IBR bike casualties

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Benevolent Dictator
Jun 8, 2005
Reaction score
Tri-Cities, WA
I am extremely bummed to report that we have lost a FJR1300 out of the rally..... :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Bob St George called in to report he is dropping out of the IBR this year, stating severe electrical problems.... a smoked stator is suspected. He apparently used his Solteks and/or PHIDs and heated gear concurrently for too long a time (that's right, he had Solteks and PHIDs mounted on his FJR, and stock H4s ion the headlamps.

IIRC from speaking with him at the Start, he did not have the Electrosport high-output stator. (EDIT: as it turned out, he did indeed have the EGH-130 stator)

Bummer..... :unsure:

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Dale, didn't he know about the upgrade available ?...or just didn't think he'd need it?....inquiring minds would like to know?.... :blink: .....

I guess there's no chance of replacing the stator and continuing on to finish. Too bad.

When my dad was alive, he'd tell me after something like that happened to me, that "experience is the best teacher, but it is the most expensive" Word's to live by, I'm sorry he had to drop out, but wish him better luck next time.

In speaking with Bob at the Start, I seem to recall he mentioned he did not have the Electrosport stator. Maybe he did after all, or I misunderstood him. Or maybe Tom Austin is wrong.

I can tell you this: if you have stock halogen lighting (110-watts right there, just on low-beam), AND you have a pair of PHIDs mounted, AND you have a pair of Solteks mounted on top of that, AND you want to use heated gear to avoid hypothermia while riding in the cold Northeast rain for 36 hours.... you better have the GL1800's massive 1000+ watt alternator, 'cuz the 590-watt stator ain't going to cut it.

I know Bob was smart enough not to try to use all these at once, but... when you're tired, wet, cold, exasperated, well...

In speaking with Bob at the Start, I seem to recall he mentioned he did not have the Electrosport stator. Maybe he did after all, or I misunderstood him. Or maybe Tom Austin is wrong.
I talked to Bob last night and he did have an Electrosport stator. He was fairly bummed as he had a very good leg one going. It will be interesting to see what the stator looks like. I believe he's going to get it fixed locally, perhaps at Chesterfied Valley PS.


In speaking with Bob at the Start, I seem to recall he mentioned he did not have the Electrosport stator. Maybe he did after all, or I misunderstood him. Or maybe Tom Austin is wrong.
I talked to Bob last night and he did have an Electrosport stator. He was fairly bummed as he had a very good leg one going. It will be interesting to see what the stator looks like. I believe he's going to get it fixed locally, perhaps at Chesterfied Valley PS.

Sorry to hear you've dropped out Doug, hope all is well. This is turning into a FJR farkle torture test now that Matt has lost both HID low beams.

Breaking news from the BMW camp is that Rob Nye is now a casualty from a driveline failure. Quote from "KBasa-Poobah: Rob Nye stuck in Edmonton, Alberta. Can anybody help him? If you happen to have a hexhead final drive, that'd be great, but right now he can use some help securing his bike and getting him to a hotel!" Don: Been riding BMW boxer twins for over 400,000 miles since March of 1969 - these damn drive line failures are inexcusable.

beemerdons is the president of the AZ BMW accociation if I remember right. That or he was... don't remember anymore. Either way, I'm not surprised that he got this way before it hit the LD lists. Don is pretty well informed when it comes to BMW's. I don't hold it against him thought :p

Bob St George called in to report he is dropping out of the IBR this year, stating severe electrical problems....
Bob is new to our FJR forum this year. YankeeFeejer. This is his third IBR and the second on his 05 FJR.

I met Bob at the Minutman1k IB rally this spring because he was doing the odometer checks. Rob Nye is the rally master there at the MM1K and he just had his BMW break on him in Canada doing this years IBR. His bike was pictured as having the most gadgets.

Bad news :(

Hola Arturo,

I'm still a Director of AZ Beemers. You're one of my best friends and at NAFO next July I'll teach both you and SkooterG the Secret BMW Handshake. Normally you'd have to take a blood oath to earn this, but we three have ridden together so many miles I think that you're now entitled to learn this.

It looks like a donor driveline may have been secured and Rob should be able to finish, just not very high up in the standings. We're a secret cult and proud of it, our Anonymous Book issued to us each year by BMWMOA has listings worldwide that allow us to contact other Beemer owners while out on the road for assistance. Saw my friend John obtain a crankshaft for a R80/GS while we were in Oaxaca, Mexico two decades ago by using THE BOOK!

Adios, Chuy

You beemers guys really know how to kick a man when he's down..... ;)

Image from the AdvRider thread on this incident.... too funny.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


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