The Squid Purity Test

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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I got a 56, but like the butt plug on the right, I found myself saying, "WTF?." My test answers "seem a bit skewed, however." She hasn't been down yet, sitting or flying, so fack 'em. Where's Odot, with all the beer questions, I can't wait.


Your score indicates that you are a pathetic example of incredible stupidity who shouldn't be let out of the house unsupervised.

Must have been all the questions involving beer!

85 indicates you are a fairly responsible motorcycle rider but a bit of a wise ass. Some how I feel the order should have been reversed. More wise ass less responsible.

115 questions? I haven't had to answer that many questions since I was married to madame X. I couldn't handle that either. :angry03:
