The Wave or The Nod?

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Huck Fonda

Well-known member
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
Ever since I moved out here, I've noticed that other commuters on bikes don't wave, but turn and nod a little.

I like it personally, because it differentiates between a lane change hand signal or when I'm thanking a car for giving me a little extra room, plus it keeps hands on bars.

Up until this new sign of recognition, I'd had it broken down like this, which generally refers to what I'd seen on open road encounters:

Cruiser Guy - most typically a low wave or "peace" sign, done with the left arm fully extended to the side and dropped about 30~40 degrees below horizontal. This or nothing at all if you're on a sport bike, ST, or are wearing a full faced helmet.

Touring or other ST Guy - upper arm horizontal to the side, left hand and forearm vertical, palm forward. some times upper arm can be angled slightly forward.

Sporty Guy - usually a "peace" sign or thumbs up, but with the hand positioned much closer to the bike, about waist level and slightly forward toward the tank.

I suspect this will get moved into the "totally useless..." area, but I'd still like to get an idea about the Nod. Is it just around here or is it taking over elswhere? Is it just for in-town use or is it acceptable out on the road too?

How long you been in town? Certain areas are so bike infested (PCH in Malibu or Mulhulland on the weekends) that you won't even get a nod. Commuters are less likely because they are focusing on getting to work and sharing lanes at 40 mph (not me, though!). I've stopped the practice of initiating the wave, but I will return it or if I'm clutching, I'll nod. Frankly, given the amount of riders anymore, it's getting a bit overdone, IMO.

Oh, be careful about saying 'out here'. The Native Sharks consider this freshly spilled blood and will pounce. The correct phrase is: 'Since I moved here...' ;)

Thanks for the help. I guess using out could get me beat up by a rainbow colored bat?

Pertaining to nod/wave/hand signals (not the one under the restroom divider <_< )....

Do what makes you comfortable. In traffic one must realize the other biker may be watching the cages around him and be concentrating "there". I'll generally wave or nod because I still think its a good thing.

'Course we doesn't gots the traffic density thickness er number of alluh them bikes as you'ens dew down thar in thuh Southland.

Thanks for the help. I guess using out could get me beat up by a rainbow colored bat?

No, it's the native Californians... They hate 'out here' because it makes them feel apart from the rest of the country somehow. They also hate hearing 'back east' as they have an innate reference system that categorizes 'back east' as 'New York City' - and you know that LA and NYC each consider themselves to be the only true center of the Universe. ;)

Thanks for the help. I guess using out could get me beat up by a rainbow colored bat?

No, it's the native Californians... They hate 'out here' because it makes them feel apart from the rest of the country somehow. They also hate hearing 'back east' as they have an innate reference system that categorizes 'back east' as 'New York City' - and you know that LA and NYC each consider themselves to be the only true center of the Universe. ;)
Dayum. Ya'll are sensitive out there.

I guess using out could get me beat up by a rainbow colored bat?
No, we wouldn't do anything like that. We're satisfied just knowing which team you play for.
FUZZY BALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Thanks for the help. I guess using out could get me beat up by a rainbow colored bat?

No, it's the native Californians... They hate 'out here' because it makes them feel apart from the rest of the country somehow. They also hate hearing 'back east' as they have an innate reference system that categorizes 'back east' as 'New York City' - and you know that LA and NYC each consider themselves to be the only true center of the Universe. ;)
Well that clears that up. Now I know that there really is something wrong with all the fruits and nuts around (?) here.

::giggle:: thinking LA is the center of the universe........BA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!

See, California being "out there" has so many connotations. . .

Of course for most of a century it was out there, being non-contiguous with the folks "back east." You had to fight through Injun country or sail around another continent to get there!

Now that we're all cozied up, Manifest Destiny satisfied and all, we still think of California as "out there." The area between hither and yon is still "wilderness." Just look at a road map: nowhere near as many dots and lines in the middle part.

Of course, "out there" is an attitude we think y'all have out there, too!

From a Shoe comic strip about 25 years ago:

"What's the time difference between here and California?"

"About 6 years."

As for wave vs nod, If I get a nod instead of a wave I assume it's because the clutch hand is busy. That's the only time I nod.

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So where is the line between Northern and Southern California? Y'all down near Bakersfield, Buck Owens and such and them in Northern Mexico near Santa Barbara might know. I happen to live up here near Arnolds Playhouse, Sacramento. To me everbody on the other side of the Sierra Nevada is back east. I will wave, nod or wink if I'm real busy. :lol:

Ok huck, so what do you do when you are passing a long group of riders, say 20 bikes? I do the parade wave, you know like your in Pasadina on a float made of nothing but flowers :)
