Open Passes

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA area
Quotes transferred from the "Route Planning" thread:

"Phfffft!!! on the Sahara vests -- the only water mine saw was whatever might have penetrated the tail bag. Got home just before 6 pm and am now wondering which one of you it was. I mean, I leave Lake Alpine heading east (where it's raining and hailing, as you know) and about two miles later, the precipitation is GONE -- all the way back to Gardnerville -- clouds, but not a drop, and none of that soft hail that explodes on your face shield. So, who had that rain/hail storm following them around for all of us to enjoy?

Had a lot of fun. Great to see old faces and meet some people whose posts I've read, but not met. Painman -- I LOVE that '06! Wanna trade it for a broken in '05? UberKul -- great line to follow -- I love it when I seldom see brake lights ahead of me to make me second guess my entry speed. Thank you to you all for a great ride and company.

And for the heat Pu$$!#$ in the Sacto valley who couldn't make it because of the "heat": It was downright comfortable getting wet like that. People who don't ride will never understand -- nature giving us cooling moisture as we come down the ridge at 8000 feet with an incredible view of the buttes, shrouded in snow still, between Ebbetts and Sonora passes -- THAT is what it's all about, what puts that stupid grin on your face and makes you feel ALIVE. "



"Exskibum, Sorry I missed meeting you, but did get to put a lot of a faces with names this morning before I had to bug out after the town of Volcano. Funny thing, right after that the high point of my day came in the form of a bikini top clad young lady in a Subaru Outback flagging me down. She said " Hey, if you're riding with that group of BMW's they turned left at the last intersection" I told her the turn off was intentional, but thanks just the same. I hollered to her that they are Yamahas, but she too was busy cutting off a guy in a F250 pulling a boat on Hwy 88. Mike & Brad enjoyed getting to know you guys over breakfast and meeting the others at the Shell station. I too look forward to the pics and hopefully I can do the entire ride next time."



"At Mosquito Lake I almost pulled over under the trees from the hail and heavy rain. It hurt through my mesh jacket. the road isn't fast anyway and with that outpouring of rain and hail made it even slower. but with the snow up there and the weather it cooled off quickly. Chased the rabbits from the bottom of the valley but lost them in the tight roads and slow traffic just before the rain. Never did see the other group. So hit 4 to angels Camp then to stockton over to Fremont. Nice ride and great sandwich in Markleeville. See you all at WFO in Reno."


Mike, too bad you missed the stop at the General Store/Tavern @ Alpine Lake. That's where everyone regrouped over coffee/hot chocolate and watched the rain and hail before suiting up and riding West, through the storm and into the valley heat. Next time try to keep up, okay....MM2


Those who choose to NOT participate in one of MM2's er, uhm, "adventures" just don't know what they're missing. :D

I can't wait to see the pictures Joyfulgirl took....after OrangevaleFJR finishes the editing and posting. I had a great time. What a great group of friends to ride with and share the fine Sierra Nevada weather. Who would've thunk? :blink: AND we had our first ride with an '06. That darker blue sure is pretty!

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Big o'l Thanks to MM2 for planning that ride, It was wonderful. I loved the "natural cool off "rain/hail" @ Lake Alpine. Following O'vale on 49 home was a blast - what speed limit?? Just multiply by 2X.

Anyone wanna do it again tomorrow? Call 916 812-1971, ask for BBIII or Bill or Edgar - all the same person.

My Sahara cool vest worked as designed, I just need two, one to soak in ice water while I'm wearing the other, and switch every hour.

Thanks Mike for the great ride. I stored your pre-ride intel in my little 2KB hard drive and it came in handy. You forgot to tell me about the humans and BMW parts scattered about on the one corner, work on that would you. ;)


Fun people-expected

Great roads-expected

The rain, hail, lightening and thunder over the pass changed an expected great day into a day I’ll not soon forget. :D

A little adversity goes a long way towards adventure!

Sorry for the break-up at Lake Alpine. Maybe next time we pull way off the road we should leave a bike at the road edge to indicate?

BTW I’m now convinced I can coast from the top of Monitor to 395 if the traffic favors me, next time.

Thanks Mike for the great ride. I stored your pre-ride intel in my little 2KB hard drive and it came in handy. You forgot to tell me about the humans and BMW parts scattered about on the one corner, work on that would you. ;)
Gee whiz, now I gotta "hold yer hand", too. :eek: I tried to have everyone aware of what to expect...panned out about as I thought. I did forget to warn everbody about the thunderstorm and hail.... :dribble:

When I rode by (playing "sweep") the bike was upright on the right shoulder and there were plenty of people milling around, one vehicle parked in the Eastbound lane. They must've kicked the pieces to the shoulder 'cuz the roadway was clear. I saw no reason to be a lookie-loo.

I wonder if Sherri got a picture of that???

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You forgot to tell me about the humans and BMW parts scattered about on the one corner, work on that would you. ;)
Living so close, I ride Ebbetts (at least, that part east of Bear Valley) almost as much as I ride Monitor. That corner where the guy went down (I thought it was the Kawasaki) is the most difficult corner on that ride IMO -- way too easy to misjudge speed into, even though you can see through it -- easy to end up in the oncoming traffic lane. Gravel on it makes it extremely dangerous and he had the bad luck of discovering that. Glad the damage didn't look worse, and that he seemed to be ok. On my way home, I saw the bike parked up the driveway of one of those "ranch" trailers on the river side, a quarter mile east of that corner

[ (I thought it was the Kawasaki) is the most difficult corner on that ride IMO -- way too easy to misjudge speed into, even though you can see through it -- easy to end up in the oncoming traffic lane.
I, too, thought it was a Concours, but I only got a very quick sideways glance. I'm glad all of our group heeded my warnings at the pre-ride meeting and were watching for the gravel.

Well got the first ride down with the group and all I can say is WOW! What a great bunch of people and some good riders and my hat is off to Mike who put on such a great ride which made for a beautiful day and I think the key words for the day was "adventure" and "friendship". This is my first ride with sport bikes only and it allowed me to broaden my learning curve of the bike and how to ride it thanks to some great advice. The day showed me some of the ability of the FJR and that I still have a ways to go. Man does this bike rock! I really enjoyed the hail and rain and it was interesting coming out of an oven into a summer storm and back into the oven to say the least. The reading on the temp gage at Lake Alpine during the down pour was 59 degrees and an hour later we were in 102 temp at Angeles Camp! Mike said it, "any ride Mad Mike puts on will be crazy" and this diffiently lived up to his words. Anyone who missed the ride all I can say is sorry, see you next time. You missed out on a great day of fun and fellowship. Until next time...PM. <>< :clapping:

Just for grins and giggles, I will post a list of those brave and intrepid souls who faced the dangers of other motorists and Mother Nature to participate in this marvelous, entertaining and joyous adventure. My hat is off to you all! :clapping:




...who joined us for breakfast and our pre-ride because we got to Plymouth early, then peeled off to his personal business meeting


..who came over from Reno and met us headed Eastbound on Hwy 88 at Caples Lake



Nightshine (with his son Ian (?) as pillion)





khunajawdge and sbctech (and Rudy) left us a note in Markleeville. They were going to meet us for lunch but arose early (from camping and fishing) had breakfast and headed for Bridgeport @ 10 AM.

For the rest of you who wimped out with whatever lame excuse you could think up, "Neener-neener-neener!"

:p .. :p .. :p .. :p .. :p .. :p .. :p .. :p

Though I really missed the Highlanders and Rogdebs...the excuses are accepted, so their absence will neither count against their final grade nor be entered into their permanent record. :D ;)

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And, while waiting for JoyfulGirl's wonderful photos, here are a few that I put on the web for your entertainment!
This is great picture. Anyone who possesses the skills to prevent BOTH MM2 and Bluesteek from speaking and snaps the picture to prove it, gets a big thumbs up from me. :D

Forum members, please feel free to insert a guess as to what it being discussed here, I'm at a loss of words for the time being. :lol:


J/K - Looks like I missed another great time with the good folks from this forum. :(

Yo, MadMike et all~

Glad you got the "pie plate message", attaced to the bottom of the Ice cream cone sign, at the "Sandwhich Place" in Markleeville! :)

Sorry we missed you guys, but the road (and the fish) called! We were camped out at Grover Hot Springs on Friday night and awoke at the usual 6:00AM. Had nothin' else to to do (No Fish, too early in the season for the Carson River), so we decided to go fish the Bridgeport Reservoir off the 395, where we ended up with a fine lunch of 2 freshly caught 14" trout. Fried them up right next to the boat ramp (where we just happened to be...ask me about this sometime). The trout were EE-Yummm!

sbtech, Rudy, and I stayed at the Lake View Lodge on Saturday night and did some more fishin' on the June Lake Loop (= fishless !@#$%^&), but it was a Great Day!

This morning (Sunday) we had breakfast at 7:30AM, gassed up and took off over Tioga Pass. Spectacular ride, ending up in Oakhurst at 11:30 AM where we got more gas then headed for the barns. Roberto to Marina & Rudy and I back to Paso Robles/Morro Bay.

The Central Valley = WAS A SCORCHER! I think the sunburn on the "insides" of my calves was from the FJR's heat, not from when I was fishin in short pants! My (faulty?) temp guage "boasted" a temp of 120 F between Kettleman City and Chalome on the way back to Morro Bay. Thank goodness for FOG on the Coast!

Hasta la pasta, mucho pescados, y Buenos Tardes!

Los Tres Amigos,



Jorge' (khunajawdge)

And, while waiting for JoyfulGirl's wonderful photos, here are a few that I put on the web for your entertainment!

This is great picture. Anyone who possesses the skills to prevent BOTH MM2 and Bluesteek from speaking and snaps the picture to prove it, gets a big thumbs up from me. :D

Forum members, please feel free to insert a guess as to what it being discussed here, I'm at a loss of words for the time being. :lol:


J/K - Looks like I missed another great time with the good folks from this forum. :(
I think she was saying " Now boys... about these cute little yellow shirts your wearing.... do you always call each other the night before to color coordinate your matching wardrobe ? " :p

She's probably explaining the subtle nuances of world class bike-based photography and all its related aspects.


I can't help but think that something's missing in the above picture....Oh yeah, ME! I was at that table late last summer, but not this time :(

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9:30 and time to roll

here is our leader


when we got to markleeville we made the slower silver bike park away from the faster blue bikes :p


What should I have


sign in front of where we ate


After lunch it was back on the road again. Monitor pass was a kick


It was so much fun that when we got to Hwy 395 we turned around and did it the other way.


Heading back up


We stopped at the top to enjoy the great view



my better half


MM2 and Orangevale talking about haircuts


MM2 likes um high and tight


Orangevale said he was to tired to comb his hair :lol:


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