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Some call me... The STIG!
FJR Supporter
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
I was putting my ATGATT on to go home after work and while putting my gear on I hear a voice say, "Death ray". I saw a guy walking near me in a suit and tie, towing behind him his little case of work related goodies like a small piece of luggage on wheels. I didn't know him or recognize him so I ignored him. I again hear, "death ray". I said to the guy, "what"? He started pontificating about how I had a death wish for riding motorcycles. I said to him, "I actually enjoy riding motorcycles and it's quite fun". He then replied while still walking away from me, "The adrenalin rush you get from doing something death defying gives you the enjoyment". Then suddenly, without realizing it, my outside voice said, "You wouldn't understand, you're just an idiot". He kept on mumbling something and I just ignored him some more, and had a great ride home.

He gets this weeks :******: award.

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He started pontificating about how I had a death wish for riding motorcycles.
Poor sad nobody...


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He's not an idiot.....

....he's trapped in his own lifestyle and can't break out of the mold he's cast himself into. BTDT.....had a major break OUT (not down, Bust....)

I was able to return to my passion: riding motorcycles. Not all can and not all will. He is to be pitied because of his circumstance.

Another thought, he may have lost a loved on to a motorcycle incident. A brother, father, cousin, who knows and because of the decision that rider or another vehicle operator made the end was sudden and sad. He then displaces that angst on all motorcyclists and their families.

That is a fairly common scenario.

You might want to "bone up" on some facts for the next opportunity to talk with someone:

Leading causes of death

Top 10 causes of accidental death

Note: #1: CAR crashes....

and look at #9: Getting hit by a car....IOW, walking!

Baffle them with facts rather than trying to win them by feelings.

I was putting my ATGATT on to go home after work and while putting my gear on I hear a voice say, "Death ray". I saw a guy walking near me in a suit and tie, towing behind him his little case of work related goodies like a small piece of luggage on wheels. I didn't know him or recognize him so I ignored him. I again hear, "death ray". I said to the guy, "what"? He started pontificating about how I had a death wish for riding motorcycles. I said to him, "I actually enjoy riding motorcycles and it's quite fun". He then replied while still walking away from me, "The adrenalin rush you get from doing something death defying gives you the enjoyment". Then suddenly, without realizing it, my outside voice said, "You wouldn't understand, you're just an idiot". He kept on mumbling something and I just ignored him some more, and had a great ride home.
He gets this weeks :******: award.
bluesman,,, You just don't understand ,,, It's a God Given Right for all non-MC riders to stop and tell any MC rider they see some horror story

about how a friend of a friends 2nd cousin was horribly maimed , crippled , and / or killed ..

I hear the same story from my dentist , about how a friend that was killed on his MC ,even while wearing a helmet ,,etc, etc.. every time I ride

my MC to a appointment..

I've had perfect strangers come up to me and tell me some MC horror story...

My normal response is: I give them my best "deer in the headlight" look and say " Wow, really "???? Then walk away maintaining

the deer in the headlight look.... :blink:

This way they are satisfied , they fulfilled their God Given right and have saved you from yourself... They are happy ...

It doesn't do any good to call a dog ,, a dog ... he's still a dog and can't do anything about it..

The same goes for Idiots ,,, They just can't help it...

One of my favorite sayings is: " Everybody dies ,,, some people never live " ...

So,, Enjoy Life ,,, Enjoy the Ride ,,, :yahoo:

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Death wish, no. Adrenaline rush wish, yes. It's the same reason that people climb mountains, sky dive, race cars, sail across oceans, ride bulls and FLY TO THE MOON! To face fear and keep going, this is called bravery.

Usually after the conversation turns into MC and they told me that, I just reply "Well, a friend of my cousin's friend's neighbor died of car accident."

I was putting my ATGATT on to go home after work and while putting my gear on I hear a voice say, "Death ray". I saw a guy walking near me in a suit and tie, towing behind him his little case of work related goodies like a small piece of luggage on wheels. I didn't know him or recognize him so I ignored him. I again hear, "death ray". I said to the guy, "what"? He started pontificating about how I had a death wish for riding motorcycles. I said to him, "I actually enjoy riding motorcycles and it's quite fun". He then replied while still walking away from me, "The adrenalin rush you get from doing something death defying gives you the enjoyment". Then suddenly, without realizing it, my outside voice said, "You wouldn't understand, you're just an idiot". He kept on mumbling something and I just ignored him some more, and had a great ride home.
He gets this weeks :******: award.
I bet you this guy is never late to work, always ontime going home, drives the same route going home everyday, is mean to waiters, and never venture out of his comfort zone to get a rush once in a while. What a life.

You might want to "bone up" on some facts for the next opportunity to talk with someone:
Leading causes of death

Top 10 causes of accidental death

Note: #1: CAR crashes....

and look at #9: Getting hit by a car....IOW, walking!

Baffle them with facts rather than trying to win them by feelings.
Interesting stats. I'm always leery of the "causes of death" that include some huge number of deaths from cardiovascular problems. There's never a column for "old age" or "he died because he was really old". If your pumper finally quits at 104, you're still listed as "heart attach". Go figure. The "accidental deaths" part is good!

Back on topic, this attitude is exactly what we all (opposite of ya'll) had to fight when we tried to get the Lane Sharing bill thur the legislature this year. None of the Senators on the panel had a clue about riding, much less riding safely. The only thing they could relate to were the 1% hooligan and crusier images shown by Faux News in Austin. So of course they thought We were ALL idiots.

I was putting my ATGATT on to go home after work and while putting my gear on I hear a voice say, "Death ray". I saw a guy walking near me in a suit and tie, towing behind him his little case of work related goodies like a small piece of luggage on wheels. I didn't know him or recognize him so I ignored him. I again hear, "death ray". I said to the guy, "what"? He started pontificating about how I had a death wish for riding motorcycles. I said to him, "I actually enjoy riding motorcycles and it's quite fun". He then replied while still walking away from me, "The adrenalin rush you get from doing something death defying gives you the enjoyment". Then suddenly, without realizing it, my outside voice said, "You wouldn't understand, you're just an idiot". He kept on mumbling something and I just ignored him some more, and had a great ride home.
He gets this weeks :******: award.
I bet you this guy is never late to work, always ontime going home, drives the same route going home everyday, is mean to waiters, and never venture out of his comfort zone to get a rush once in a while. What a life.
and have a heart attack and die at his desk...a very sad existance IMHO

How about when it's referred to as a "Murdercycle"? How about when the one who referred to it that way is the prosecuting attourny in your "wheely, in excess of 100 yards" court case? Not good when legal officials who can determine your future hate bikes and their riders.

He's happy with his life style, your happy with yours. I gave up 'plaining long time ago. :unsure:
