Japan themed FJR

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Someone put their heart and soul into that I like it....sort of...I think
more like their wallet.....

but i think i like it, too...though I don't know that I'd ever ride it or do anything useful on it.

i mean, one wonky kickstand and.....damn!

(bring out the wallet, rinse, repeat....)

Nice painting, probably belongs on a wall someplace, but whatever; just because I don't get it, doesn't mean the owner doesn't get it. It is unique.

QUOTE  Someone put their heart and soul into that I like it....sort of...I think 

more like their wallet.....

but i think i like it, too...though I don't know that I'd ever ride it or do anything useful on it.

i mean, one wonky kickstand and.....damn!
The owner may have just pulled out the wallet but someone put some effort into it.

I figure that bike is like a Harley: I appreciate the amount of work that went into making it look like that but I wouldn't be caught dead riding it.

I've been thinking about getting a custom paint job on mine

lately, but not anything like that however.

I do want mine to be different though.

If and when it happens I will post pic's

and truely value you opinions.

The artist was talented...not my cup of tea.

While it may not be your, or my cup of tea, the fact is they didn't paint it to make us happy. It's a personal thing and if they like it, then all the power to them.

I for one can appreciate making a bike more individual so it doesn't look like every other freakin' one out there. My own preference would be for something less 'busy' ,but that's me.

Reminds me of when a guy who worked next door parked his low rider car at our shop... I didn't care for the finished product but there was a lot of nice workmanship put into it that I really admired the talent of whoever did it.

I imagine russians are sceptical of people taking pics of their property. The cold war ain't that far behind us, kids.
