Washington State Laws and Rules

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Intramural Culture Warrior
Staff member
Jun 28, 2005
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Tri-Cities, WA
Disposition on Equipment - What the WSP allowsSee WAC 204

Headlight Modulation - Allowed
See WAC 204-78 for details including its promulgation by RCW.

Keep Right Except When Passing
RCW 46.61.100

Upon all roadways having two or more lanes for traffic moving in the same direction, all vehicles shall be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic, except (a) when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction, (
when traveling at a speed greater than the traffic flow, © when moving left to allow traffic to merge, or (d) when preparing for a left turn at an intersection, exit, or into a private road or driveway when such left turn is legally permitted.

Traffic Signal Does Not Detect Motorcycle

RCW 46.61.184

Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the operator of a street legal motorcycle approaching an intersection, including a left turn intersection, that is controlled by a triggered traffic control signal using a vehicle detection device that is inoperative due to the size of the street legal motorcycle shall come to a full and complete stop at the intersection. If the traffic control signal, including the left turn signal, as appropriate, fails to operate after one cycle of the traffic signal, the operator may, after exercising due care, proceed directly through the intersection or proceed to turn left, as appropriate. It is not a defense to a violation of RCW 46.61.050 that the driver of a motorcycle proceeded under the belief that a traffic control signal used a vehicle detection device or was inoperative due to the size of the motorcycle when the signal did not use a vehicle detection device or that any such device was not in fact inoperative due to the size of the motorcycle.
Moving Left for Emergency Vehicles
RCW 46.61.212

On a highway having four or more lanes, at least two of which are intended for traffic proceeding in the same direction as the approaching vehicle, proceed with caution and, if reasonable, with due regard for safety and traffic conditions, yield the right-of-way by making a lane change or moving away from the lane or shoulder occupied by the stationary authorized emergency vehicle or police vehicle;

Exceeding Speed Limit When Passing
R.C.W. 46.61.425

...a person following a vehicle driving at less than the legal maximum speed and desiring to pass such vehicle may exceed the speed limit, subject to the provisions of RCW 46.61.120 on highways having only one lane of traffic in each direction, at only such a speed and for only such a distance as is necessary to complete the pass with a reasonable margin of safety.

(Yours truly won prevailed in a case in 2012! There's something satisfying with being able to say to a judge, "I admit I exceeded the speed limit and here's why.....", and then still be found not guilty."
Motorcycle Use of HOV Lanes
WSDOT FAQ and Federal Highway Administration

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Can you find the legal language for the dead red rules? I didn't know we had such a law on the books till I read an article recently saying that you can run a red light legally in WA on a motorcycle under certain circumstances.

Can you find the legal language for the dead red rules? I didn't know we had such a law on the books till I read an article recently saying that you can run a red light legally in WA on a motorcycle under certain circumstances.
About two minutes of Googling here...dang media rarely included actual legislative bill numbers or specific RCWs. The RCW is here.

BTW, the more I read that new law, the more I scratch my head. I got a little lost in the defense qualification about device controlled intersections and "size" or what constitutes a "cycle" for those particular intersections, but I think if one were to get pulled over the I'd say the device "Size? I just now whatever black magic it uses--it did not detect me or the bike" and roll my dice in court.

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