I was putting my ATGATT on to go home after work and while putting my gear on I hear a voice say, "Death ray". I saw a guy walking near me in a suit and tie, towing behind him his little case of work related goodies like a small piece of luggage on wheels. I didn't know him or recognize him so I ignored him. I again hear, "death ray". I said to the guy, "what"? He started pontificating about how I had a death wish for riding motorcycles. I said to him, "I actually enjoy riding motorcycles and it's quite fun". He then replied while still walking away from me, "The adrenalin rush you get from doing something death defying gives you the enjoyment". Then suddenly, without realizing it, my outside voice said, "You wouldn't understand, you're just an idiot". He kept on mumbling something and I just ignored him some more, and had a great ride home.
He gets this weeks :******: award.
He gets this weeks :******: award.
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