Lost a sidebag and its not what you think

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Hey Axe,

As you know, I see things differently than most.

I'm glad you had this problem,

because it means your riding that FJR again

like it was meant to be.

You know what I mean..

Kudos to Cota and you too..

Hey Axe,
As you know, I see things differently than most.

I'm glad you had this problem,

because it means your riding that FJR again

like it was meant to be.

You know what I mean..

Kudos to Cota and you too..
I hear ya, Don. Ever since I got my new vision both me and my bike have gone AWOL. It was a long summer with no riding. Still looking for that day I ride off into the sunset at the Hondarosa.

Going to do a visual and test pull on my bags today. Sorry about the damage Axe but its just another reason why that new VFR from Honda is looking better all the time.


Going to do a visual and test pull on my bags today. Sorry about the damage Axe but its just another reason why that new VFR from Honda is looking better all the time.
So i`m guessing that the bags (when available) on the new VFR1200 will be bolted to the bike. If the bags have some kind of release on them to take them off , then there is always a chance of loosing a bag. (no matter what make or model) If the VFR is a big hit , then Honda should just drop the ST1300 <_<

Going to do a visual and test pull on my bags today. Sorry about the damage Axe but its just another reason why that new VFR from Honda is looking better all the time. :rolleyes:
So i`m guessing that the bags (when available) on the new VFR1200 will be bolted to the bike. If the bags have some kind of release on them to take them off , then there is always a chance of loosing a bag. (no matter what make or model) If the VFR is a big hit , then Honda should just drop the ST1300 <_<
I believe Dave said that because he and I were having a conversation about the VFR just prior to the bag falling off. As I recall, I had been telling him that every time I take the FJR for a ride something happens and the VFR is looking better by the minute (tongue in cheek)....So I fixed it for him with a little "smiley"....

Check for a dent in the sidebag, maybe the bag was struck by a meteorite or a piece of space junk that fell out of orbit?

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I bought a set of pins a couple of years ago but never installed them because I deceided that they were overkill and were not neccesary. :blink:

Maybe it's time to think about putting them on.

I've had a problem with my right side bag unhooking at the top rear hook, I've done the pin mod but it still comes out sometimes with the terrible roads in Chicago. My belief is that the lower locking mechanism is not engaging fully allowing the case to jump upwards and out of position.

I`m not bashing the VFR , as i`m a big fan of them & had the first gen & loved it untill it`s untimely death (crashed it). I have been following the VFR thru all it`s model changes & the 2000 sure was a good model year & yellow MMMMMM!! It surprises me that Honda still make it or just didn`t turn to that great engine & throw it into the ST class & put an electric windshield on it & not have made the ST1100 or 1300.

Sorry about your bag Chris. I've had good luck with mine staying on but I think this winter I'll "pull the pin" on this upgrade. :lol: I don't want to push my luck.


Sorry about your bag Chris. I've had good luck with mine staying on but I think this winter I'll "pull the pin" on this upgrade. :lol: I don't want to push my luck.
Just finished puttings a set of pins on the bags...........now if I can just figure out how to get some coolent in that hidden little bottle I'll be set for the toy run.

Sorry your bag got beat up, but I'm glad you posted. I'm gonna stop at lowes on the way home and pick up some of these pins. Seems like a simple enough mod that might save a bunch of heartache later. I had a bag fall off my VStrom once, and I've been kind of paranoid about it ever since.

Hey there Mister Axeman, Given your situation I'm sure Mr. cota told you about the time he found my saddlebag in the bushes on the side of Rt. 146. I can't thank him enough, as the bag was trash but, having the matching lock for my new bag was huge. Plus knowing where it landed helped me find some of the stuff that was in it.

I have no idea why my bag chose to commit hari kiri but it won't happen again due to the hitch pins that have since been installed.

Hey there Mister Axeman, Given your situation I'm sure Mr. cota told you about the time he found my saddlebag in the bushes on the side of Rt. 146. I can't thank him enough, as the bag was trash but, having the matching lock for my new bag was huge. Plus knowing where it landed helped me find some of the stuff that was in it.I have no idea why my bag chose to commit hari kiri but it won't happen again due to the hitch pins that have since been installed.
He told me that story!! I can't believe that he found the bag after you had posted on here that you had lost it! Those weren't his pins that you installed were they?

Every time I have read one of these "my bag fell off my bike" threads, I have decided it was operator error. That being the case, I am pretty good about checking my bags and making sure they are attached. Then comes this post where Chris is pretty sure the bag was secure and it sounds like people are acknowledging they can come off without operator error. That along with the fact that I almost rode off with my bag not locked correctly a couple months ago has made me decide to add the pins. I figure $5 worth of material and 15 minutes of my time will save me $600 worth of bag and countless hours of frustration. I can't believe one slipped tooth will cause one of these bags to take a dive. That's a bummer.

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Hey there Mister Axeman, Given your situation I'm sure Mr. cota told you about the time he found my saddlebag in the bushes on the side of Rt. 146. I can't thank him enough, as the bag was trash but, having the matching lock for my new bag was huge. Plus knowing where it landed helped me find some of the stuff that was in it.I have no idea why my bag chose to commit hari kiri but it won't happen again due to the hitch pins that have since been installed.
He told me that story!! I can't believe that he found the bag after you had posted on here that you had lost it! Those weren't his pins that you installed were they?
Nope, Home depot. And operator error or not, if you loose a bag and it's contents you are talking upwards of a thousand dollars, it sure is worth the five dollar and half hour investment.



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