The Wave or The Nod?

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Ok huck, so what do you do when you are passing a long group of riders, say 20 bikes? I do the parade wave, you know like your in Pasadina on a float made of nothing but flowers :)
(Damn, this thing really backfired on me...not going at all as I had intended)

Never been to Pasadena; don't care much to sit (or ride) through parades; flowers are nice enough, remind me to slow down once in a while to take notice;

But back to the topic, yeah, I usually just let it hang low out there until they all pass by.

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Up here in Nor Cal there are fewer riders and me being a relative Newb I am a frequent waver. I find the cruisers always wave (now I heard it was a v sign as in v twin). The sport riders are somewhat unpredictable, probably cause they are going a bit faster. I also get more waves when I am on my cruiser than on the fjr.

ps - anything south of Stockton is Southern California

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Never been to Pasadena; don't care much to sit (or ride) through parades; flowers are nice enough, remind me to slow down once in a while to take notice;
Wasn't there a whole thread about the Parade Princess Wave?

I like to be acknowleged by other riders, although it happens more often outside the Southland than closer to home. If my left hand is free, I'll raise it slightly off the bars. If not, I'll nod. I do get a lot more waves when I wear the pink jacket than any other one. :)


When I ride my FJR in the North West area of Connecticut, I find that almost all of the Harley guy’s wave as described above. :)

My son only gets a few Harley waves' when he rides his Ducati Monster wile wearing his blue and white full leather once peace suit and full face helmet. :rolleyes:

We both get waves from the sport bike guys. :)

And the BMW guys, they almost never wave at all to ether of us. :huh:

The biggest waves I've ever seen were when I was riding west across South Dakota. Some of them (on all makes) looked like they were ready to stand and wave. Weird.

Going home the other direction (back east) I noticed no waves from the west bound riders. Weirder.

OK in the UK....if you are interested, we don't wave....its just not cool. The smaller the nod the cooler. Sometimes if you can make eye contact just a look is enough. Those who don't get it do a kind of twisted nod as if you were winking....totally uncool. The ones who do wave are usually riding Gold Wings, you get a huge smiling wave from rider and pillion, you look around and if there are no other bikers about you nod back.

The funniest one I did was driving down a narrow lane in the car, I came round a tight slow bend and met a bike coming the other way. We made eye contact instantly and I automatically nodded....he nodded back....we were both embarrased and try not to talk about it.

OK in the UK....if you are interested, we don't wave....its just not cool. The smaller the nod the cooler. Sometimes if you can make eye contact just a look is enough. Those who don't get it do a kind of twisted nod as if you were winking....totally uncool. The ones who do wave are usually riding Gold Wings, you get a huge smiling wave from rider and pillion, you look around and if there are no other bikers about you nod back.
The funniest one I did was driving down a narrow lane in the car, I came round a tight slow bend and met a bike coming the other way. We made eye contact instantly and I automatically nodded....he nodded back....we were both embarrased and try not to talk about it.
Since this thread has been totally hijacked...I drove in England once. The reason you all don't wave relates to the challenge of driving on the wrong side of the road.... :unsure: :unsure: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

OK in the UK....if you are interested, we don't wave....its just not cool. The smaller the nod the cooler. Sometimes if you can make eye contact just a look is enough. Those who don't get it do a kind of twisted nod as if you were winking....totally uncool. The ones who do wave are usually riding Gold Wings, you get a huge smiling wave from rider and pillion, you look around and if there are no other bikers about you nod back.
The funniest one I did was driving down a narrow lane in the car, I came round a tight slow bend and met a bike coming the other way. We made eye contact instantly and I automatically nodded....he nodded back....we were both embarrased and try not to talk about it.
I think I'm going "Euro". The regulars on my commute see me, know what I wear, and probably know when I'm running a little late. So to all those on the 405, here's a running wave, nod, general acknowledgement that it's cool that you're out there too.

Out on the open road, I'll offer a "gosh darn good to be out here, ain't it" wave as appropriate.

Never been to Pasadena; don't care much to sit (or ride) through parades; flowers are nice enough, remind me to slow down once in a while to take notice;
Wasn't there a whole thread about the Parade Princess Wave?

I like to be acknowleged by other riders, although it happens more often outside the Southland than closer to home. If my left hand is free, I'll raise it slightly off the bars. If not, I'll nod. I do get a lot more waves when I wear the pink jacket than any other one. :)


i find that i get pointed at a lot when i where my pink jacket, they also seem to laugh a lot :D

I definitely get more waves from other riders when I am riding the KLR instead of the FJR or VFR. I guess a dual sport/dirt bike type of ride is more "neutral" and can be related to more by most riders.

Like my dear ole Ma used ta say "anything south of Grapevine, or east of I-5, just give back to the Brit's, Mexicans's or whoever'll take it!" :rolleyes:

BTW, I use the low wave, unless shifting, then the nod.

I guess I use the sport bike wave after years of riding a 600CBR. Only time I nod is when my hand is occupied pulling in the clutch. Groups get one looooong wave.

BMW riders wave to me all the time here, only 2 FJRs I have seen and lots of BMWs. Probably think I am on a BMW.

OK in the UK....if you are interested, we don't wave....its just not cool. The smaller the nod the cooler. Sometimes if you can make eye contact just a look is enough. Those who don't get it do a kind of twisted nod as if you were winking....totally uncool. The ones who do wave are usually riding Gold Wings, you get a huge smiling wave from rider and pillion, you look around and if there are no other bikers about you nod back.
The funniest one I did was driving down a narrow lane in the car, I came round a tight slow bend and met a bike coming the other way. We made eye contact instantly and I automatically nodded....he nodded back....we were both embarrased and try not to talk about it.
Since this thread has been totally hijacked...I drove in England once. The reason you all don't wave relates to the challenge of driving on the wrong side of the road.... :unsure: :unsure: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
Very possibly, there is talk of phasing in a change to the other side of the road over a 12 month period. It's thought that this may well deal with some of the congestion problems too. :D

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OK in the UK....if you are interested, we don't wave....its just not cool.
Since this thread has been totally hijacked...I drove in England once. The reason you all don't wave relates to the challenge of driving on the wrong side of the road.... :unsure: :unsure: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
Very possibly, there is talk of phasing in a change to the other side of the road over a 12 month period. It's thought that this may well deal with some of the congestion problems too. :D
Far too subtle for a Yank :rolleyes:

And I find BMW riders are the least likely to wave/return a wave. Perhaps if they lift a hand from the bars they go unstable with all that vibration? Now I'm asking for it ...

Took me a while to find this. I've been catching up after a period in China. There, on the roads, no-one acknowledges the existance of any other road user, they all just keep going. Over red lights, through pedestrian walk-ways, along pavements [that's sidewalks in American].
