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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2005
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Yes, that's correct. The event I've been looking forward to all ****** year has been taken from me by some ******* that "didn't see" me as she pulled across 2 lanes from a stop sign! I've always thought "crossing the T" was a naval maneuver, but I was proven wrong yesterday by an 18 yo female. Luckily I came out w/ just a concussion and some bruises here and there, the Feej on the other hand






So off to the trauma ward I went and stayed the nite. Released today w/ xrays, and CT clear. How I came out okay, I'll just give credit to my gaurdian Angel(mom). I do remember slamming into the car thinking"I hope I survive" and then as her hood passed underneath a beautiful airborne flip I realized I'd be hurt but okay, I flew so hard I didn't even touch the windshield this time! Of course as I came to it wa nice to see friends taking care of me as it was a CFD ambulance that responded.

The only thing that pissed me off was the fact that a tow truck tok my bike w/o ANY authorization from me or anybody on scene and expected I would just fork over the other persons insurance info for them to pay! That fight will continue tommorrow, for now I'm going to rest w/ Mrs.Medic seeing as she's as tired as me and a lot better looking!

See what I mean!

Good night, and everyone be careful out there, as always. Maybe next year. I will be calling Marriot tomorrow to cancel, seeing as I have no way out there now.

Sorry but it sucks more for me than you,


OMG!!!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG long as yoru ok, but the bike looks like a total loss...

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That SUCKS man. Great to hear that you're ok. The bike? OUCH. Not looking good.

But bikes can be replaced...bla bla bla.

Really though, glad you're alright. Rest. Spend time w/ Mrs.Medic and see you next year.

EDIT: On second thought...send Mrs.Medic to Park City and she can tell you how much fun it was. :dntknw:

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Damn, sorry to hear about that. **** timing but at least you are okay and next year will be here sooner thank you think.

Dang Ed, sorry to hear of the ill-timed accident as all are though I guess. Just glad your able to post up here and let us know your ok. There's always the National event next year. Easier said about that I know but you and your family are in our prayers for sure. Take care and heal up to ride again. Del. <>< :thumbsupsmiley:

You WILL be using the lost vacation opportunity and big ride and meet with your FJR brethren as leverage with her insurance company, won't you?

Same pleasantries as Gunny. Dayang! Drat and pshaw!! That is some scary stuff...and the look of the bike is sad. Flying, good...flying without wings bad...landing solo without airplane, really bad! BTDT, isn't it amazing what thoughts pass through your mind. First bounce, kewel, I'm not hurt. :) Second bounce (coming to while laying on back), OMG, I'm hurt. :( IF I could get up I'd kill that guy! :angry2:

With all the motorcycle accidents lately...thank goodness you're okay. Cages seem to be more outta control than ever. Heal quick and think about a replacement.

Geez, this is getting a little too close to an epidemic for my liking. Glad to hear your health is still pretty much intact. All the rest can be replaced in time. It still sucks, but it beats the hell out the alternatives. This is a dangerous game we play and sometimes the score just doesn't come out to our favor.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

Damn EM... that was a hard hit. So glad you are OK. another fjr, don't leave us?

oh, your nurse Nancy looks delicious! :rolleyes:

Sorry to hear about your accident, Evil. That makes me furious. But it's great to hear that you are alive, not seriously injured, and going home to your own bed.

Regarding the tow truck issue, beware that they will be charging you storage till you resolve it, bastards! Just went through that last week with my son's totaled car from an accident where the ambulance took him one way, the tow truck his car another--after just two days: $300 including tow. Bastards.


So sorry to read about the accident. Hope and pray you get well quick and back up on two wheels.

I have to ask the question. I always do when I talk with fellow bikers who have been involved in one of these. What, if anything, could you or would you have done to try and avoid this? Were you looking for possible trouble at the intersection? Would it have been different if you were going slower? Those sort of things. It might help the rest of us. Thanks, Jesse

Sorry to hear about your accedent! Looks real bad :angry2: Look on the bright side tho, you're alive to make next years WFO

You surrived and not hurt to bad and you will ride another day.

Except next year you will be sporting a new FJR going to CO.

I do not tink the salavage yard even wants your bike in is in like real bad shape :(


OOOOOuch! It appears you are a lucky man...glad you are OK.

Oh, and it looks like you have gooooood company...May the force be with you.

Here's wishing you a speedy recovery. As others have said bikes can be replaced. I'm just glad to hear you will be mending up. Take care, get lots of rest, and try to use this as a learning tool so you can be aware just how bad cages can drive.

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It appears you are a lucky man...glad you are OK.
I hope I never get to be as "lucky" as you, Evil. Just get over the eardrum incident, and now this? What kind/brands of gear were you wearing?

Aw crap, man, that sucks! Glad you are ok and I'll light a candle for your newly deceased FJR. Sucks for sure. :(
Just don't ask him for a refund, or he'll send Capo Skyway your way!

Get well soon!
