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  1. J

    Bike running one bar lower on temp gauge

    By "shot" I mean not working properly...not necessarily not working at all. I think the thermostat is reacting slowly and on it's way out. It is a feedback loop. The fluid gets hotter, the thermostat opens to allow more coolant to flow thus cooling it down and causing the thermostat to close...
  2. J

    Bike running one bar lower on temp gauge

    In the last few days my '09 FJR has been at 5 bars on the temp gauge and topping out at 7 bars when idling at red lights. This is one bar lower than normal especially for mid 90's temps. I'm thinking the thermostat is shot but thought I'd ask here before I started replacing things. I've also...
  3. J

    Michelin Pilot Road 3's are sublime

    I've got maybe 7,200 on my PR3 front and rear. I have gone through three sets of PR2 since getting rid of the crappy OEM Battlax 021 that came on the bike. Initially I thought the 3's were significantly louder than the 2's. I still believe that. I never had any complaints with the wet...
  4. J

    Race Tech Spring Guide

    Ok, sound turned out to be the floating brake rotors! WTF, who knew? Apparently they get loose and there is nothing you can do about it. Doesn't affect performance so no biggie. It appears that I am done with this job. Now to fight with Parts-Unlimited for some compensation for my pain and...
  5. J

    Race Tech Spring Guide

    Tru dat. The good news is I got the installation all done last night. The preload spacer ended up being cut to 104mm or about 4.1". The bad news is the noise is still in the front end. The only things left as potential candidates are the head bearing or the wheel/hub assembly...or possibly I...
  6. J

    Race Tech Spring Guide

    After a month of my FJR sitting in the garage unrideable, we finally determined that I got the wrong spring kit. Ok, I'll step back and provide details of this cautionary tale. I ordered all the Race Tech parts through my local dealer. They ordered the parts from Parts Unlimited, not Race...
  7. J

    Race Tech Spring Guide

    In thinking about it...which I apparently did all night because I went to bed thinking about it and woke up thinking about it...your way makes much more sense. Having the fat end with the bevel down would help locate/center the spring. The other way would not. As for what Louie told me, well...
  8. J

    Race Tech Spring Guide

    Thanks, this helps a lot. I don't know if it makes a difference but Louie at RT had me putting the spring guide in the other direction. Me thinks it probably doesn't matter. How do you know how long to make the spacer? Thanks again, j
  9. J

    Race Tech Spring Guide

    Really? REALLY? Why don't you read the thread you threw at me and see if there is ANY mention of a spring guide. Really!
  10. J

    Race Tech Spring Guide

    I am doing a complete front fork rebuild tomorrow and the only thing I can't seem to find any information on is how to install the Race Tech spring guides that RT says I have to put in. I am doing the gold valve and springs from RT and I have not seen any directions that would say/show the...
  11. J

    Fork Seal & Bushing Replacement

    Is anybody aware of a COMPLETE write up for a Gen II fork rebuild with Race Tech valve installation? I've been looking for this for some time searching the fjrforum and the internet. Something with pictures would be awesome. Thanks, j
  12. J

    Grounding Harness

    Brodie, I hope you sent a nice xmas card to Yamama for all these sales they've generated for you! :yahoo:
  13. J

    cold weather

    I live just south of DC and I have ridden all year for 2 years now...seen temps as low as 7 degrees on the dash with no problems. Intend to do the same this year. You may find she cranks a bit slower and may only get up to 2 or 3 bars on the temp gage but otherwise keep riding. I've found...
  14. J

    Very strange starting issue

    Nakedness aside, it was the battery. Replaced it last night and this morning on the way to work it was like a new bike. EVERYTHING seems to work better. Thanks everybody for pointing me in the right direction and for the laughs. Now, about the crappy worn out suspension...Racetech or Ohlins????
  15. J

    Very strange starting issue

    Tire pressures are good, 80 front, 23 rear. Probably needs a new carb float or something. Is it Friday yet?
  16. J

    Very strange starting issue

    Just as quickly as this problem arose, ok even quicker, it disappeared. I cleaned the battery terminals including all the positive and ground connections to the battery and got 9 straight perfect starts. On the 10th start, it got goofy once and ever since then it's been fine except for a...
  17. J

    Very strange starting issue

    Having never bought a motorcycle battery before, is this Motobatt better or worse than a regular put-the-water-in type?
  18. J

    Very strange starting issue

    Yup. I cleaned the contacts and it seems to have issues starting this morning. I believe the battery is on the way out. This fact coupled with a bit of corrosion at both terminals was enough to cause the problem. How you say can the starter crank and yet there not be enough...
  19. J

    Very strange starting issue

    Which would be a sign that I'm a complete f'ing moron. And besides, the bike wouldn't crank if the kill switch was in the "off" position. I can only hope you were kidding.
  20. J

    Very strange starting issue

    Got home. Put in some BG 44K fuel treatment and I'm in the process of cleaning the battery terminals...positive (the one that usually gets corroded) is a little dirty. I am starting to suspect the battery though. Should have bought one on my way home. It's always the simple shit. Stopped at...