Motopia Cafe in Dallas

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hey rex! nope definitely haven't heard a word about that place. we'll have to check it out soon. need some warm air here dangit!

OK, That place looks really frigging kool :yahoo:

I'm going to have to go pay them a visit ASAP. Perhaps I can get some homework done in thier "business center" while tasting some of thier coffee and getting my bike detailed :lol:

This could be a good place for one of our foul weather meet-ups??

MOTOPIA visit and review

Yes, It was very chilly today, I know, it started snowing just a little as I was taking the cover off the FJR and thinking, hmmm, do I really want to go out to lunch on the bike today? Well, I zipped the liner into my jacket, threw on some long johns and got the heck outside. It was nice to get away from school/work for a bit and I just had to check out the new motorcycle cafe that has recently opened just a couple miles from where I live/work.

They are located here:

4123 N. Central Expressway, Dallas, Texas 75204 l 214-443-8389

and their website is here:

First off, Its easy to find, just off 75 near downtown dallas and as I was there they were adding lights to the top of the structure (see picture) to increase roadside visibility. There are 7 motorcycle only parking right in front of the cafe and more parking in back. I initially missed the store front parking and drove up the steep ramp to get to the parking lot in back and almost ran into a big white pick-em-up coming down the narrow drive. Well, the truck backed up, I stalled my bike on the ramp and then parked and met the driver of the truck. Turns out it is Adam, who runs the built in bike detailing shop of the cafe. He apologizes for our near collision and introduces himself. I show him some boot rubber by SO put on my exhaust and he tells me he can get that off for me no problem. Sweet. Then he tells me to ask for Augustine and get a tour of the place. Perfect. First I move my bike down to the front parking so I can get this pic.


I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I should have realized that being in what we affectionately call (up-town Dallas) is would be nice. That turns out to be an understatement. The Place looks FANTASTIC. The layout is cool, the motorcycle decor is awesome.

Here is a couple pics of the main cafe area.


Note the Cafe overlooking the Bike Detail Shop :rolleyes:


And the cafe bar. They serve great coffee as well as beer and wine. I had a cafe con Leche to remind me of my work in Spain a few years ago. So while Im at the counter, I meet Augustine, the barista. He is very nice and gives me a guided tour.


First we start off with the Cafe area, the move to the “business center” The whole place has free wi-fi and you can sit at a stool, desk area and work or read while observing the bike detail shop. There are a couple of full size cubicle type workstations there as well as printing, coping, faxing facilities. Right now all this is free, I picture myself doing homework and studying there in the very near future.

Nice place to work or hang while watching your bike get detailed




Next we go to the bike detail shop. It looks really cool with two service bays and big windows looking out at the cafe and business center.


Here is the owners BMW


And this REALLY TRICK quad, note the BMW engine. Augustine tells me its limited production and goes goes for about 60K. I’ll take two!


Augustine only had a few customers probably to the fact that they are pretty new and it was a little chilly for the whimpy bikers who actually have cars to drive on days like this. Being hard core however, I was able to get special treatment. While I’m chatting with Augustine, another fellow walks up and I’m introduced to Rene Larrave, the owner. He is very nice and seems to be personally involved with getting the lighting installed. I like hands-on people!


Of course, I have not eaten in awhile, so a pending question for me is, “hows the food”

Menu is here:

WelI, I ordered the Cubano, which for you who are too lazy to click the link above is composed of: “Roasted and lean pork loin, premium ham, swiss cheese, refried black beans, avocado,

tomatoes, onions and our special dressing”


It was literally melt in your mouth good. I had an emotional moment as I bit into the sandwich and was taking in the entire place that just opened up a couple miles from where I live. Wow. I’m verclempt. (SNL Reference)

Well,being a guy, I don’t think about checking out the decore in the head, but had to pay a visit anyway and Wow. Ok, it gets a point off for not having a cool urinal or any urinal for that matter, but the sink is a work of art and there is an LCD screen on the wall so you don’t miss any of the race while in the head. Mans Paradise!! There are also three large panel televisions on the walls around the cafe so you can watch motorcycle racing or other events.




Well, I had to leave and get back to work but I’m already working on my calender to reschedule my near future lunch appointments for this place. This place is such a neat concept and so well implemented that you have to pay a visit. Once you experience the food and the atmosphere, I think you’ll be hooked.


Lamp ART!



Now that's a write up. Thanks dude. Reminds me of the shop in minneapolis that has a cafe next to it off of minnehaha. They need to up the female presence up a bit, though.

Well the female presence would most likely increase if'n yad stay away :****:

Hey! it's Friday. somebody say sumpin' stoopid. I'm ready to 'bust ass' As the bank kicked my butt today. Bastards!!!


Well, the security guards would treat you better if ya didn't hassle the work staff with them goofy "I have a gun, give me money" notes.

FJR@DTS, that is what we call onehelluva RECON in the Army. Appreciate you giving us the detailed report. I concur with you that this may be a good inclement weather meet place.

Odot, your in charge of bringing your harem of women to this place. Make sure they are at least a "10" on the Odot rating scale... = a 6 on everyone elses. :lol: Now, this is only for the single guys. We married types can.....

Again, I appreciate your ride report FJR! Good work Sir. I look forward to our next group ride together.



That's a great right up! Thanks for giving us such a complete run-down. Fridays at 11:00 I have a standing conference call. I usually just take it at the house and wish I were doing something else. With free wifi, good coffee and a good lunch option, I think I may have just found my friday office.

Yea, this place is up-scale.

Very nice place to hang for a little bit.

Not much room for parking, though.

I was there a couple weeks ago.

One of my friends is the one creating the lighting you saw Rene installing.

Rene and he go way back.

The food is pretty good and the atmosphere is Motofriendly.

I recommend giving it a visit or two more.


That looks like a really cool place..

I think I'll go and watch the Superbowl there... I don't have tv....

a really cool place for a non riding day!

and close to me, too....


Too bad we can't ride our FJRs there.

Motopia on Central Expressway at Fitzhugh in Dallas is a one of a kind place where European motorcycle enthusiasts can enjoy their passion in a most inviting environment.

Not to hijack the thread I started, but what is the status on the Yamaha Jacket that you bought off of ebay? How do you like it? Did it meet your expectations?

If you are favorable on it, I will probably purchase one. Thanks in advance for any feedback on it.



Too bad we can't ride our FJRs there.

Motopia on Central Expressway at Fitzhugh in Dallas is a one of a kind place where European motorcycle enthusiasts can enjoy their passion in a most inviting environment.
I've always thought their marketing verbiage was a little elitist and restrictive, but from everything I've heard from the TSBA Dallas board, they're just decent motorcycle people with the same passion we all have. Nobody's ever gotten any attitude for showing up on a SuperRetard or an R1. It's my guess they were trying to weed out the "squid night" and "heavy iron" crowds.

Well, I'm actually here at Motopia today, handing out, doing some homework and getting my bike washed. I must say to the previous poster that I never closely read their marketing verbage, but can tell you from first-hand experience that our FJR's are very welcome and the people here have been very friendly, from the owner on down. I've had conversations with most of the people here today and its been great.

oh, and as for the Jacket, it looks perfect. I was very happy with it, the place is acutally a dealership in Ohio, so you should feel pretty safe dealing with them on thier ebay shop. I got a great summer 200 buck armored jacket for 80 bucks total including shipping. :clapping:

