Anyone w/pic's Details to Bypass Bad Ignition Switch

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Well-known member
Aug 20, 2006
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Atlanta, GA
I know the ignition switch can go without warning and wondered if anyone had Pictures and Details(what's needed) on how to Temporarily Bypass the Switch until it can be fixed in an emergency situation.

DCarver's Bad Switch Story

I think I read one needs 12 gauge wire and a couple of wire nuts. This is something I want to put under my seat...just in case.

After the bypass do you have to push start to get the bike going?

Thank you in advance for any knowledge you may share with me.

So the following is the Synopsis(With everyone's Input) of what is needed should an Ignition Switch bails on you:


1-Take the RED & BROWN wire to the Ignition Switch and Splice them together via Wirenuts or something

2- Then you can use the Key in the Ignition to Start the FJR

3- Turn the On/Off Toggle Switch to OFF when you Need to Turn Off Power (Or you may drain the battery), If NO Toggle Switch is used, Then DISCONNECT the Jumpered Wires.


So what you would need for your Emergency Kit is the following:

1- Knife or Wire Cutters to Strip the end of the Wires

2- 1-2 Wirenuts to temporarily attach the RED & BROWN (12guage) wires

3- Tape and Perhaps some extra lengths of 12 guage wires if needed

DCarver Footnotes: My only additonal comment would be to carry a small switch capable of 10 amps or so prewired up to some leads. Tywrap the switch to the handlebar as it gets really old doing the wire nut routine when on a ride. Oh, and all the interlocks still worked when my failure occurred e.g. kickstand must be up if in gear, kill switch set to ON, etc

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Ya know it seems like I read something about that here just recently. Had to do with connecting to two large wires to each other and the same with the two smaller wires.

Damn! I was going to add that to my personal bin-o-facts.

Oh well, time to hit the wiring schematic.


Sounds like good knowledge in the event of a switch failure.

Sounds like good knowledge in the event that you don't have your own FJR!

Better not talk too loud.

I'm looking for the precise how-to as well... I suppose I could dig the manual out and figure it out, but that won't be handy when it breaks. :)

I too would like to put a kit in with my toolkit with instructions and the tidbits needed.

I don't know how to repost a past topic but the answer was found in the post "replying to ignition switch repair" and the jumping of the wires was correct.


The NUT is right. When I resurected the switch on my 03 I cut the loom and put it back together with male and female spade cannectors so if and when it dies again I just untape the loom and plug the wires together and on down the road I go. I made the splice where it can be reached without lifting the tank. If somebody knew where to look you might be able to find the splice but If they are going to screw with your bike they aren't going to be looking to bypass the ignition. :D


Thanks for the Reply. You said then "Simply hot wiring the red to the brown got power back. The two remaining wires, an interlock, required the ignition switch be placed to the run position for the bike to fire."

My question to you is, does this JUST engage all the Power to the Bike and then Could you Use the Key to Start or did you have to Push/Jump Start the bike.

If this is the case, one would only need 1- Wirecutter/Knife 2- Couple of Wiring Nuts have an Emergency Kit for such occasion.

Please let me know if I am understanding this correctly....Thanks Much!


Thanks for the Reply. You said then "Simply hot wiring the red to the brown got power back. The two remaining wires, an interlock, required the ignition switch be placed to the run position for the bike to fire."

My question to you is, does this JUST engage all the Power to the Bike and then Could you Use the Key to Start or did you have to Push/Jump Start the bike.

If this is the case, one would only need 1- Wirecutter/Knife 2- Couple of Wiring Nuts have an Emergency Kit for such occasion.

Please let me know if I am understanding this correctly....Thanks Much!

I was with Don on this faithful day in Death Valley. Don used the key to start it after jumping the two. Therefor, it seems that you only need a cutter and a couple wire nuts. It's what I carry!

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Thanks for the Reply. You said then "Simply hot wiring the red to the brown got power back. The two remaining wires, an interlock, required the ignition switch be placed to the run position for the bike to fire."

My question to you is, does this JUST engage all the Power to the Bike and then Could you Use the Key to Start or did you have to Push/Jump Start the bike.

If this is the case, one would only need 1- Wirecutter/Knife 2- Couple of Wiring Nuts have an Emergency Kit for such occasion.

Please let me know if I am understanding this correctly....Thanks Much!

I was with Don on this faithful day in Death Valley. Don used the key to start it after jumping the two. Therefor, it seems that you only need a cutter and a couple wire nuts. It's what I carry!

Thank you sooo much for the Clarification. I know many things were said about this but something was left out for the complete story....this ties it up. Thanks Don for your picture and the followup as well...this should help many others as myself.

WTF? :aggressive:

I don't get no credit? :cry: I'm takin' my ball an goin' home :blum:

Bastards :****:

Thanks for the link Carver an Barabus an, fjray fer covering my butt :lol:

I'm done reading how to fix shit out of curiosity, Never fails. Every time I do, I have to fix my shit :blink:


WTF? :aggressive: I don't get no credit? :cry: I'm takin' my ball an goin' home :blum:

Bastards :****:

Thanks for the link Carver an Barabus an, fjray fer covering my butt :lol:

I'm done reading how to fix shit out of curiosity, Never fails. Every time I do, I have to fix my shit :blink:


Thanks for your reply "Had to do with connecting to two large wires to each other and the same with the two smaller wires. "

but it did not specify which wire colors or location. While don't want to take my Ignition Loom apart, I needed a little more specifics to be sure.

Thanks again.


Yeah I know what ya mean, Just having some fun I wouldn't wanna do anything with the wiring without knowing exactly whats up. Putting the smoke back in gets damn awful expensive :blink:


I know the ignition switch can go without warning and wondered if anyone had Pictures and Details(what's needed) on how to Temporarily Bypass the Switch until it can be fixed in an emergency situation.
I think I read one needs 12 gauge wire and a couple of wire nuts. This is something I want to put under my seat...just in case.

After the bypass do you have to push start to get the bike going?

Thank you in advance for any knowledge you may share with me.

So the following is the Synopsis(With everyone's Input) of what is needed should an Ignition Switch bails on you:

1-Take the RED & BROWN wire to the Ignition Switch and Splice them together via Wirenuts or something

2- Then you can use the Key in the Ignition to Start the FJR

So what you would need for your Emergency Kit is the following:

1- Knife or Wire Cutters to Strip the end of the Wires

2- 1-2 Wirenuts to temporarily attach the RED & BROWN (12guage) wires

3- Tape and Perhaps some extra lengths of 12 guage wires if needed
Correct on the red and brown. My only additonal comment would be to carry a small switch capable of 10 amps or so prewired up to some leads. Tywrap the switch to the handlebar as it gets really old doing the wire nut routine when on a ride. Oh, and all the interlocks still worked when my failue occurred e.g. kickstand must be up if in gear, kill switch set to ON, etc.

Ya know, I had to replace my ignition switch in Feb because I zip-tied some wires during my GPS install that eventually pulled the hot wire loose inside the switch. I thought about posting these kind of details at the time after playing with the old/broken assembly, but the former cop in me thought "nah, why would I want to go and post a how-to on how to steal our bikes?" Sure, most people who really want to probably already know how, but it would be like that news reporter who actually ran a news story about how easy it was to unlock/steal Toyota Corolla's in the 90's, then there was a nationwide epidemic spike in their thefts. Nothing quite so dramatic here, but still...

Now... :blink:

Oh well...
