BBG Hell Week - Mission Complete!

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Benevolent Dictator
Jun 8, 2005
Reaction score
Tri-Cities, WA
I just returned late last night.... back safe and sound. Have just a few unbelievable stories to tell about this one, trust me..... B)

Here are the preliminary stats that are part of the package that will go off to the IBA for certification (so nothing is "official" until that happens):

July 14 - 1,519 miles

July 15 - 1,510 miles

July 16 - 1,521 miles

July 17 - 1,515 miles

July 18 - 1,526 miles

July 19 - 1,518 miles

July 20 - 1,527 miles

States covered: California, Oregon, Nevada, Utah

TOTAL MILEAGE: 10,636 miles

TOTAL TIME: 6 days, 23 hours, 28 minutes

We have all the fuel logs, odometer readings, witness forms and Star-Traxx details that should substantiate all 7 days with no problems.

Here I am just stepping off the bike at the end of Day 7:


And after a nice hot shower.... I am worse off than before. I went to bed and slept for 10 hours straight after this photo was taken:


And just think: I get to go back into the hot desert tomorrow night for that little 700+ mile jaunt to Park City, Utah.... :blink:


You crazy, M*****F***ing bastard! You are absolutely whack-o!

And I am jealous.

Here's a big congratulations coming your way. Outstanding.

You da man.

So waddup wit da arm?

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[SIZE=36pt]How the hell did you pull this off and me not know anything about it?[/SIZE]

...not really. I've known, and so wanted to tell as you got into Day 5 or so.

I'm glad you came out and shared this little adventure and can't wait for the stories. :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

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ummm.....what!?!?!?!?!? Less than a month ago, you were telling us about how your arm was toast and then you go and spring this on us???? Was the other story just a diversion so that no one would start talking about what you were going to do? Either way...congrats!!!!!!

Just curious...have you spoken with the folks at Guinness?


Slept for 10 hours straight? I'd have to sleep for a friggin month to recoup, that's amazing!

So waddup wit da arm?
The orthopedic surgeon does not want to operate. He claims the likelihood of significant improvement after this procedure for men in my age group is poor, at best. So.... if we weren't going to operate, then I needed to make a decision to go now, right now (while there are still some relatively long daylight hours, although we are past the Summer Solstice), or whether I wait another year.

Didn't want to wait. So I left for my "base camp" at Fernley , Nevada on Friday, July 13th.

"Day 1" was the next day, Saturday, July 14th. B)

Just curious...have you spoken with the folks at Guinness?
Some time ago, the Guinness folks stopped certifying any event that involves a time/distance record on public roads. Liability concerns, etc.

Which is fine, really. The main motivation behind doing this is that so many, many people (most being within the LD community) said it couldn't be done. IIRC, the current record for consecutive BBG's is three..... I thought I would double that, and then set the bar just a bit higher, so I did Day 7.

Mind you, I'll be the first in line to shake the person's hand who legitimately rides 8 consecutive BBGs.

Assuming it happens in my lifetime..... ;)

Congrats on a well done ride. And here I am thinking that my 2600 mile ride to NY is going to be long. Damn you would have done it in 2 days with mileage to spare. Great job.


Just for my own curiosity and attempt at higher math...

That's 10636 miles divided by

167.5 hours (6@24, plus 23.5)

= 63.5 mph overall average over (7) days. Holy ****!

Very nice Warchild, very nice.

Just for my own curiosity and attempt at higher math...
That's 10636 miles divided by

167.5 hours (6@24, plus 23.5)

= 63.5 mph overall average over (7) days. Holy ****!

Very nice Warchild, very nice.
You're quite observant.....and must realize, as I, that he was well within the posted speed limits of states like Nevada at all times....with a comfortable margin to spare. ;)

I remember taking a class when I got my state learning driver permit....and we had to plan a multi-day trip. If, I were to do this one it would have been 27 days long. :blink:

Congratulations Dale, that's one heck of a ride you have in the bag. :clapping: :dribble: B)

Who was the poor mofo who was tasked with cleaning your bike? It looks way to clean for 7 straight days of riding.

Congrats Dale!

I have a question:

1. 10636 miles = 2 tires, 3 oil changes... How did you get the maintainance done?

You truely are a sick bastard! SICK, I say! :D

Just for my own curiosity and attempt at higher math...
That's 10636 miles divided by

167.5 hours (6@24, plus 23.5)

= 63.5 mph overall average over (7) days. Holy ****!

Very nice Warchild, very nice.
You're quite observant.....and must realize, as I, that he was well within the posted speed limits of states like Nevada at all times....with a comfortable margin to spare. ;)

I remember taking a class when I got my state learning driver permit....and we had to plan a multi-day trip. If, I were to do this one it would have been 27 days long. :blink:
I wasn't looking from a 'was he speeding aspect', more what type of average he accomplished knowing full well that averaging ~60 mph is difficult to say the least.

Looking at what he did each and every day, it's clear that a LOT of work and planning went into this and then it was executed perfectly or as near perfect as we know until the storries start coming forth :)

Again, congrats Warchild on a kick ass accomplishment. :clap:

Way to go! Tell us how the bike did, any mechanical issues, fuel cells worked OK, lighting, PA's, etc.? Inquiring minds has gots to know!

And a great big congrats to your ground-crew, too. Must have been quite a task to keep a Blackbird in the air that long.


SHI-ITE, WC!!! I was wondering when you'd show up to post.

THAT was super-human. Not a shred of doubt in my mind that I could never have done half of that -- not for any reward. I couldn't handle the fatigue and be alert, couldn't handle the limited body positions for that long and operate the bike, couldn't handle the mind games I'd get going and not crash. It seems that a MUCH easier time could've been had in Nevada spending 6 of those 7 days whoring around from brothel to brothel**. Truly stunning to have pulled that off -- on an XX!!!

More than ever, now, I'm convinced that serious LD riders are seriously different. I can only assume that you get some kind of profound meditation hard-on going that turns 10,000+ miles in the desert over 7 days from pure hell into some kind of sublime pleasure.

**Is there some kind of IB certification available to those of us that would opt for 15 hookers in 24 hours, instead of 1500 miles? (Hmmmm, probably a lot more expensive than gasoline.)
