Maine - Fort Edgecomb and Pemaquid Point Lighthouse

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Sep 27, 2005
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Wales, ME
A couple of my favorite stops along the coast include Fort Edgecomb, a War of 1812 wood blockhouse constructed to protect the Sheepscot river and the town of Wiscasset, formerly a trade up, from foreign invaders. It is the best maintained structure of its type left in the country (or so they proclaim). Built in 1808 - 1809, it was in service until 1816, and then idle until the Civil War. While it didn't see any real action then, it was staffed.

Further up the coast is one of my favorite Maine lighthouses at Pemaquid Point. Always great to stop and sit on the rocks listening to the waves roll in. In the thumbnail view of the video, there is a small storage building that is being reconstructed. This was a brick building that housed some information about the fishing trade in the area. It took some severe damage during a storm last year and they are basically having to re-build the building.

I hope you enjoy the video.

I have not been to Fort Edgecomb - will have to do that some time. I have been to Pemequid. Very picturesque.

Problem with some of the Maine coastal destinations is tourist crowds - especially summer weekends. (Ever try Boothbay on a warm Sunday afternoon in July?) The whole Route 1 from Portland to Machias can be a slog at the best of times with all the small towns and reduced speed limits. Far worse with the traffic from tourism - takes all day to do 200 miles! I used to take it from time-to-time but don't anymore unless I have a planned destination along the way. Even then, I'll usually avoid the worst of it with the #9 or Rte. 202.
Problem with some of the Maine coastal destinations is tourist crowds - especially summer weekends.

@RossKean - I agree 100%, and I am not sure what possessed me to drive to the coast on the 4th of July (just wanted to smell the salt air, I guess), but I was actually pleasantly surprised yesterday. The first part of the video is Rt 1 through Wiscasset, which is always a slow choke point, but it was actually moving well yesterday. I think I just got lucky.

I know what you mean about Boothbay. My family has a vacation spot in Acadia, but we go there in the winter (February vacation week from school). We always get strange looks when we tell people that. However, my kids all grew up playing winter sports, so we always found plenty to do outside in the winter. The best part - no crowds! My youngest son took a foreign exchange student friend to Acadia last weekend and now has a better understanding of why we scheduled our family vacations in the winter. He said the crowds were bonkers.

Normally my go-to motorcycle ride on a day like the 4th of July might be somewhere less crowded like the western mountains of Maine or up towards Moosehead Lake. This year the spirit moved me to go to the coast, and I just got lucky.
The first part of the video is Rt 1 through Wiscasset, which is always a slow choke point, but it was actually moving well yesterday.
I've been held up at the bridge at Wiscasset for as long as 20 minutes and another 10 minutes through town! I would have expected July 4 to be awful, although perhaps not as bad as a nice summer weekend. Lots of people stay home rather than hit the tourist roads for that holiday. I guess you were lucky.

I do more riding (and camping) in NH (and sometimes VT) than Maine although I have camped at Meadowbrook (near Phippsburg) a couple of times as well as Acadia NP.

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