Front Wheel Looseness?

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Friday Driver
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Boise, ID
So I have a dumb question but I've never noticed it before.

Should my front wheel have any front to back "play" in it? I can grasp my front wheel and move it forward and back just a little. It's almost like loose bearings or something.

It's at the wheel and not the head nut or whatever it's called. When the bike is on the center stand I can get the front clicking pretty good. This is the first time I've noticed this.


Not a expert, but I wouldn't ride it until I find the cause. I would check the torque on that steering nut, and re-check the bolts on your upper and lower trees to your front forks.

You sure it's the axle and not the forks? There have been complaints about the neck not being torqued. I'd look into that, too.

With the new '06's out we should really be a little more specific as to year and milage. Just so we get a better idea of use. If this was an '06 there would be serious concern.

With the new '06's out we should really be a little more specific as to year and milage. Just so we get a better idea of use. If this was an '06 there would be serious concern.
It's an 05 but there's still serious concern, hence the question. ;)


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You've not been using any sort of pressure washer to clean it. Have you? That'll kill wheel bearings right quick like.

You've not been using any sort of pressure washer to clean it. Have you? That'll kill wheel bearings right quick like.
No never.

But I came home from Spokane to Boise last year in a very bad rainstorm - 8 hours of hard pounding rain. Still I wouldn't expect the bearings to be shot but I think they just might be but I doubt it was a rain ride.

It's at the axle. I double checked everything again. Oh well shit happens on moving parts. I'll run it by the shop and have them look.

Thanks for the help and feedback everyone. I need to take more time to learn about my bike. I just don't have the best garage set up and tools yet.

Some things are starting to make sense though. I could feel it...something. I kept checking my pressure and then I was checking my superbrace because I felt some sort of looseness up front. Come to think of it it's been clicking for a while now. I always wondered what it was but thought it was just the rotors or pads or something.


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Image from the BJ site-an FJR front wheel bearing. 12,000 miles, same symptoms.


FJR wheel bearings have a history of cheesiness. Industry # for front bearing is 60/22LV, if other than OE is your preference. Mine would be. ;)

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