Motopia Cafe in Dallas

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great write up

i wish i lived closer so i could check it out. maybe i need to get the franchise rights for the memphis area ;)

Funny thing happened on the way to the forum.

I wrote an email to Motopia about the opening line of their webpage. Here's a portion of the email.


I'd like to offer a suggestion for a change in the following sentence:

From: "Motopia on Central Expressway at Fitzhugh in Dallas is a one of a kind place where European motorcycle enthusiasts can enjoy their passion in a most inviting environment."

To: Motopia on Central Expressway at Fitzhugh in Dallas is a one of a kind place where true motorcyclists can enjoy their passion in an upscale, inviting European environment.

I offer this suggestion because I think your idea and execution are superb. I want, as a motorcycliist, to see businesses like yours succeed.

Thanks for listening.


The owner, Rene Larrave, has already changed the text. Funny how email works.

Good suggestion Andre. And it's because of the Rene's openness to suggestions like that that I'll be sure and give him my business.

Funny thing happened on the way to the forum.
I wrote an email to Motopia about the opening line of their webpage. Here's a portion of the email.


I'd like to offer a suggestion for a change in the following sentence:

From: "Motopia on Central Expressway at Fitzhugh in Dallas is a one of a kind place where European motorcycle enthusiasts can enjoy their passion in a most inviting environment."

To: Motopia on Central Expressway at Fitzhugh in Dallas is a one of a kind place where true motorcyclists can enjoy their passion in an upscale, inviting European environment.

I offer this suggestion because I think your idea and execution are superb. I want, as a motorcycliist, to see businesses like yours succeed.

Thanks for listening.


The owner, Rene Larrave, has already changed the text. Funny how email works.
This along with the great write up that started this post makes me think that we should soon have a first saturday or sunday here. Have to show our support.

Funny thing happened on the way to the forum.
I wrote an email to Motopia about the opening line of their webpage. Here's a portion of the email.


I'd like to offer a suggestion for a change in the following sentence:

From: "Motopia on Central Expressway at Fitzhugh in Dallas is a one of a kind place where European motorcycle enthusiasts can enjoy their passion in a most inviting environment."

To: Motopia on Central Expressway at Fitzhugh in Dallas is a one of a kind place where true motorcyclists can enjoy their passion in an upscale, inviting European environment.

I offer this suggestion because I think your idea and execution are superb. I want, as a motorcycliist, to see businesses like yours succeed.

Thanks for listening.


The owner, Rene Larrave, has already changed the text. Funny how email works.

Also.... form Motopia website !


* Moto Adrenaline - MOTOPIA CAFE - A cool place to hang out.

* FJR Forum - Motopia Cafe in Dallas

* Ducati Monster Board - Group Photo for Motopia

* Two Wheeled Texans - Motopia Cafe in Dallas

* BMW Luxury Touring - Motopia Cafe, Dallas

Bugzy and I hung out here from 10am until 3pm Friday.

The owner is a great guy as were all the staff we talked with. I got the bike detailed while we went through very distinct phases of coffee... to lunch... to a couple of afternoon beers.

This place is a breath of fresh air. The coffee was great and the service was good.

I highly recommend it for a GTG launching point...


I was in Dallas on business yesterday and on my way out of town, I stopped at Motopia for breakfast this morning. I had an awesome cup of coffee and the Mexican Rocket breakfat burrito. Man was it good. I felt the place was very cool, love the design and concept. I was there about 9am and there was only 1 other person there. I hope it is busier in the day and evening. I would hope a place like that succeeds, I really loved it.

I'd be up for weekly Saturday or Sunday morning coffee/breakfast rides launching out of Motopia. I have yet to hang out with any DFW Feejers other'n folks I knew pre-forum! Those sportbike guys I hang out with on Thursdays can only ride for so long. ;)


I live about 1.5 miles from Motopia and of course love your sugestion. Motopia does have rides which leave from there, usually on Sundays it seems which are difficult for me. It looks like they do some pretty cool stuff. I can sometimes swing a Sat. ride if I'm caught up on homework. Of course, I can meet for coffee on Saturdays no matter the homework load, plus, I want to see your new paintjob!!

I'd be up for weekly Saturday or Sunday morning coffee/breakfast rides launching out of Motopia. I have yet to hang out with any DFW Feejers other'n folks I knew pre-forum! Those sportbike guys I hang out with on Thursdays can only ride for so long. ;)
I was in Dallas on business yesterday and on my way out of town, I stopped at Motopia for breakfast this morning. I had an awesome cup of coffee and the Mexican Rocket breakfat burrito. Man was it good. I felt the place was very cool, love the design and concept. I was there about 9am and there was only 1 other person there. I hope it is busier in the day and evening. I would hope a place like that succeeds, I really loved it.
When in town, let us Dallas-folk know sooner. We can be there to drink coffee with you!

On a sad note, it looks like Motopia is changing from an open concept to a private club thing. It hasn't been financially fortuitous, evidently. Private memberships will run $100/mo and include access to the place. The services part will still be open.

I don't really see the value-add in this except as being a last-ditch effort to raise immediate revenue and sustain operating costs. I really like this place and don't want to see its demise. Hell, the food is incredible - as a restaurant I think it could succeed with the right marketing.

In any case, it's open to the public until January 1, 2009.


I got an email about them chaning to a private club. I wish them lots of luck but for the stop every couple of months I can't see justifying a membership. Hope it works out for them.

I got an email about them chaning to a private club. I wish them lots of luck but for the stop every couple of months I can't see justifying a membership. Hope it works out for them.
I hope it works out for them too. I like this place and the owners/regulars are cooler'n hell.

I can't rightly afford a $100/mo membership with a clear conscience as my son's Montessori preschool is about to start.

I am, however, willing to pitch in to an FJR FORUM membership where a few forum members can split the cost.

The food is specutacular. The concept, flawless. I spoke with the owner today about value-add services and one included members-only trackdays with 10-20 people instead of the 100 that generally grace them.

In any case, if anyone else is willing to consider such an arrangement, let's talk!

There really isn't a better place to launch rides from.

Despite the volume of today's riders there's an opportunity here.

BTW>> DTS>> enjoyed the snot tout of hanging out with you and look forward to future forays.

