Picked up my new 2010 FJR1300

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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2006
Reaction score
Austin, TX

See more pics here (


568 miles in 10 hours- 3 stops.

My day started at 5 am and off to the airport.

Flight from Austin to Dallas- mechanical problems- had to take the next flight.

Made my connection in Dallas- however- mechanical problems- had to take the next flight.

(American Airlines really sucks!)

Chad from Big Boar Powersports picked me up at the airport and to his dealership in Rogers AR. BTW: gave me a great price and service; hence the reason for traveling so far.

Paperwork and set up of the new FJR (installed GPS mount, my beaded seat, throttle rocker) and I was good to go. Left the dealership at 1 pm sharp and headed to pick up some provisions at Walmart (that I couldn't carry onto the plane; e.g., tire plug kit, pliers and some drinks).

Kids outside of the Walmart said my bike looked cool.

Then off to the AR mountains- guys, the roads up there are FABULOUS- the views are outstanding- there are ooodles and oodles of twisty roads and the pavement is awesome. Went over some large bridges between mountains (very windy today) and through mountain tunnels. All awesome.

I told myself to stop every hundred miles for a break- and did so for mile 100 and mile 200 (met a Phillip FJR forum member at an Arby's). But the new FJR is so smooth and powerful. Had my beaded seat on, so no butt issues. My next stop was at mile 400 (where the guy at the convenience store asked what kind of bike it was- he told me it looked like "Star Wars" so I told him I must be Luke Skywalker;). Next stop- home!

I just recently sold my 2006 FJR and the major difference between the 06 and the 2010 is that there is not "clunk" when you shift into first gear. The throttle spring is also markedly looser.

OK, had enough break- beautiful day here in Austin- time to go for a ride! :bike:

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Ahhh-so! The fastest color rides again. My '04 also still turns heads and gets plenty of nice comments, so I guess the overall FJR look has not gone out of style.

Yea, some of those AR roads are fabulous. The hills around Mountain Home my favorite so far, and that Mena area is no slouch. You are now probably off to the the TX Hill Country, also very interesting.

Congrats and enjoy!

Congrats to you! Hopefully the temperatures weren't too chilly. I'm sure the twistys in Arkansas probably helped to keep you warm.

The 2010s look like a good crop :)

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Great looking bike! Congratulations. I noticed there's no 1300 logo on the fairing. Is there one anywhere on the '10.

I've been hearing a lot about the roads in the Ozark national forest and planning a ride there this summer.

Congratulations on the new scooter. I've ridden in all of the lower 48 states in the last 4 years (since retirement) and I can say with a degree of certainty that there are no better motorcycling roads anywhere, than the Ozarks. My favorite is Arkansas Scenic Highway 7 starting in Harrison and going South to Hot Springs.

