Nor-Cal Ride Report

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Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Marysville, CA
I'll start this thread so everyone can post up their pix and let us all know you made it home Ok

Cyndi and I rolled in after stopping off for a bite at about 3.00 pm

I think everyone had a great time despite the moist weather yesterday

More later

Lisa and I are home safe. I'll sort through the pics and see if any are worth posting.

Thanks to Steve for setting up this excellent ride! :fan_1:

I got in about an hour ago. 965 miles of smiles!

Yep, we had rain, fog, wet, leaf and pine needle covered roads, twisties, sweepers, great friends and fantastic riding.

If you chose to NOT attend: Neener-neener-neener! :bleh:

If you COULDN'T attend: You were sorely missed! (Welllll...except maybe Brian) :unsure:

:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: Great job of planning, Steve! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

I didn't take as many pictures as as usual because of the inclement weather and the amount of fun I was having actually RIDING. As Al said, I'll sort through what I have and get them posted. Just be patient.

Home safe and sound after 1050 miles. I don't know how IBA's do it. I enjoyed every mile but couldn't possibly pack it into one day.

Thanks Steve. Great route and for the most part, great weather. Oddly, some of the best riding was Highway 101 from Fortuna to home. Big wide sweepers through redwood forests then some country roads through the grape vines. Perfect ending to a perfect weekend.

Mark and Anne Marie

Welp... This knothead made it home at 1900 hrs. after 1158 smiles. Got spit on about the last 45 minutes riding home, so what else is new. MM2, got your text, and the glare shield worked great! I was going to say home safe and sound, but Mariposa county road dept. decided to chip seal my dark, wet country road Friday. They left about a 1/2" of gravel in a short 50' section just beyond the crest of a hill and while flying around a corner less than a mile from home the front end slid over about 6" (seemed like about 2 feet!) so I'll go clean my shorts now. That really would've sucked to drop the old girl at the 1157 mile mark! Great roads, even greater people :D (thanks for the planning Steve) and fairly decent weather except for while riding the "goat trail" for about 50 + miles yesterday. Had a ball, can't wait to do another one.

I got in about an hour ago. 965 miles of smiles!Yep, we had rain, fog, wet, leaf and pine needle covered roads, twisties, sweepers, great friends and fantastic riding.

If you chose to NOT attend: Neener-neener-neener! :bleh:

If you COULDN'T attend: You were sorely missed! (Welllll...except maybe Brian) :unsure:

:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: Great job of planning, Steve! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

I didn't take as many pictures as as usual because of the inclement weather and the amount of fun I was having actually RIDING. As Al said, I'll sort through what I have and get them posted. Just be patient.
I feel all warm and fuzzy........ :blink:

it sounds like it was a good ride!!


Got in about 5:00. Finally got out of the fog just short of Crecent City. Good ride, Good people. See ya down the road.

Another one can go down in the record books as a win/ win for steve and all the wonderful people that came to ride. Ha d a great time and the roads were fantastic..Great job Steve.Made it home around 3:30pm.

Only one pu cker momet on hwy. 20 about four miles after the you turn on Hwy. 20 from Ft. Bragg. went round 180 degree turn and the back end step way out on me, it got my attention .

Only eleven months and 29 days till the next one...... and counting :fan_1:

The instigator, thanks for getting prodded into this Steve.


Christy and I took a little different way up to Yreka Friday staying in the highcountry.




Mark and Anne Marie were our very pleasant ride buddies for Saturday. We stopped at this old bridge and watched the salmon.



And then the trouble began... this motley crew rolled in.



The camera pretty much went back in the bag after that and the riding began. The scenery was way too distracting from the great twisty roads, or was that the other way around?

Thanks everyone for the great weekend.

Looks like I missed another great ride. I was actually in the area. I was off work Friday but had to be back Sat. nite. I was out on the KLR dual sporting for 2 days. Was standing at the corner of hwy 3 and Coffee Creek road on FRi. having a snack when 3 bikes went by. The leader I think was Bluestreak with I believe Rog/Deb on the red beauty in the pack. Those FJR's sure sounded sweet rolling by. Was that you FJRay on Gazelle Callahan road heading west?

Looks like a great turn out. You all are great to ride with, catch you another day.


This is intended for the young gentleman who met with the all the riders that had dinner at the Blackbear restraunt on Friday night.

I forgot his name, but he come over and introduced himself to all at the restraunt and was the proud owner of a new 2009 FJR and was eager to share some info on roads to take and waas eager to ride on saturday as well.

Well on saturday he road with Fairlaner and Roy and I happened to stop stop at the same little bar/diner and had non alchol beverage and chatted a bit.

When I was getting ready too leave he joined up and road with me and two other riders to lunch at Willoow creek.

What I would like from him is to post up some of the video he filmed while we were riding to our lunch stop at Will creek.

I do know he is the Assitant manager at Walmart in Yreka . So if you see this post please post up the film if you would please thanks. I believe the film will help everyone who missed out on this ride ,what the roads were like beauty of that ridding area :fans:

Weekend rider Bob

I got home at 3pm with almost 2000 miles more on the bike (rolled over 20000 in Ventura). we got rained on again in SFO and a couple of time further south.

I didn't take a single picture all weekend, i did take some videos which i will try and post tomorrow.


Was standing at the corner of hwy 3 and Coffee Creek road on FRi. having a snack when 3 bikes went by. The leader I think was Bluestreak with I believe Rog/Deb on the red beauty in the pack. Those FJR's sure sounded sweet rolling by. Was that you
Let's see, you say you saw Rogdeb in a group of three.

On Friday it would have been,

Hycle, Bokerfork,Rogdeb

Blue, Black Cherry, and Red

Was standing at the corner of hwy 3 and Coffee Creek road on FRi. having a snack when 3 bikes went by. The leader I think was Bluestreak with I believe Rog/Deb on the red beauty in the pack. Those FJR's sure sounded sweet rolling by. Was that you
Let's see, you say you saw Rogdeb in a group of three.

On Friday it would have been,

Hycle, Bokerfork,Rogdeb

Blue, Black Cherry, and Red
That would have been what Hycle said --- and, I remember seeing ya Huchie, and giving you a nod.

Crazy great weekend :yahoo: Most of the "usual suspects" and a few more who will become usual suspects :)

Big thanks to Steve for setting this up.

OH --- Bob, the new guy was Shane -- nice guy.

Just a few of our pics to show the great scenery and fun peeps.

I won't be naming names - ya all know who ya are -- dontcha ? :)















And looking at Brad's pics, I think Deb needs a better camera ! Or a steadier hand :lol:

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Thanks all ... Great friends and great rides. I arrived home on Monday at 5pm.

2,191 miles, six days... fantastic even with the occiassional rain.


Day one (Wednesday): Leaving Fairlaners place at 5pm in the dark, in the heavy rain and heading out on 405 north. Did you know that the freeway overpass roads drain directly into the car pool lane below. Stayed in the wet until about Pismo then just cool and good riding. Finally got out to the stretch of PCH at Halfmoon bay. Wow! BTW, the new front springs and penske shock have transformed the FJR... Now I see how Fiarlaner and DJBill could carve those corners on 36 at speed. Well now I'm with you brothers! Night at Mill Valley and the Crib tourney starts.

Day two: From Mill Valley to Santa Rosa to RedBluff on hwy 29 and 20. Really nice (wine) country. After dinner at the riverside diner, we add pool to the competition. More Crib.

Day three: Meet and greet at the Denny's in RB and we're off out west on 36 and north on 3 to Yreka. Folks.... it dose'nt get any better than this! (I thought to myself). Group dinner at the BlackBear and Roy leads 2 to 1 in the Crib.

Day four: 200 miles on the 96 following the Kalamath river the whole way. This is my new favorite ride, ever. Sweepers, twisties, cliffhangers, scenery... it has it all.

We detoured at Willow Ceek to little known Titlow Road which bridges the 299 to 36 and pops out at Mad River Hamburgers. Basically a paved logging road. We had asked the locals at WC if it was paved all the way thru and only got blank stares. We figured we would start and could always turn around. About 20 miles in (and up) the pavement stops. Shit. A truck comes by from the other end so we ask him when or if the pavement restarts anytime soon or is it gravel for the next 35 miles. He laughs and says 'in about ten feet... you fellers lost?' and he's splitting a gut as he drives away. So we're having great fun at his expense going on about in-breds, mountain folk and other Deliverence related comparisons and we're city folk and how superior we are.... As we're talking, laughing and pondering the situation, we had shuffled to the other side of the road and sure enough, around the corner about 10 feet away... well you know. An hour later and we're at MadRiver, then Fortuna and a group dinner at the local pub. Fairlaner ties the Crib at 2-2, even though I got a 24, for like the 2nd time in my life. Good on ya Richard!

Day five (Sunday): South on 101 with a LEO tailing us for about 10 miles with his laser on the whole way. We figured he knew we had detectors and he was playing with our heads. At one point we're down to 55 and he won't leave. My head hurts... then to Leggett then Fort Bragg and back to 101 on the 20. If you're going to FB, 20, is just a bit more open than Leggett Road. Dinner that night with Barabus Barry and Jean in San Fran. We agree to end the Crib at a 2-2 draw since we have a long day tommorrow.

Day six: Leave SF and homeward.

What I would like from him is to post up some of the video he filmed while we were riding to our lunch stop at Will creek.

Weekend rider Bob

I will work on getting a fun assortmant of video clips together to highlight the trip. It may take me a little bit, but I hope to have it up within a week.

My daughter & I had a great time, great roads & meeting everyone could make for nothing less!

I hope all had a good time & got home safe. I'm looking forward to seeing more pictures of the trip. I have a few that I'll post up, & I'll get the video up soon.


