Yeah, that is well worth 1000 words.That amount of discoloration of the pipe leading into the muffler is excessive.
Something is messed up with your fueling to cause that much blue that far down the pipe.
Wow, I've got to agree with FredW, even though he's mostly wrong (

) appears something "ain't quite right" with your FJR.
I took the liberty to zoom in on you photo...
"A", the mid-pipe, should NOT be that blue. The mid-pipe, as is the entire system, is stainless steel, which DOES turn gold (of a sorts) with heat and age. But blue...or in your case
BLUE is fairly unusual. That is the sign of too much heat. As the mid-pipe normally doesn't get that hot, it also explains why the muffler, "B", is turning brown/gold. It's getting the kind of heat that normally only turns SS headers gold, so it, too, is getting way too many BTUs.
At this point, I'm wondering if there is something wrong with the catalytic converter, causing the excessive heat dissipation. Just curious...what color are the header, specifically in the area between the arrows...