Surrounded by PUSSIES!

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Benevolent Dictator
Jun 8, 2005
Reaction score
Tri-Cities, WA
So where I work, we have a good 12-15 motorcyclists that often ride to work.

Strange, though... there has been one single bike in the parking lot all week... my FJR.

Evidently, I am surrounded by PUSSIES.... just because of a little cold! :rolleyes: :lol:

Thermometer on the West Richland city kiosk said 5 degrees F when I past it on the FJR this morning at 5:30am. I don't bother with the Warm-n-Safe liner for a mere 8-mile commute to work... but I was mighty thankful for the V-Strom handguards and the +2/+3 Cee Bailey's, I'll admit that.

My garage is insulated, but unheated... it was a nominal 30-ish degrees when I fire the FJR up in the morning. Motor spins through the 5-40W Yamalube just fine at these temps.

But in the late afternoon, the battery really strains trying to spin the motor though molasses-like oil after sitting outside all day exposed in these temps. I actually cringe trying to start it up in the afternoon to go home.

Stupid-ass winter.... :angry2:

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8 miles the bike will not even warm up , Maybe the other guys live to far away ..............................NOT PUSSYS

yeah, it's a bitch here...snow flurries on Thur night...Sunday ride in the 50's...tomorrow's forcast 68.

damn this winter...I have to ride with my CalSci Medium all the way up mostly...I think that cuts into my gas mileage some

damn, I need to leave the ice out of my water bottles insulated box already.

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8 miles the bike will not even warm up , Maybe the other guys live to far away ..............................NOT PUSSYS
Nope... they are just FUCKING PUSSIES!!! :lol:

And I reach two bars before getting out of my neighborhood.

yeah, it's a bitch here...snow flurries on Thur night...
I bought a new snowblower last week in the insane belief that if I bought one it wouldn`t snow. It`s the same sort of mentality that has me thinking that if I don my raingear it will stop raining. Anyway it didn`t work and now there`s a shitload of the white crap in my driveway. Snowblower works fine. :D


But in the late afternoon, the battery really strains trying to spin the motor though molasses-like oil after sitting outside all day exposed in these temps. I actually cringe trying to start it up in the afternoon to go home.
There's always the other option; PUSH-START IT! :p :p :p Or get the gubmint folks to let you park it INSIDE during the day.

What I want to know is how Iggy's getting to work! I'll bet it's not on the XR650R.

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..........maybe, and this is just a thought, these so called "pussies" are just schmarter than you?

dunno *shrug* :p

I have a 40 mile commute and after the first time of my balls getting frozen solid to the seat I opted to work from home for the winter.

I kinda like riding in the winter; it weeds out the posers.

Cagers give you stange looks if you ride in the snow, however.

Pussies are not smart. Asses are smart. They are only seperated by a few inches but they are some damned imporatnt inches.

I kinda like riding in the winter; it weeds out the posers.
Got that right. Besides, you miss out on some pretty good riding, as shown HERE, which was a beautiful time riding in Nevada in January this year.

I have a 40 mile commute and after the first time of my balls getting frozen solid to the seat I opted to work from home for the winter.
YBFROZEN? There's a way to fix this, see my seat:


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So where I work, we have a good 12-15 motorcyclists that often ride to work.
Strange, though... there has been one single bike in the parking lot all week... my FJR.

Evidently, I am surrounded by PUSSIES.... just because of a little cold! :rolleyes: :lol:

Thermometer on the West Richland city kiosk said 5 degrees F when I past it on the FJR this morning at 5:30am. I don't bother with the Warm-n-Safe liner for a mere 8-mile commute to work... but I was mighty thankful for the V-Strom handguards and the +2/+3 Cee Bailey's, I'll admit that.

My garage is insulated, but unheated... it was a nominal 30-ish degrees when I fire the FJR up in the morning. Motor spins through the 5-40W Yamalube just fine at these temps.

But in the late afternoon, the battery really strains trying to spin the motor though molasses-like oil after sitting outside all day exposed in these temps. I actually cringe trying to start it up in the afternoon to go home.

Stupid-ass winter.... :angry2:

Wait one god damn minute here...

Dale, I am completely disillusioned. I can't believe that I have been lead along for so long. Here I had developed this very refined opinion about you, reading about your extensive sojourns and exciting long distance adventures, cavorting here and there, apparently as free as the wind blows.

And now the whole thing comes crashing down about my ears. As I find out that... work? :blink:

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I have a 40 mile commute and after the first time of my balls getting frozen solid to the seat I opted to work from home for the winter.
Hey, mebbe if you weren't the Fat NAKED Guy, you wouldn't have that problem... :lol:

So I'm in Central Florida, and work has a huge bike lot, and there's just me and a guy on a ZX-6R. He's hardcore too, and does track days and stuff, but all the Hardleys, VTXes, Road Stars, etc are all at home on the couch having mother fetch another blankie. The temperature has been in the 70s except for about a week when it almost went below 60.

I was at the local Cracker Barrel talking to a guy with an R6, and he's talking about how he WINTERIZED it and parked it yesterday! IN FLORIDA! I guess I gave him the "yer a PUSSY!" look, because he got a little defensive about it. My bad.

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20F here this morning. I stoked my fire, make a pot of coffee, and sat in my recliner in front of the fire with my laptop and phone all day. It's rough.....
