I live in an apartment, with one single car width driveway to around back where there is parking. There's no hose outlet there because former tenants and homeless folk were taking advantage of a "free" water supply. So there's no washing back there. Out front, if I'm lucky, there's sometimes room on the street. Can't park on the sidewalk because that's illegal here and not being a "minority" those sorts of laws are actually enforced on me. I had to make my washes quick since I couldn't get the time to do a detailed job. Did I mention that the street parking is right under trees that are dropping pollen/leaves/pitch the whole time? Plus birds and squirrels doing what nature calls for.
That made things challenging enough. Then, three weeks ago, some ***holio stole the hose! The crook even kept the hose in his front seat for a couple of days, since he obviously needed it more than anyone else. he of course denies this and just hid the hose in the back of his van. I'm not enthused about spending money just to provide him and his "company" with more stuff to take, and dragging a wet hose up and into my closet lacks appeal too.
I'm thinking about going to one of the coin-op places, and bringing my own stuff, using the coin op pressure hose just for rinsing. Gonna have to go at a time where no punks have to wait to clean their Escalades off. Love how "The Man" is "holdin' 'em down" with $60K customized behemoths.
City life SUX!