Ride to Bear Meadows - Glenwood from PDX

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Jul 30, 2005
Reaction score
PNW: Vancouver, WA
Edited: 6/29

Ride June 30, 8am at the McDonalds on Fourth Plain by Pro Caliper, Vancouver. Kickstands up at 9am, full of gas. Ride to Randle by way of Bear Meadows, then home by way of Carson and Hwy 14: 235 miles, 7 1/2 hours.


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Well, I'm not able to go on the ride, but since I just happen to have a meeting directly across from that McDonald's in the morning, so I'll ride over and say hi to y'all. And I'll give you some tips on your route since I rode it on Saturday. I'll try to do my ride report with photos later tonight, so check back. It will be listed as a DamTour Picnic ride report.

See ya there...

Well, I'm not able to go on the ride, but since I just happen to have a meeting directly across from that McDonald's in the morning, so I'll ride over and say hi to y'all. And I'll give you some tips on your route since I rode it on Saturday. See ya there...
Just to clarify: The McDonalds is just off Fourth Plain on Gher Rd. [SIZE=12pt]McDonald's on Gher Rd.[/SIZE]

This was a GREAT RIDE! Wow. I have a few pictures that I'll upload and add to my ongoing ride report.

Thanks to blufjr for the route and leading 75% of the way (Sorry I wasn't able to keep pace...holy crap that's a lot of twisties...I'd have to go 'round the onramps at home for a week solid to get that many). He peeled off to get to his golf outing on time.

Thanks to nofreeride for going along as well. He was "sick"; hopefully cured now :)

LDRyder - see you Thursday?

The route Twisted Cricket and I ended up doing: Google Map

285 miles. To and from my house, it ended up being almost exactly 400 miles.

This section (clicky) is now my all-time favorite road ever! Great pavement, excellent scenery, no traffic, lots of curves.

Thank you blufjr for setting this up. It was great to meet you and Twisted Cricket and LDRydr. I am feeling much better.

I too had a good time. No sweat on the speed thing, I'm easy, and you two were always in sight or just a couple seconds behind. I'm looking forward to the ride on Thursday.

Lets see the pictures.

Here we are at the Clearwater overlook:


twistedcricket on the left and nofreeride on the right. I'm taking the picture.

Here we are at the Clearwater overlook:

twistedcricket on the left and nofreeride on the right. I'm taking the picture.
Whoa Ken! Take it easy, not so many pictures all at once! LOL Looks like you guys had a good time. Wish I could have gone.


Whoa Ken! Take it easy, not so many pictures all at once! LOL Looks like you guys had a good time. Wish I could have gone.
I was dragging the pegs all day. Hard to take pictures when you are doing that. We had a good time, look forward to the Volcano Ride this fall.

Better late than never. He's a picture I snapped at the morning meet-up place before you guys headed out.

