FZ1 Mirror Installation Another Perspective

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Some call me... The STIG!
FJR Supporter
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
Some of you who have posted great shots of having the Factory Yamaha FZ1 mirrors on the FeeJ and doing photo shop things of toggling and showing the difference. I wanted to enhance that by showing the difference in size (yes size matters) of the FJR mirror next to the FZ1. I also did a couple pix with the old mirror on, along with the new mirror.

You had any doubts or wondered how they'd look, or compare, look no further this farkle is easy and… not real cheap but not bad for under $100 (inc. shipping) depending on where you get them.

The FZ1 mirror is not quite that much longer, they don't line up perfect (look at where the knuckle is located), but it's definitely longer, and the mirror itself is much larger than the FeeJ.


The left mirror (sitting on the bike) is the old one. The right mirror is the FZ1.


The left mirror (sitting on the bike) is the old one. The right mirror is the FZ1 (closer shot).


Both installed.


I can see now!!!! :yahoo:

Ride Safe!

Good pics -- have said before and will say again; these mirrors have been the biggest "bang for the buck" addition I have made to my 05 FJR. They are a significant improvement over the originals. Jay

Good pics -- have said before and will say again; these mirrors have been the biggest "bang for the buck" addition I have made to my 05 FJR. They are a significant improvement over the originals. Jay

I put FZ1 mirrors on my '06AE. Makes a huge difference.

Good pics -- have said before and will say again; these mirrors have been the biggest "bang for the buck" addition I have made to my 05 FJR. They are a significant improvement over the originals. Jay

I put FZ1 mirrors on my '06AE. Makes a huge difference.


Without a doubt THE best modification I've made to my '03

What year FZ1 mirrors will fit on a 2005 FJR? Is the footprint identical so it looks stock at the mounting points? Thanks.

What year FZ1 mirrors will fit on a 2005 FJR? Is the footprint identical so it looks stock at the mounting points? Thanks.
I think you'd be safe to order the same year FZ1 mirrors. A good parts man at a dealership should know. Out of all my farkles this is the best one I did. Worth the money, especially if your tired of looking at your elbows. When I was at SFO last weekend I noticed a few bikes tha had them, but not many.


What year FZ1 mirrors will fit on a 2005 FJR? Is the footprint identical so it looks stock at the mounting points? Thanks.
I think you'd be safe to order the same year FZ1 mirrors. A good parts man at a dealership should know. Out of all my farkles this is the best one I did. Worth the money, especially if your tired of looking at your elbows. When I was at SFO last weekend I noticed a few bikes tha had them, but not many.

I'm told I have great elbows.

Anyone using the FZ1 mirrors with the California Scientific windshield? I just put on the windshield and love it. Have FZ1 mirrors on order for my '07

I ordered the 2005 FZ1 mirrors for the 2005 FeeJ. The foot print isn't identical, i.e. the rubber pad is shaped a little different; however, it fits perfectly into the existing holes and uses the same H/W you took off, for Gen1s. I have a V-Stream windshield and no issues at all.

It is the best farkle for the dollar... well... that and bar risers. The mirrors really work great though. I can see behind me and all over. It's like a whole new perspective.

AWESOME!!! :yahoo:

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Anyone using the FZ1 mirrors with the California Scientific windshield? I just put on the windshield and love it. Have FZ1 mirrors on order for my '07
I do. No problem.

I should point out one small issue that arises for people in places that allow lane-splitting (or filtering, as the Brits call it): The very thing that makes them better for seeing behind you--their width--makes lane-splitting a bit more difficult. Not anything that would make me give them up, but it did take a little getting used to, and occasionally in heavy traffic I have had to stop where with the stock mirrors I could have gotten through.

Again, the ability to see behind me way more than makes up for these small negatives.

[Note: Edited to remove my incorrect assertion that the FZ1 mirrors don't fold. In fact they do.]

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What year FZ1 mirrors will fit on a 2005 FJR? Is the footprint identical so it looks stock at the mounting points? Thanks.
this has been the unanswered question that has stopped me from doing this mod. i just went to cycle barn per a recommendation, and depending if you want '02-'05 mirrors, then you pay $50.39; if you want '06-'07 (i didn't look up '08), you pay $86; and they're similar, but not same, part numbers--- for right mirror for '02-05 is 5LV-26290-00-00; for '06-07 r mirror is 3C3-26290-00-00.

so, for a genII bike, does it matter what year fz1 mirrors one should get?




I should point out two small issue that arises for people in places that allow lane-splitting (or filtering, as the Brits call it): The very thing that makes them better for seeing behind you--their width--makes lane-splitting a bit more difficult. Not anything that would make me give them up, but it did take a little getting used to, and occasionally in heavy traffic I have had to stop where with the stock mirrors I could have gotten through. And they don't bend inward the way the stock mirrors do.
Good point - Gunny that.

Anyone using the FZ1 mirrors with the California Scientific windshield? I just put on the windshield and love it. Have FZ1 mirrors on order for my '07
I do. No problem.

I should point out two small issue that arises for people in places that allow lane-splitting <snip>

Again, the ability to see behind me way more than makes up for these small negatives.
Good to hear. :yahoo:

Lane splitting should not be an issue. Unless I change my riding "style" the side bags will be on 99% of the time and the mirrors will mark my width! If the traffic is moving more than 25 to 30, I'm not splitting.

I agree about the vis. I had to lengthen the stems on my Roadstar's mirror to see in behind me. Made all the difference in the ride. The rear vis on the FJR is the ONLY thing that bugged me on my first 1000 miles.

You all sound pretty happy...and that makes me want to jump on this bandwagon.

But first...

Anybody reporting increased mirror vibes?

And +1 on which to order for a GenII bike?

Thanks guys.

Anyone using the FZ1 mirrors with the California Scientific windshield? I just put on the windshield and love it. Have FZ1 mirrors on order for my '07
I do. No problem.

I should point out two small issue that arises for people in places that allow lane-splitting (or filtering, as the Brits call it): The very thing that makes them better for seeing behind you--their width--makes lane-splitting a bit more difficult. Not anything that would make me give them up, but it did take a little getting used to, and occasionally in heavy traffic I have had to stop where with the stock mirrors I could have gotten through. And they don't bend inward the way the stock mirrors do.

Again, the ability to see behind me way more than makes up for these small negatives.
My FZ1 mirrors handle the vibes as good as the stock FJR. Mine do bend inward, like the stock mirrors, just fine.

