model designations?

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Well-known member
Dec 19, 2009
Reaction score
Calabasas, CA
The FJR model comparo matrix does not list the model designations for the years.

Where would I find this info?

I am referring to for ex the R, V, A,C,E, etc.


I don't think those letters are year based. I think a couple might be whether something is ABS or a California model, but you find the info in consolidated and authoritative form, feel free to submit for the matrix.

Or if they're part of the probably need to start recruiting for your own VIN cryptography team to try and decipher them. Again, feel free to debrief when you gather verifiable intelligence.

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I don't think those letters are year based. I think a couple might be whether something is ABS or a California model, but you find the info in consolidated and authoritative form, feel free to submit for the matrix.

Or if they're part of the probably need to start recruiting for your own VIN cryptography team to try and decipher them. Again, feel free to debrief when you gather verifiable intelligence.
"A" = ABS excludes first few yrs.

"C" = CA

My reference is from service manuals; for ex, mine is for FJR1300A(V)C, don't know what the "V" is, and are all yrs "A"? Another service manual is FJR1300R.

I was wondering what the model designations were (across the years).


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Yes, there are letter designators for the different years. Somewhere here on the forum they were all detailed in a thread or post.

Yes, there are letter designators for the different years. Somewhere here on the forum they were all detailed in a thread or post.
Well why don't ya find it for him putz boi?

Patience, Bust, Patience! As soon as Skooty's nail polish dries, he will get right on it! Actually, "Days of Our Lives" doesn't end for another 45 minutes, he'll do it then!

Fuke me. Get mi ol bastard step-pappy to find it. Fucker has way too much time on his hands. I wish he would go back to work and quit being such a pain in the ass.

And before you two asshats completely derail another thread, here's some on topic info: Clicky.

No Howie, Shut up. I have useful information, towit:

The model is alway FJR13~~~~~~~ where ~~~~~~ has designators for the year, ABS, Electric shift, California, and starting in 2008, color.

Here's a table:


Basically, there's a letter for each year, prefaced with A for ABS, suffixed with C for California. You add an E to the preface for electric shift, and in 2008 they added a letter for the color (even though there's only one color for A and another for AE) and in 2009 they put the C before the color instead of after. If you wanna know why, call Yamaha.

I did this a few weeks back for some reason, and now it's actually turned up useful!

My bike is an FJR13R. Patriot's (Isabella) is an FJR13S. If you just bought a 2009 California electric shift, you have an FJR13AEYCG.

US VINs end in Annnnnn where nnnnnn is the serial number. I'm pretty sure for US VINs, the digit in front of the A is the model year, 3 for 2003, 7 for 2007, etc.

How this applies, if at all, to worldwide models is beyond the scope of this post.

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No Howie, Shut up. I have useful information, towit:

There's no "O" in twit, bonehead. :****:

The model is alway FJR13~~~~~~~ where ~~~~~~ has designators for the year, ABS, Electric shift, California, and starting in 2008, color.
Here's a table:


Basically, there's a letter for each year, prefaced with A for ABS, suffixed with C for California. You add an E to the preface for electric shift, and in 2008 they added a letter for the color (even though there's only one color for A and another for AE) and in 2009 they put the C before the color instead of after. If you wanna know why, call Yamaha.

I did this a few weeks back for some reason, and now it's actually turned up useful!

My bike is an FJR13R. Patriot's (Isabella) is an FJR13S. If you just bought a 2009 California electric shift, you have an FJR13AEYCG.

US VINs end in Annnnnn where nnnnnn is the serial number. I'm pretty sure for US VINs, the digit in front of the A is the model year, 3 for 2003, 7 for 2007, etc.

How this applies, if at all, to worldwide models is beyond the scope of this post.
Damn, if you haven't been useful today. Now, whatcha gonna do for us tomorrow? :unsure:

Thanks Ladies. (I hope that doesn't ruffle any feathers, just my feeble attampt at a little humor, yes, at your expense, I don't have any money:)

So mine is an FJRASC

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/hijack on

I evacuated New Orleans in Aug '05 to run away from a Beotch named Katrina

The nation started calling me and my family refugees or evacuees

Folks like me started wanting to be called survivors

So the Gulf Coast adopted the term "storm survivor"

I was a Louisiana Storm Survivor or an LSS for short

Mississippi folks enjoyed the label being MSS

Alabama had a problem with all that :yahoo:

/hijack off

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