Why yes, I am a Smart ASS
I sent a letter to my State Rep and now have his ear!
What I NEED from you guys.
Videos of SAFE lane Splitting (ie proof it works) JB sorry man your out.
Help finding the # of registered bikes in Alabama vs Cars. I googled but I guess not the right thing.
Some crib notes of FACTs on lane splitting and its positive effects.
A Devils Advocate of what objections may be and a rebutal for each.
Any other help (apart from TWN's hookers ) you can think of.
His ResponseRepresentative Ward,
I would like to see legislation introduced (and passed) that would allow for legal lane sharing of Motorcycles. This would help alleviate some of the traffic on our roads. Lane sharing is safer than sitting in line just waiting to be rear-ended (ask any MSF instructor or Motocop). Less accidents=less use of municipal assets (Fire & Police) =saves tax dollars. It saves fuel (Not idling in traffic) and wear & tear on the bike. It gets you to your destination faster while polluting the environment less (Again not idling in traffic). The number of motorcycles on the road is increasing every year. Alabama is a “year round” state as we have very little snow or ice and it is not too cold. I have personally done a 590 mile recreational day on Dec. 2, 06 with weather starting at 16 degrees and a high of 39 degrees.
Lane Sharing is legal in California and you could look to them for information.
The lane sharing that is allowed in California is basically summed up as allowing a motorcycle to ride between cars or along the shoulder in stop and go traffic that is traveling less than 20 MPH and the motorcycle may not exceed a safe speed of 10 MPH over the traffic conditions.
There is a Bill pending in the State of Washington that echo’s California. A copy of the Washington Bill is included with this letter.
I would be happy to discuss further benefits with you.
Thank you for you consideration of this matter.
Kevin, I will be glad to sit down and discuss this issue with you. I can tell you that I have heard this proposal brought up before and the Alabama Department of Public Safety came out and spoke against it. I cannot remember what their opposition was but it did kill the bill before it even came up for a vote. I will look into that and just see what their objections were at the time.
I look forward to talking with you about this further. Do you have time sometime next week to come by and visit with me about this bill?
What I NEED from you guys.
Videos of SAFE lane Splitting (ie proof it works) JB sorry man your out.
Help finding the # of registered bikes in Alabama vs Cars. I googled but I guess not the right thing.
Some crib notes of FACTs on lane splitting and its positive effects.
A Devils Advocate of what objections may be and a rebutal for each.
Any other help (apart from TWN's hookers ) you can think of.