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But would I rather 'suffer' for an hour and experience the ride,knowing it's 'only a freaking hour', PUSSY, and a hot tub awaits you?
So that's 1 time... right :D

Me, I'm waiting for that bitch to dump between 10"-20" of snow on us by tomorrow night.

YAY! I'm a hardcore. Also, stupid. I guess :blink:
You get hardcore without ever thinking about temperature. The fact that you rode hundreds of clicks below 40F just confirms it. As for stupid, your Canadian AND an NB'r, its genetic :D
Wow...........dude, you just went from zero to shitlist in 3.4 seconds!

So, freezing = stupid.
Qualification: freezing = stupid in the presence of relative humidity that can easily produce black ice or asphalt frost.

But freezing = hard core dedication/motivation *if* it is bone dry out.

Fortunately, having the luxury of living here in the High Desert.... there is (currently) not enough humidity to produce jack-diddly in the way of frost/black-ice.

That being said... there is not a whole lot of leaning going on at these temps, that's true enough. And while one should always endeavor to be smooth on the throttle, in these extreme cold temps, one better be damn smooooooooth on the throttle to avoid having a little oopsie with the bike. :blink:

While I do ride in any extreme temp (hot or cold), when the temps drop near or below freezing, the governing factor is humidity, not temp. As soon as the relative humidity starts to climb in freezing temps, all bets are off.

Let us get back to the manner at hand.... where 'da **** is Iggy's FJR in the parking lot at work, huh, Huh, HUH?!! :p :lol:

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Well forgive me, but is this year a whole lot different than the past few years? Don't you "live up north"? Isn't it supposed to get cold in the winter?

If you don't like the cold winters why don't you move down south where it's not quite so cold?

Just my $0.02 worth.

what now???


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Just wondering... did any of you fine folks HAVE to ride all year round early in your biking days? No cage, no public transportation? Had to ride, rode in all weather, cept' snow. Now, I'll ride on a "cold day" for fun, but never to work. Can't predict the weather when you get off. I was not hard core, just could not afford car insurance back then. :lol:

But freezing = hard core dedication/motivation *if* it is bone dry out.
So, what qualification would you guys put on 400 kms in 30-35 degrees, snow and rain? :unsure:

yeah, it's a bitch here...snow flurries on Thur night...Sunday ride in the 50's...tomorrow's forcast 68.
.... As for stupid, your Canadian AND an NB'r, its genetic :D
Mike and Steve..... :****: (and I mean that in the nicest possible way)

Steve, you owe me a beer for that one. I'll collect at CFR :D

YAY! I'm a hardcore. Also, stupid. I guess :blink:
You get hardcore without ever thinking about temperature. The fact that you rode hundreds of clicks below 40F just confirms it. As for stupid, your Canadian AND an NB'r, its genetic :D
Wow...........dude, you just went from zero to shitlist in 3.4 seconds!
Seth and I have a lot to learn before CFR in Quebec. I thought you Canuckians only picked on the Goofy Newfys. What's up?

Patriot Mike: Please send some of that warm New Orleans weather over to Arizona. Only 61 degrees here in Chandler now!

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Seth and I have a lot to learn before CFR in Quebec. I thought you Canuckians only picked on the Goofy Newfys. What's up?
:lol: Hey Don. No discrimination goes on up here! And we're flawlessly polite to our visitors so you Stanley Boys & your 'mericun friends will have no problem at CFR ;)

Best defense is a good offense. Except in matters of the heart, I can defend myself - for the most part. See my last post :rolleyes:

Steve, you owe me a beer for that one. I'll collect at CFR :D
Leave it to Barb to twist it to make me look bad. Nicely done. No worries MEM, I'd buy you a beer regardless. The fact that you come from where come has no bearing on that, other than the fact that I never met anybody from the east coast who weren't just awesome people. Now, them far west people... jury's still out :D

Steve, you owe me a beer for that one. I'll collect at CFR :D
Leave it to Barb to twist it to make me look bad. Nicely done. No worries MEM, I'd buy you a beer regardless. The fact that you come from where come has no bearing on that, other than the fact that I never met anybody from the east coast who weren't just awesome people. Now, them far west people... jury's still out :D
You backpedal really well ;)

Heck, parking is SO much simpler without the HD types and squids.

My biggest problem is black ice on the pavement from ground water running across and getting spread by cars. If it's cold enough out, the run-off freezes and that problem goes away but within a couple degrees of 32F is a crap-shoot. Suiting up at that point, it's the Clint Eastwood question: "So do ya feel lucky today punk? Do ya?"

Just wondering... did any of you fine folks HAVE to ride all year round early in your biking days? No cage, no public transportation? Had to ride, rode in all weather, cept' snow. Now, I'll ride on a "cold day" for fun, but never to work. Can't predict the weather when you get off. I was not hard core, just could not afford car insurance back then. :lol:
Yep. I almost forgot about 'that' year. My first bike, a '75 Kaw H1. I lived in the 'burbs in NJ, a little west of NYC. No car and it snowed a few inches overnight. I rode to work. It was only a few miles and probably just below freezing. The roads had been plowed almost all the way to work, but that last 1/4 mile, downhill to the parking lot, was still snow covered. I slowed, turned in, and coasted down with my feet hanging off like a dirt biker. I was surprised at how much traction I had in the snow. I was an electrician in a factory back then and they let me park my bike inside the building by the loading dock.

The next weekend I bought a car.

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Steve, you owe me a beer for that one. I'll collect at CFR :D
Leave it to Barb to twist it to make me look bad. Nicely done. No worries MEM, I'd buy you a beer regardless. The fact that you come from where come has no bearing on that, other than the fact that I never met anybody from the east coast who weren't just awesome people. Now, them far west people... jury's still out :D
want a lil cheese to go with that whine? :blink:

YAY! I'm a hardcore. Also, stupid. I guess :blink:
You get hardcore without ever thinking about temperature. The fact that you rode hundreds of clicks below 40F just confirms it. As for stupid, your Canadian AND an NB'r, its genetic :D
Wow...........dude, you just went from zero to shitlist in 3.4 seconds!
Seth and I have a lot to learn before CFR in Quebec. I thought you Canuckians only picked on the Goofy Newfys. What's up?
Canada is a country of vast cultural diversity....................we'll pick on ANYone :rolleyes:

........................and bitch about the weather, no matter what it is.
