Mistakes made today

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Great stuff, and it's good that you look back and reflect on your actions. Personally I think it's good that you're hard on yourself too. That's the way I roll, and I think it helps us to learn.

I was on 49 a couple weeks ago, and the "upper" section was real dirty, so I had to back it down a notch.

1.) As far as sissy-bitch, pirate-posers on Harleys go; I usually give them a few corners to get the fuk out of the way, (Which they seldom do.) then I just start stuff'in 'em. They'll get out of your way, but the front 2 guys are usually the hardest. They think they're the leader of the pack :taunt: and don't like to be passed.

2.) far as punks in "whatever" car, I might move over and get out of their way. It all depends on the situation.

Last year (In August) I was coming down HWY 70, (Solo on my BMW R1200ST) and was passing a bunch of cars & trucks. There was one punk who tried to hang with me, but that was foolish.

Then I came to where they were put'in down fresh "tar snakes." and that shit is real greasy on a 98F day! I kept losing the front, and had to back way down then the punk caught up to me so I moved over to let him by.

It's harder on group rides, but we must pick our battles and only you can determine the amount of exceptable risk.

Reflecting on the ride helps to make the right decision in the future, and leaving emotions & ego off the bike while riding helps to make proper decisions too.

Good luck,

Wishing to imprint the general rule Hans posted above, and the ancient admonition supporting it, I looked up the quote. A good one to live by, and without knowing the accuracy of its translation, this is the fullest version I came across on the net:

[SIZE=12pt]"Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make angry -- then watch as they destroy themselves." [/SIZE] Euripides

Clearly, this Greek dramatist was commenting on the oft occurring reactions of citizens in 21st Century traffic.

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Rode all day today with some of my favorite riding partners -- 5 couples on 5 bikes (all Gen I). * [SIZE=8pt]yeah, guess the brand[/SIZE] :rolleyes:
Lucky bastard -any day spent with Gen1 folks is golden. Burry the other stuff ...it really don't matter in the big scheme of things. Just consider yourself fortunate that you were out on good roads, with Gen1 friends

....and the harley thing ....well, no big deal. Kinda like when you take a piss on the side of the road and drop lands on your boot.

-->Besides, over on the harley forum the story reads a bit different -always two sides to a story .... and they are very complimentary toward you.

BTW: You want an example of a bad riding choice:

Yesterday passing through Sacto I call a Gen1 bud to meet for Zelda's ....He can't make it. But a Gen2 chap does come .....what a mistake that was. I've really had enough with the lavender Gen2 crowd

....not to trump you Rich, but I'd have rather had your harley encounter than deal with the choice I made.

Fortunately we won't be dealing with such at the upcoming Gen1 gathering.

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Rode all day today with some of my favorite riding partners -- 5 couples on 5 bikes (all Gen I). * [SIZE=8pt]yeah, guess the brand[/SIZE] :rolleyes:
Lucky bastard -any day spent with Gen1 folks is golden. Burry the other stuff ...it really don't matter in the big scheme of things. Just consider yourself fortunate that you were out on good roads, with Gen1 friends

....and the harley thing ....well, no big deal. Kinda like when you take a piss on the side of the road and drop lands on your boot.

-->Besides, over on the harley forum the story reads a bit different -always two sides to a story .... and they are very complimentary toward you.

BTW: You want an example of a bad riding choice:

Yesterday passing through Sacto I call a Gen1 bud to meet for Zelda's ....He can't make it. But a Gen2 chap does come .....what a mistake that was. I've really had enough with the lavender Gen2 crowd

....not to trump you Rich, but I'd have rather had your harley encounter than deal with the choice I made.

Fortunately we won't be dealing with such at the upcoming Gen1 gathering.
Bottom line, ego can get you killed on these things. Even my Gen II can go fast enough to kill me. Yesterday I was on a stretch of windy road in BFE Idaho all alone tailing a BMW M3 and my hell what a fun time. We were both pushing... but, constantly telling myself to keep things in check. Since I'm only on a Gen II bike I realize I have some limits as to corner speeds braking distances, etc.

-->Besides, over on the harley forum the story reads a bit different -always two sides to a story .... and they are very complimentary toward you.
<SNORT> Yeah, right! :rolleyes:

I need to dig up the Harley forum tough guy stuff from about a year ago re: the pic of Nik Clark ('02 XX rider) from Milwaukee pissing on the HD sign/statue at the plant in Milwaukee in his Honda jacket. The pic went viral maybe 5 years ago (according to Nik, it was taken by his woman friend and he wasn't really pissing on the sign/statue of the MotorCo. logo, but was instead squeezing a bottle of drinking water so that from behind, it looked like he was pissing on the statue). So, about a year ago, someone on this HD forum spotted the pic on the net and posted it with lots of tough guy posturing, engendering a lot more posing, posturing, keyboard threats and bravado. Funny thing is that someone who knew Nik alerted him to the thread and threats and he logged on to join the site and discussion.

Now, Nik is a very bright, college educated, hard right conservative with a professional business demeanor. And so, he was very professional and matter of fact in his responses. Which was met with more threats to kick his ass.

It got funny after that. Nick is also 6'2", 295 lbs of body builder/hunter/no nonsense outdoorsman who likes guns, probably 34 or 35 now. The pic these asshats saw of him was from the back in a leather jacket that didn't really show him or the scale. His avatar was always a gif showing him from the front -- huge guy pointing a S&W .500 mag revolver at the camera. In response to the bravado on the HD site, Nik then posted the pics from which that gif was made, accurately depicting his size, muscularity and that mofo whopping large cannon. The about face bootlicking was friggin hilarious once they were in possession of some necessary information about how easy it was going to be to stomp a mudhole in his ass. Truly classic internet stuff!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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What's all this talk about a Gen-I reunion? I didn't get the memo, as usual! :glare: (Need a speaker? I'm cheap. :rolleyes: And don't cost much either. :D )

Thanks, Hans! I've reread your post three times and so much of what you says resonates with me. I must learn to practise your philosophy. I am going to print it out and re read it from time to time.

Know all the roads of which you speak well. Did the lane thing happen from the South Fork of the Yuba to Nevada City? The two closest to the river are short and hairy. I really don't care to ride 49 between 10 am and 4pm on summer weekends. Too damn much traffic.

I had a similar senario yesterday on Wentworth Springs Rd in the fun part above Stumpy Meadows. I was playing on my FZ1 when I came up on a pack of sport riders who should have been hauling the bacon but instead I see brake lights near the corners. After passing the first one I realized this was a group of possers spread apart. Rather than start blowing by each one and messing with my lines I pulled over and cleaned my visor.

It's harder when you are a group of ST bikes to resist blowing off the tractors but on a weekend on 49 there isn't much to gain as you get close to Nevada City.

Nice to know Bucks lake road is open. I've been itching to ride that with the 1.

Know all the roads of which you speak well. Did the lane thing happen from the South Fork of the Yuba to Nevada City? The two closest to the river are short and hairy. I really don't care to ride 49 between 10 am and 4pm on summer weekends. Too damn much traffic.
Yep. The one where the 'baru almost got Rob and the other car was the first one south of the recreation area on the Yuba at the bridge. He tried to run me into oncoming traffic on the next one.

I've ridden that road lots and lots of times, going back to when I used to ride it regularly from Tahoe City down to Nevada City in the late 70s and early 80s on my GS 1000EC. You're right about weekend traffic there and wise to do the visor cleaning thing. With the tractors, though, I think it requires a full length visor and bike cleaning break. But I thought for sure that they'd stop at the bar in North San Juan. You ever see a dozen HDs pass a bar???

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THIS was an excellent thread! I've been doing a lot of reading, copying, and printing quotes to remind me of certain "wisdoms" for future rides.

They passed the Brass Rail?? They weren't true fags.

THIS was an excellent thread! I've been doing a lot of reading, copying, and printing quotes to remind me of certain "wisdoms" for future rides.
I agree ... already printed out Han's (and Euripides ) wisdom.

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