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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. R

    Tank Bag

    Don, I have an 05 with a OEM tankbag, it's not waterproof yer map will git wet like Ignacio says, you'll need ta use th cover. My bag came with two covers one has ah clear section so you can still see th map & one doesn't. I like th OEM tankbag it's big & carries ah lotta stuff, it helps me...
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    Yamaha top box

    Wheaton, Well i was thinkin about trading the FJR for th new 06 FZ1, but in my case after ah test ride on th FZ1 i decided th FJR would work better for me.
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    Yamaha top box

    Fred, I really like th FJR & feel like th top box just ruins th bike. I use th Yamaha tang bag for extra storage, & pack ah little lighter. This past weekend th OEM tankbag didn't interfer with th handling in th fast twistys at all. Nice ta see you posting here, seems like ah good active board.
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    Will 05 Moko Sliders work on 06 model?

    Doug, Th FJR & 1200GS are also my choice of bikes.
  5. R

    Sometimes ones just never enough!

    LGizmo, AWESOME PAIR!!!!!!!!
  6. R

    What bike complements an FJR the most?

    Here's my two. 05 FJR & 05 1200GS
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    Hey Fred, Nice ta see you here, hope yer enjoyin th FJR!!! ron
  8. R

    The Little Woman's New Rig

    VERY COOL!!!!! i really like th FZ6