Japan themed FJR

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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
Tokyo, Japan
I actually spotted this one last summer...been moving and stuff, so getting settled, etc. and just plain lazy to post.....

big fence prevented getting any closer shots than this unfortunately....

spotted on in Tallinn, Estonia on my bike trip around scandanavia/baltics, etc.



I thought this bike had been in a bad wreck at first glance..... :lol:

Obviously has had a lot of arkwork done during the paint job. Still looks completely ridiculous. :blink:

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FWIW, it had Russian plates on it..... dude probably had a lot of money and ran out of things to do with it.

I think i pissed off/scared the owner when I took it....he saw me take the shot and then moved a big BMW (car) in front of it. mumbled something i didn't understand.

Just had somebody try to read the kanji.... one is the artist's name. the others are either illegible or just not meaningful.

i'll ping a couple others in case they have a vague idea. perhaps some of the more cultured folks around here (i'm in japan...so somebody should know if it is some famous scene or not....)


Just had somebody try to read the kanji.... one is the artist's name. the others are either illegible or just not meaningful.
i'll ping a couple others in case they have a vague idea. perhaps some of the more cultured folks around here (i'm in japan...so somebody should know if it is some famous scene or not....)

If it's on a Russina bike, it might be a Russian version of a Japanese story...

the painting looks slick, tho... whoever did it sure had talent...

I've got a flag/banner, not sure, that one of his student's brought my dad way back...

he said it was before the Korean war, they were in Packistan or somewhere...

It's got a picture of a guy riding a horse, swinging a simitar over his head, and some writing.. supposed to be a story about someone famous...

But, I have never found anyone that even knows what language it is... and there''s lots of differnt peeps here in Hawaii from all over...

I think it's made up...


What kind of drugs do you need to take so that your mind tells you this looks good?

What kind of drugs do you need to take so that your mind tells you this looks good?
Personally, I'd recommend a good '05 West L.A. Ecstasy. No experience, but word gets around, guys talk, ya hear things... :agent:

Wonder why the left sidebag handle is sticking up... hate to lose it going down the freeway.... at least he's got Moko's on it...

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