PGR mission to San Francisco

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What would DoG do?
Jun 13, 2005
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Fresno, CA
DoD Identifies Army Casualty

The Department of Defense announced today the death of a soldier who was supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Pfc. Keith J. Moore, 28, of San Francisco, died Oct. 14 in Baghdad, Iraq, of a non-combat related injury. Moore was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division, Fort Drum, N.Y.

Services are scheduled for the afternoon of Friday Oct. 27th 2006.

Patriot Guard Site

In the far right column under "Confirmed Mission Rides".

Final Itinerary for Pfc. Keith Moore, Pacifica/Golden Gate National Cemetery, 27 Oct.
Final Staging Point: 1100 – 1115 at St. Peter’s Catholic Church, 700 Oddstad Blvd, Pacifica, Ca

Note: Arrive at the Staging Point fed and fueled, or with at least 10 miles reserve in your tank. If you choose to fuel after the GGNC, gas stations are right outside of the national cemetery.

Church Services: 1230 at St. Peter’s Catholic Church

Funeral Procession from Church to Golden Gate National Cemetery (GGNC): Time To Be Determined (depart between 1330 and 1400). Police escort is arranged.

Final Honors and Burial at Golden Gate National Cemetery (GGNC): 1430 (1300 Sneath Lane, San Bruno, Ca)

Note on GGNC: If you can not make the Church, but still wish to honor at the GGNC, please arrive there by 1400 (2 PM) and form a flag line for the arrival of the Procession along North Loop Drive. PARK PGR Bikes/cars on the OPPOSITE SIDE/Curb of North Loop Drive from the gravesite, 50-100 yards past the site, not right at the site! If you park right at the site, you will be in the way of the family/Honor Guard and will cause a problem when the Procession arrives! We will have to move you.

Weather: Friday 27th: Mainly sunny. Highs in the upper 70s and lows in the upper 40s.
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I'll add that this will be a high-profile mission, with internment at Golden Gate National Cemetery.

Staging will be in Pacifica at 1100 hours, where the services are scheduled for 1230. Graveside is scheduled for 1430, with completion expected by 1530.

More to follow.

Its been real busy around these parts lately.....2 missions the weekend before last and one mission last weekend with about 60 riders at each. Makes for quite an impressive motorcade. Of course asshat protesters flew in for two of them.

Of course asshat protesters flew in for two of them.
These men gave the ultimate sacrifice and these folks disgrace them. If you ask me the wrong people were buried that day...
Caution folks. The PGR is a fine organization and you're welcome to let folks know about a ride, but knock off the political commentary about protesters. You want to talk about it at the ride. Not here.

Of course asshat protesters flew in for two of them.
These men gave the ultimate sacrifice and these folks disgrace them. If you ask me the wrong people were buried that day...
Caution folks. The PGR is a fine organization and you're welcome to let folks know about a ride, but knock off the political commentary about protesters. You want to talk about it at the ride. Not here. won't happen again

An example of the sentiment from the mission thread:

When one bleeds, we all bleed, When one is taken from us, we all feel the empty void.In the deepest part of every true patriots heart, is a pure positive energy that so truly desires to let your family know that your loss is also our loss. I know this is not always something that can be explained by a few simple written words no matter how hard I try to use my words to embrace you in this time of your family heart ache.

With Our Deepest Regret, And Our Highest Respectable Humble Regard, We openly shed more than just tears with you. Our heart aches knowing your feeling an aching void. Our heart ache is truly in honor felt for your loved one. It will be an honor and privilege for the Trophy Club Texas Bikers to stand tall, proud, respectful, silent and mourn in silence even at a distance from the state of Texas and continue to show our support to a heart broken family, state and nation.


Trophy Club Texas Bikers
I've found a lot of these guys to be great people under their rough, leather-clad exteriors. I'm also doing my part to reach across the badge and convert them to the ways of the sport tourer.

By the end of today, the PGR will have 61,000 members, and adds about 150 each day. Their forum software could use some help though. This place rocks!

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Sorry Iggy, my comment wasn't made as political commentary as I don't give a rats ass about politics to begin was simply an observation made by the father of a Marine, guess you had to be there....My apologies to anyone offended by my remark.

Sorry Iggy, my comment wasn't made as political commentary as I don't give a rats ass about politics to begin was simply an observation made by the father of a Marine, guess you had to be there....My apologies to anyone offended by my remark.
I don't think it offended anyone. Definitely not me.

I've just been around here long enough to see things on the edge of being political quickly devolve and just reminding and nudging folks to keep this forum about FJRs.


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Ride details posted in my original post above. I left out the links to Yahoo map pages as I'm confident you FJR PGR can find an address.

I'm planning to leave Fresno 0730 for Pacifica, 99N to Ave. 7, west to I-5, north to 152, west on Bloomfield to 101N, case anybody wants to join up along the way. Just let me know if you plan to, and I'll try and post up a Map Source or Streets & Trips image before Friday.

Seriously interested Toecutter. What all is needed to be 'appropriate' for such an event? I have no flag attached to crzy8. Is a 'portable' flag adequate, just something to manually hold while guarding? Thinking of a pole flag where the poles come apart and can be stored or bungeed down for the travel. Call me clueless. Thanks..
Seriously interested Toecutter. What all is needed to be 'appropriate' for such an event? I have no flag attached to crzy8. Is a 'portable' flag adequate, just something to manually hold while guarding?
There is no dress code. PGR guys usually dress like they're out on a cruiser ride. I usually wear my FD dress blues under my suit for the trip there, then put the kevlar into the luggage pods for the procession.
I have fashioned a flagpole mount for the luggage rack on my Givi, but it's not required by any means. It's good to have a flag to hold while in attendance, either U.S. or Armed Forces (I think it's normally whatever branch the Hero served in). Check out the Hide-a-Pole (bottom of page). $20.00 to PGR members. It's the one I carry. Very convenient, as I can put it in the bike's holder for procession work, or collapse it and toss flag & all into my Givi box for freeway use.

I haven't yet found a flag that will hold up at freeway speeds, or a good source for inexpensive disposable flags.

Come as you are, it's the presence that counts!


Most guys bring a 3' x 5' flag on a 3 piece pole that you can easily strap onto the back rack for transport. Some guys actually fly the flags on the bikes when in procession but its not necessary and the majority don't. I also fly two small flags on the bike, one American and one USMC that I just zip tie on when I go on a mission. I don't know about Cali, but in NY the FJR at first seems out of place with all the cruisers but everyone makes a concerted effort to make you feel welcome so no worries. Hopefully you won't have to do to many of these type of rides and only lots of homecomings....

Toecutter -

PM sent. Need to talk tonight if possible. PM has phone numbers. Thanks - dcarver.
Go Don! If you can't find a flag, you can borrow mine. I'll ride down and leave it with TC if needed.
O'vale - the ride is mananna, the 27th! Isn't Orangevale to Clovis a bit long? You would have to ride tonight.. I'll see if I can find a flag on the way home tonight. I'd be embarassed to bring the one I have.. hmm. looks like I'm calling in sick mananna.. cough cough.

Gotta love good karma.. Stopped at 2 places looking for flags. The lady at Rite-Aid told me they were 'out of season'; didn't have any. The second place didn't carry any either. Stopped by a 3rd place..saw my bud Mike, who I deal with for tires. Mentioned I was having a hard time finding flags.. 'what for, Don?'. A thing called PGR sez I. Mike asks more questions then gets real serious.. and says... "I have boxes of them at the shop - follow me." Turns out Mike is a vet, currently has a nephew with 3 tours already done..

So, Toecutter, I'm good to go. Would like to meet you at the intersection of 101/152, Gilroy if you want company. I get seriously lost in San Fran quickly.. if we could pair up that would be great. Let me know if this sounds like a plan and if so what time? Otherwise, I'll see you there.

Tx dcarver
