Any good divorce lawyer out there

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Active member
Dec 11, 2007
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Pittsburgh, PA
Yeah its probally dumb to post this on a motorcycle forum but my wife of 6 going on 7 in october years has decided shes had enough, She has gone to the other side I feel very sad and upset and really need to vent.

She tells me she will pay all debts off and I will walk away scott free with only a bike payment (wich is in hew name as of now) plus insurence for the car and bike.

My parents tell me to get what I can out of her and shes trying to pull a fast one on me becasue we have a house and im intitled to half of everything.

So should I play mr nice guy or get her were it counts?

Thanks guys for letting me vent.

Note my wife wasent very smart when she got direction on mapquest to the dykes house and now its saved on, maybe I will post it here, but for now any good law advice would be great.



P.S. I live in pennsylvania if someone knows what the laws are here.

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I was going to mention that when you ask a motorcycle forum for legal advice :blink: , consider the source before taking anything as fact. But, in further reflection, the member base in this forum seems to have a higher percentage of marital mulligans than the standard population. You should get a broad and interesting response to your questions. :unsure:

Is Edgar Snyder doing divorce cases in Pittsburgh yet?

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Welcome aboard.

I am there (two years into the process with about 8 months left to go). I went 20 years less a day (sounds like a prison sentence) when she gave me the news and walked out with the dog and more than half my assets, leaving me with sole custody of the kids, $30K in legal bills (to date), $2000 in temporary monthly support to pay (what happens after the divorce is up to the judge) and a brand new mortgage.

She wanted it to be 'amicable', but that seems to be a code word for 'the male shall be left picked as clean as a rotting carcas'.

Get a lawyer. A good one. Depending on local laws, you may find it better to use a woman as your lawyer. GET REFERRALS, but realise that your situation is not the same as whomever you are talking to.

Advice is worth what you pay for it.

Good luck.

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I aint even going to touch this. But good luck and if you ever need to go for a ride, I am just a few miles south of you :)

I aint even going to touch this. But good luck and if you ever need to go for a ride, I am just a few miles south of you :)
Yeah we need to hook up for a ride, its probally the best way to clear my mind

BTW you go to mountinfest a few weeks back I was there.

divorced 5 years now. get a lawyer, and NO mr. nice guy...every man for himself, as the case may be.


bramfrank has given you good advice. Get a good lawyer, and plenty of referrals on this lawyer. Beware any "amicable."

KEEP YOUR COOL! Not to make you paranoid, but you really may want to consider scrubbing some of the "visible" caustic comments out of your first post to us. If you can find inside information about her, remember she can do the same to you!

In my case I was fighting for sole residential custody of my now eleven year old son Seth. He is the love of my life and I would have been willing to sacrifice any amount of money for the sake of my Son. Like bramfrank suggested, I used a woman attorney and it made a world of difference here in Arizona. You are definitely entitled to half of the house's worth.

Scott, Just hang in there. It's a SonOfABitch going through a divorce but we guys all get through it eventually. Good Luck! Do a search on "Pennsylvania State Bar" & you may find an advice site similar to this one for Arizona.

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Well, I've done this twice, so here's my advice:

GET A LAWYER!!!! Move, and move fast. And I'm not talking about your place of residence. I mean, get your ass in action! There is no easy way to progress through the minefield that lay before you, so arm yourself for battle. Never, I mean NEVER underestimate the scheming evil capabilities of a woman seeking divorce. Most men just have no clue what a woman can be capable of...but you're about to.

And remember why divorces cost so much: Because they're worth it!

First of all, if your wife really is only 6 or 7 years old, isn't that illegal, even in Pennsylvania?

Seriously though, no offense to the lawyers out there, but when I got divorced 18 years ago, it was the lawyers who raped me, not my ex-wife. Here was an example of how the bill would look like:

1/4 hour, $50- Reviewed voicemail from client

1/4 hour, $50- Left voicemail with client

1/4 hour, $50- Reviewed voicemail from client

1/4 hour, $50- Left voicemail with client

1/4 hour, $50- Phone contact with client

There you have it, $250 just to have a "quick" question answered.

That was from a "good" attorney. What I ended up having success with was a new, ambitious attorney who was still trying to make a name for herself. But, in that case, I got lucky in that she had no real experience yet, but just happened to be good.

But, good luck to you. The best advice I can give you when it comes to negotiations is, recognize what it is you are looking for in the beginning, recognize what a good deal is, and don't hesitate to accept a deal if it is satisfactory to you if the only reason you are reluctant is hoping to get more.

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Same advise I gave my brother ,,, who didn't listen....

Get the meanest SOB of a lawyer you can find.... Good Luck...

Look into the firm of Smith and Wesson. I hear they have a very good record with amicable divorces.

Just kidding. Get a good lawyer, get it over with and move on. There is plenty of riding to be done.

IF she's actually open to amicable negotiation, here's a way to tell: One of you divide the assets and liabilities, then the other one picks the pile they want. This will tell you very quickly how easily this split will go. If successful, get a legal service to prepare the right documents. A local law school can point you to reasonable help, or maybe try

If she can't play nice, lawyer up quick! It'll cost you thousands now, but peace of mind is worth it. I've done one each, with and without a lawyer, and when necessary, a lawyer is worth her weight in gold.

Sorry to hear of your situation, but (JMHO) I'd rather lose a woman to another woman than to another man.

IF she's actually open to amicable negotiation, here's a way to tell: One of you divide the assets and liabilities, then the other one picks the pile they want. This will tell you very quickly how easily this split will go. If successful, get a legal service to prepare the right documents. A local law school can point you to reasonable help, or maybe try
If she can't play nice, lawyer up quick! It'll cost you thousands now, but peace of mind is worth it. I've done one each, with and without a lawyer, and when necessary, a lawyer is worth her weight in gold.

Sorry to hear of your situation, but (JMHO) I'd rather lose a woman to another woman than to another man.
One person cuts, the other chooses, just like kids with a cake. That's a good idea to find out how "fair" it's gonna be.

OTOH, she's gonna have friends telling her how easy it's gonna be to get whatever she wants, all she needs is a lawyer, and when that happens, if you're not dug in and ready, you're gonna get *verb*ed

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Yeah its probally dumb to post this on a motorcycle forum but my wife of 6 going on 7 in october years has decided shes had enough, She has gone to the other side I feel very sad and upset and really need to vent.
She tells me she will pay all debts off and I will walk away scott free with only a bike payment (wich is in hew name as of now) plus insurence for the car and bike.

My parents tell me to get what I can out of her and shes trying to pull a fast one on me becasue we have a house and im intitled to half of everything.

So should I play mr nice guy or get her were it counts?

Thanks guys for letting me vent.

Note my wife wasent very smart when she got direction on mapquest to the dykes house and now its saved on, maybe I will post it here, but for now any good law advice would be great.



P.S. I live in pennsylvania if someone knows what the laws are here.
I grew up in PA, as I recall it's a community property state (live in TX now).

My divorce was fairly easy. We both met with attorneys, they always want a retainer. We then met before making a committment to the attorneys and decided what was important. We decided to make a stab at an agreement between ourselves. Who ever wants out is usually in a negotiating mindset. An advantage here.

Child custody arrangements - we came up with a mutually agreeably plan

Assets - we made a schedule and did what another suggested. We divided them up equally (well close enough!)

I got my toys , she got hers.

Debt - we divided up on capability to pay. I made more than her so I got more of the CC'ds etc.

House - I looked at how much equity we had, and adjusted the toy pile a little. She could only have house if the S&L would take me off the loan was my first offer. They would not, so my decision was to sell or forget. If she ever defaulted I get house was the agreement with S&L. I did not want my son to have to move into an apartment, so I gave in.

I'm sure I got the short end on the stick, but I moved on, my son was covered, and I began life again. Ended up three years later with a woman that still rings my bell, even after 15 years of marriage.

Your soon to be EX is not worth it.

