EDIT: I answered a question that no longer exists. And it wasn't a question just about Zumos, either. Apparently he deleted it whilst I was typing. That was confusing!/EDIT
I've never had weather on the GPS so I couldn't tell you about it. When traveling I check weather on the phone during fuel and food stops.
I would shut the bike off and wait for instructions. Dismounting could make him nervous as now you have unrestricted movement. Don't even take the helmet off until asked to do so.
Radar detectors are legal in most states, but I've found them pretty useless in the car. I've not had one for 15 years, and I've not had a ticket in the same time period.
Lane sharing is illegal in all states except California, correct. More technically correct, it just hasn't specifically been made
illegal. (All other states have a statute forbidding it, but CA doesn't.)
In your planning, I don't know where you intend to go, what you intend to see, but keep it mind that things are farther apart here than "back home." Just picking at random, Dover is closer to Baghdad than Seattle is to Miami. Here's an image I built some years ago for a similar thread, made by taking Google Earth's borders of Europe and pasting them onto the US at the same scale. Almost all of western Europe fits between the Rockies and the Mississippi River.