Would you use this for you FJR???

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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV
Hello All,

I recently came across this The UnderTaker. Its a bike towing device, looks pretty cool and considering I'd only occasionally use it, the price is right... much cheaper than any trailer I've see.

I just wanted some input from the experts.



Seems like it is well named! Sheese, where do these people get their marketing expertise. Why would you name something The Undertaker?

Seems like it is well named! Sheese, where do these people get their marketing expertise. Why would you name something The Undertaker?
Its just some guys working out of their garage, thinking up a "cool" name. Maybe they'll make it. There are enough examples in the industry where folks make money selling useless or dangerous aftermarket gear.

I would never use any towing method that reverse loads the drivetrain.

This goes for bikes, cars, trucks anything.

The reason is that such a towing method causes the gears to be loaded on the opposite faces as would normally be used for driving forward.

Over time (miles) this will significantly increase backlash (slop) in the gears.

Everything from the disconnect point in the tranny back will be subjected to this type of wear.

Also without the engine running I am uncertain about lubrication and cooling.

While these issues may not be instantly noticeable, kind of like smoking, it takes its toll over time.

Not on my machine.


(Good in Theory, Not in Execution)

I like the tunes in the video - they remind me of my favorite porn movie... :blink:


Nope! I welded up three differant versions of these kind of hitches and threw them all in the dumpster.. Main Problem is going around corners which torques the hell out of the forks. Even the last one I made that pivots on the hitch ball.. Also what if you need to rescue a bike with a flat rear tire? Finally bought a small trailer from Harbor Freight and modified it for bike hauling..

I would not want to back up, while towing a bike with that thing.

I would not tow a bike with that thing, period.

I luv this part:

Push the front tire into the cradle

How do you "push" the front tire of a 600 or 700 pound motorcycle into a cradle that is at least a foot off the ground..???

And this part:

When your ridin' buddies see the UndertakerMTS, your going to have to hide it to keep the drool off it...

I don't think that liquid they are seeing is "drool"....

In addition to carrying the weight of the front end, the cradle will also have to absorb the force of pulling the forks down with the straps. Not to mention all the wear and tear going on at the back of the bike. And since Illinois is so broke they can't afford to fix the roads and the whole mess is going to bounce all to Hell and gone --- No way -- No how...

And I just noticed this --- "your going to have to hide it"... YOUR??? I think they are in serious need of an editor..

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Excuse the ignorance of a non-transmission type guy here but I seem to remember that on my 750 cc Seca the handbook said not to even coast in neutral with the engine off-something to do with no oil pressure for the transmission. Not sure if this is true for the FJR or not but for me I wouldn't do it.
