I picked up the Vista Cruise at California Sport Touring yesterday and installed it today. Of course nothing is as simple as it seems, so I spent the first few minutes looking at it and re-reading the instructions and looking at it some more, and thinking, "What the f***?"
First I had to figure out how to make it separate to get around the handlebar, and of course the instructions presume you're smart enough to figure that out. I was, but not right away.
So I put it on my grip (2005 ABS), and immediately realized it worked without even tightening down--i.e., it locked my grip in permanent cruise control. Hmmm.... Not good. There was this existing washer and the flaring end of my grip in the way.
Well, FJR Forum and Warchild (FJR Tech) to the rescue (as usual). His post gave me "permission" to cut all that **** away and drill into the cable housing. Once I did all that, well, on she goes, and works like a charm. I still have no friggin' idea how it works. But it does. So I got that goin' for me....
Tomorrow in thick rush-hour traffic I'll try it out, hopefully while drafting behind a huge semi-truck (oops, wrong thread.... :glare: ).