A 2nd FJR in the Garage

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Trading miles for memories
FJR Supporter
Jul 25, 2009
Reaction score
West Palm Beach, FL
Well I screwed up big time.

It all started with a sly gen 2 owner putting a Russell Day Long

up for sale. I love them so much, I rapidly jumped on the purchase

for I knew it wouldn't last long.

Here is how that went down:


So...Now I was the owner of a gen 2 RDL seat and owned a GEN 1 FJR.

Well no one likes to admit they flat out made a mistake, I am no different.

The seat arrived and I scrambled for ways to creatively put it to good use.

Plan A- Switch the seat and restaple it to a Gen 1 pan.

Soon after sorting out seats I realized that I already

had a Gen 1 RDL seat:


Plan B- Mount the seats to outdated barstools we had on the

kitchen counter. We could have longer meals with greater

comfort. (AND they would even swivel!) How cool is that!

Then my wife arrived home from "El Dorado" furniture...

Seems my purchase of the RDL put her in the mood to spend

also. She purchased... new barstools:



Plan C-Store them on the shelves and sell them ASAP. One look

at the crowded shelves and I could see they would offer no

refuge for the seats:


Plan D-(The fatal mistake) Find some place to store the seats...

After all you DON'T put RDL on the floor. I purchased the

1st POS gen 2 I could find on CL. You know... as a seat

storage unit.


I have not given her a name yet, for I know she will not be in my

possession long enough to name her. (Plus I prefer not to use

vulgar language)

I have not ridden her since I brought her home. I threw a cover

over her so I would not offend my "Baby Blue" '05 with all her

well earned beautiful battle scars from over 100k of troublefree

miles she has given me.

I will probably need to take my wife along (Should I attempt to

ride it) She can help me push it WHEN it breaks down.

In bringing it home the 250 miles seemed to last FOREVER with

the heat nearly melting me away.

I have spent the last week trying to figure out where the darn

PARKING BRAKE is on the POS. It Must have one- it is so darn

sluggish and s l o w.

Can't wait to dump this bike as my '05 GEN 1 will probably last

forever. We are best buds... just like all you Gen 1 owners.

So now my Gen 1 brothers...

Lets RIDE !!!

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Tony, all I can say is at least you didn't buy an AE. We can still poke fun at those lever missing, color confused, L is for love push button shifters.

Since we're making confessions, I am darksider #55.

I sincerely hope you enjoy the new ride. It's a good looking bike.

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Tony, all I can say is at least you didn't buy an AE. We can still poke fun at those lever missing, color confused, L is for love push button shifters.

Since we're making confessions, I am darksider #55.

I sincerely hope you enjoy the new ride. It's a good looking bike.


Judging from your stich you have 1 more confession:

You are a HAWKEYE fan also! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Right? :lol:

Pathfinder! You are going to fall in love with you're new GenII black beauty so quick it'll make your head spin. You'll be slipping out the back door on your Gen I in your underwear so she won't see you. Stick a Fork in Her! She's Toast!! Enjoy!! :clapping:

Traitor. You suck. I don't love you anymore and you are no longer my hero. Now just another POS Gen II owner riding a POS Gen II.

Your faithful and loyal Gen I will punish you for this transgression. You do know that don't you? Most likely on day 9 of your 10n10 rally.

There is a special place in hell just for you you lecherous choad.


Haha...Welcome to the correct team. GenIs are too old to be relevant anymore. Besides...100k? That's almost new engine time on them. Right??

Traitor. You suck. I don't love you anymore and you are no longer my hero. Now just another POS Gen II owner riding a POS Gen II.

Your faithful and loyal Gen I will punish you for this transgression. You do know that don't you? Most likely on day 9 of your 10n10 rally.

There is a special place in hell just for you you lecherous choad.

+1, Gunny; Extremely Well Stated, GreggieM!

SkooterG: What in the Hell is up with these Gen II dorkwads posting up to a Gen I thread, I know HotRodZilla is dumber than a box of rocks but I sure didn't think that George and Dave B. were also so clueless! Tony, I just sent an email to RadioHowie about this thread; May the Lord have Mercy on your poor Soul, Rest in Peace!

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Traitor. You suck. I don't love you anymore and you are no longer my hero. Now just another POS Gen II owner riding a POS Gen II.

Your faithful and loyal Gen I will punish you for this transgression. You do know that don't you? Most likely on day 9 of your 10n10 rally.

There is a special place in hell just for you you lecherous choad.

THIS IS by far the most devastating posting I have EVER read.

Skooter and Iggy have been my idols since the '09 IBR. Look

when I joined the forum- look when I joined the IBA...

I now feel like a son who has been booted out of the house

(At age 3 for pete's sake) Harsh for such a tender,

impressionable rider...

Maybe I need to sell all 3 bikes and quit riding?

Don't you dare jinx me in the 10'n10- I have enough to worry

about with my 1st multi-day rally. Like "when I loose my virginity-

Will it hurt... and how bad" Now I will be a paranoid nut on day 9

wondering "Is that a new tune my engine is singing?"


Scooter I have sinned - forgive me!

... AND give me your blessing, My GEN 1 Leader

Somewhere there is a bearded old coot sitting on his horse cursing the cars for being usless newfangled inventions. He is on his way to the telegraph office to send a message. He misses the Pony Express. "Danged internal combustion engines! Danged electricity! What's the world coming to anyway?"

As you blow by him on your modern, cutting edge technology Generation 2 FJR he will stare in amazement. He will hear the deep rumble of the exhaust. He will feel the heat that is directed out of the bike instead of onto you. He will ride his horse to the Yamaha dealership where he will shoot it in the parking lot. He will ride his Gen 2 FJR to buy his new Iphone.

Time marches on and so should we all. As long as we continue to respect the great bikes that led us to this point. And we should park the things in MUSEUMS where they belong! Ride the Gen2 with pride!

Congrats on the new bike. I hope it serves you as well as the Gen1.


Scooter I have sinned - forgive me!

... AND give me your blessing, My GEN 1 Leader

Get that POS Gen II or it's good for nothing owner anywhere near me and you'll get my 'pissing' if you know what I mean.

You're dead to me. DEAD.

