes Honeybuns, I will be right home to finish the laundry.”


Well that’s our episode for tonite! Make sure to tune in next week for Episode 4 of “The Adventures of MNFJR05, Living with the Harley®-dite Tribe” as we get back to the real stars of the Black Hills Motor Classic…


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Too funny - It'd gonna be tough when you report your last "episode".

Thanks for the laughs... :yahoo:

Holy shit this stuff is funny!!!

I sincerely hope that you have enough creativity and photos for an entire season of this series. I love it. If you run out of material just make some shit up and don't tell us it isn't real. We don't care. We'll keep reading.

You really should consolidate this into one location on the web to keep forever. (PM me if you'd like to borrow a page on my web site.)

what really makes it funny is the grain of truth to it all. :rolleyes:
Bingo! The best comedy is always somehow rooted in the truth.

Remind me to never ride with MNFJR....just in case "the tribe" learns and seeks revenge for these tell-all articles!! ;)

Looks about the same as Myrtle Beach Bike Week.
...or Daytona....or Laconia....or nauseum. Cuidado -- one year, at Sturgis, the "Tribe" tossed some poor slob's Yamaha into a bonfire!

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