Difference Between a Porcupine and a BMW?

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James Burleigh

Well-known member
Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
San Francisco Bay Area
Of course we all know that the difference between a porcupine and a BMW is that with a porcupine the pricks are on the outside.

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Now that was funny. :fan_1: I was so deep into reading becuase I felt as if I was there. I was rolling on the throttle at the same time... Great write up!

Great story. I too, love the roll-on performance of the FJR best. People must think because it has bags on it that it must be slow. They are really suprised when they try to cut you off, and you're not there! You're already 1000ft ahead of them.

And for some reason, Beemer drivers are the worst when it comes to ego. You know, it's all about "them" and what "they" want. The rest of us are just fodder for there exhibited lifestyle.

Good one, Hans. I've heard there is someone in the Sacramento area who does the same thing..er. uhm, accidently, of course. :rolleyes:

Loved the story, that's real fun.

On a serious note, you didn't say how close he was behind you. I've had a similar overtaker come up behind me, I let him overtake because he was much too close for my comfort. I felt much safer with him in front than behind.

But then, I'm a 22-year old when I'm on the bike, no longer 21 (64 when off the bike). And, I've been your age, you may never reach mine.


And for some reason, Beemer drivers are the worst when it comes to ego. You know, it's all about "them" and what "they" want.
Isn't it strange that BMW, Volvo amd SUV drivers seem to have the same characteristics whichever side of the Pond they are?

And for some reason, Beemer drivers are the worst when it comes to ego. You know, it's all about "them" and what "they" want. The rest of us are just fodder for there exhibited lifestyle.
Good one, Hans. I've heard there is someone in the Sacramento area who does the same thing..er. uhm, accidently, of course. :rolleyes:
And they're either driving like they're coming home after winning the F1 Championship, or like they'd be better off with a 76 Fleetwood Broughm.

Suddenly in my rear-view mirror, hard on my heels, is a silver two-door BMW (cage). I know the driver's a prick because to get behind me he had to cut off the mustang that was previously behind me.
Keep fukkin around with cars driven by the ego-involved and you're gonna get hurt bad. Those dipshits will think nothing of running you off the road and just keep going. "Oops.. not my fault."

Suddenly in my rear-view mirror, hard on my heels, is a silver two-door BMW (cage). I know the driver's a prick because to get behind me he had to cut off the mustang that was previously behind me.
Keep fukkin around with cars driven by the ego-involved and you're gonna get hurt bad. Those dipshits will think nothing of running you off the road and just keep going. "Oops.. not my fault."

Yes, but riding a motorcycle with cars proves we are all a BIT insane anyway. The whole "Let it Go" things is what we all have to do.

But once in Awhile it is nice to [SIZE=14pt]"Shove a fukin Corncob up their ass sideways [/SIZE] :assassin: " **who said that**

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Remember, with a porcupine, the pricks are on the outside. Just could'nt resist the punchline in case it was lost on anyone.

Oh yea great write up! I have had similar experiences in the DC area coming home and going to the Pentagon. Anyone that "thinks" they are fast and trys to "get around me" because I'm going a sane speed, gets to see my tail pipes disapear into the traffic ahead. nothing insane, just more power/weight and better manuverabiltiy than YOU. :bye:


Suddenly in my rear-view mirror, hard on my heels, is a silver two-door BMW (cage). I know the driver's a prick because to get behind me he had to cut off the mustang that was previously behind me.
Keep fukkin around with cars driven by the ego-involved and you're gonna get hurt bad. Those dipshits will think nothing of running you off the road and just keep going. "Oops.. not my fault."

Yes, but riding a motorcycle with cars proves we are all a BIT insane anyway. The whole "Let it Go" things is what we all have to do.

But once in Awhile it is nice to "Shove a fukin Corncob up their ass sideways :assassin: " **who said that**
Ok, ladies and gentlemen,

you have successfully made my day...I'm cryin over here......

thank you,



Lived in your part of the country for 31 years before moving to rural SE Arizona. In retrospect I have to be honest and admit that riding in the SF Bay area (or any hi-density metro area) takes balls, competence and restraint. You're right about BMW's and pricks by in large.

I had almost the same experience as you only it was inside (yes, "inside") the Caldecott tunnel. I don't know what the hell happened as when I saw him "go for it" I just "went for it". :assassin: We were both rapidly closing on cars in front and I knew what he was going to do, but unlike you I don't think there was much cognitive signals going on in my head, more like the old "lizard brain" response. As my reactions kicked in (no thought, just a damn reflex) and I shot out of the tunnel into the daylight and view of the Bay, I had to pull over in Oakland and shake the sh&t out of my pants. :blink:

After I moved down here I saw that people in low density areas tend to be more polite and respectful of bikes. I suppose it's a matter of people feeling pushed and shoved. Also many riders/drivers down here "carry" and so you really don't know what the other guy is capable of.

Still, I have to admit that I miss the redwoods, rides to Alices and up the coast past Stinson beach etc etc. Enjoy the beautiful area you ride in and for sure, James, ride safe. Nice write up BTW.


Great write up

I know this is not about being tailgated but

It made me think about my buddy who carries M&Ms in his pocket

Sure make tailgaters back off when he tosses them over his sholder

And the best thing he says is they don't melt in your pocket

I know of another guy whom carries old spark plugs in his pocket but IMHO that is going to far

And for some reason, Beemer drivers are the worst when it comes to ego. You know, it's all about "them" and what "they" want. The rest of us are just fodder for there exhibited lifestyle.
Good one, Hans. I've heard there is someone in the Sacramento area who does the same thing..er. uhm, accidently, of course. :rolleyes:

You are referring, obliquely, to yourself, I know! :blink: ... The judge dismissed my 2-pointer! :yahoo:


I had almost the same experience as you only it was inside (yes, "inside") the Caldecott tunnel. I don't know what the hell happened as when I saw him "go for it" I just "went for it". :assassin: We were both rapidly closing on cars in front and I knew what he was going to do, but unlike you I don't think there was much cognitive signals going on in my head, more like the old "lizard brain" response. As my reactions kicked in (no thought, just a damn reflex) and I shot out of the tunnel into the daylight and view of the Bay, I had to pull over in Oakland and shake the sh&t out of my pants. :blink:
Arizona, you give me too much credit.

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